National Association for Women’s Action in Development ( NAWAD )
National Association for Women’s Action in Development ( NAWAD )
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National Association for Women’s Action in Development (NAWAD) is a voluntary non-governmental women’s organisation that was initiated by a group of women and legally registered in 2010 with the Ugandan NGO board (S. 5914/8366).

NAWAD is focused on the family and the crucial role women play in their families, their communities and the development of Uganda as a nation.  Our goal is to promote the fundamental human rights of women and young people especially in relation to sustainable management of the environment and natural resources, health, and economic security. 

We recognize that there are a number of efforts addressing the challenges that confront women and young people; however, NAWAD is unique among women's organisations due to its focus on women and the environment along with the family and community as a whole. We at NAWAD believe that stable and peaceful families create stable and peaceful communities.  We also feel strongly that to promote equal participation in decision-making for women, men and women must both be involved in the process of securing equal opportunities. 

We believe that “Putting Women at the Forefront” and encouraging men to work with them is the only way to develop stable families and communities and the best way to ensure that all Ugandans can realize their full potential. NAWAD’s community outreach activities are aimed at women’s and young people’s advancement for sustainable development and will therefore, make a significant contribution to the overall objectives of Uganda National Development Plan.  
"Our goal is to promote the fundamental human rights of women and young people especially in relation to sustainable management of the environment and natural resources, health, and economic security."


A society where women and girls enjoy social, economic, and environmental justice


Empower women and girls to achieve social justice, economic stability and sustainable management of their environment through capacity building, research, advocacy, and service provision.

To advocate for human rights of women and young people so as to promote peaceful and stable communities and families
To strengthen the capacity of women and young people especially girls to actively engage in the development processes of the country
To promote social and economic development of women, young and disadvantaged people
To support efforts that promote natural resource management and governance to benefit women and men equally
To promote gender responsive policy making, legislation, budgeting, and programming in all spheres of development in Uganda
As one of the most significant challenges of our time, climate change is responsible for increasing the frequency and intensity of natural disasters, natural resource scarcity, and environmental degradation. There is lack of coping mechanisms such as the capacities and skills, strategies and structures needed to deal with the negative impacts of climate change especially among women.

''We promote the implementation and realization of the rights to Water and Sanitation, community-based women-led natural resources management and climate change alternatives in Uganda, through awareness creation, research, advocacy, Alliance/movement building and capacity building.''

Climate change and environmental degradation represent a great threat to poverty reduction and to achieving the SDGs. They impact health, food security, nutrition, production, and people’s earnings. Yet given their traditional roles in agricultural production, and as the procurers of water, cooking fuel, and other household resources, women are not only well suited to find solutions to prevent further degradation and adapt to the changing climate – they have a vested interest in doing so. The first step towards tackling the challenges of climate change is empowering women to safeguard the environment.
"NAWAD promotes women’s entrepreneurship knowledge and skills for improved livelihood through research, training, establishment of community women scholars, community based enterprises, policy advocacy planning and monitoring.''

Women are economically unequal to men by virtually every measure. Women are over-represented in precarious, informal and part-time work and are paid significantly less than men, simply because they are women. The gender pay gap continues to exist in every country in the world. As long as women’s economic empowerment lags behind men, gender equality will not be achieved.

Women also undertake the vast majority of care work in the home: looking after children, the elderly and the sick, fetching water and firewood, cleaning, cooking and washing clothes all of which deprive them of time and energy to pursue paid work and participate in decision-making. However, despite making such a vast contribution to our societies and economies, this care work is largely unrecognized, undervalued and uncounted.

When women have sustainable incomes they invest in their communities and families: buying or growing more and healthier food, investing in their family’s health care and medicine, and using their income to pay for their children’s education or training. Economically empowered women create healthier, more sustainable, and more equitable societies.
Board of Directors
NAWAD has a General Assembly constituting of the members of the Association who have fully paid up their registration and subscription fees. The General Assembly is convened once every year at a date, place and time as may be determined by the Board. There is a Board of Directors constituting of founder members of the Association and other elected members by the General Assembly. The Board is the supreme governing body of the Association, to oversee the Association and act as a guardian to the Association with whom the assets and property of the Association is entrusted. The Board of Directors currently is comprised of the following; The Chairperson, Vice Chairperson, Treasurer, Secretary and two members. A member is co-opted as is deemed necessary by the Board.

Dr. Florence Kyoheirwe Muhanguzi Chairperson
Baguma Fredica General Secretary
Agaba Denis Treasurer
Patience Muramuzi Executive Director/Ex-Official
Kentaro Grace Member
Atawalinda Immaculate Member

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Contact Phone: +256 783 920331
Contact Fax: +256-751135086.
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Address1: P.O BOX 106555, Kampala-Uganda Plot 9642; block 267 Dundu, Bwebajja Entebbe road.