Partners for Children World Wide ( PFCW )
Partners for Children World Wide ( PFCW )
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Who we are
Partners for Children Worldwide (PfCW) is a child focused Non-Governmental Organization. Registered by the NGO board since 2008. PfCW head office is located in Soroti District in Eastern Uganda 380 KMs from Kampala Capital. PfCW is a coalition of six Community Based Organizations thus Acowa Family Helper Project in Amuria District, Soroti Family Helper Project and Katine Child and Family Program in Soroti District, Akani Social Service Center in Kaberemaido District, Aakum Child and Family Program in Katakwi District, Kidetok Child and Family in Serere District.

Our Mission
Working with vulnerable communities and other actors to address Child Poverty

Our Vision
Communities where people are free from poverty



Education program targets children from 6-14 years. Supports children to develop their potential, access quality educational opportunities, have positive relationships with peers and adults,grow up in families who care for and protect them, and to be encouraged by their communities to engage meaningfully in changes that affect them. PfCW thrives to Children and young adolescents that have literacy, numeracy and critical life skills to make healthy decisions. Children and young adolescents are healthy and are active in community life. Change and young adolescents have positive relationships in supportive homes and communities.

PfCW supports 18 primary schools in the 5 districts in attempt to improve the numeracy and literacy in the communities of operation. The children directly or indirectly benefit from in class and school governance interventions. The activities range from improving literacy and numeracy, life skills development, transition management, child protection and enhancing child led initiatives.



Education program targets children from 6-14 years. Supports children to develop their potential, access quality educational opportunities, have positive relationships with peers and adults,grow up in families who care for and protect them, and to be encouraged by their communities to engage meaningfully in changes that affect them. PfCW thrives to Children and young adolescents that have literacy, numeracy and critical life skills to make healthy decisions. Children and young adolescents are healthy and are active in community life. Change and young adolescents have positive relationships in supportive homes and communities.

PfCW supports 18 primary schools in the 5 districts in attempt to improve the numeracy and literacy in the communities of operation. The children directly or indirectly benefit from in class and school governance interventions. The activities range from improving literacy and numeracy, life skills development, transition management, child protection and enhancing child led initiatives.



Partners for Children Worldwide is committed to protecting the rights of children. We do this by strengthening Child Protection Systems to effectively prevent and respond to the Child Protection Violations and eliminate Violence against Children. PfCW trains duty bearers on Child Protection / case management. Supports the work of structures, facilitates quarterly CPC meetings; district, sub county / parish. Providing CPCs with work equipment to ease referrals, movements / communications. Conducts dialogue sessions between parents / duty bearers on CP. Establish linkages with service providers for victims of Violence Against Children, children with special needs and at risk of abuse.



Over 50% of economically active youth are unemployed, of these 6% are searching for jobs. While 94% are employed in unpaid family labor with young females being at 70%.PfCW is expanding opportunities of young of 15-24 years boys and girls with means to become skilled, and employable.

Youth are trained to acquire technical skills, provided with start-up tools, trained on business management and support to kick start small business. Caregiver and youth are mobilized into Village Saving and loan Associations so as address community shocks.



The Household Economic Strengthening Activities project aims to improve the effectiveness of economic strengthening activities to prevent and mitigate the impact of HIV/AIDS in Uganda.  It enables orphans and vulnerable children and their families to cope with the adverse effects of the epidemic and, the financial hardships caused by caring for someone with HIV.

Company Information
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Contact Phone: +256 393 236 825
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Address1: P.O.Box 390, Soroti City - Uganda, Plot 07 Haridas Road.