Pedon Uganda Limited
Pedon Uganda Limited
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About Us

Pedon Uganda Limited is a Ugandan social impact enterprise, providing a wide range of professional services in sustainable agriculture, environmental conservation and livelihoods.

Our overarching desire is to bridge the gap between researchers as knowledge producers and the smallholder farmers as end-users. We extend our services to remote, last mile areas. Our agricultural technologies enable smallholder farmers to leapfrog their current constraints and improve their yields, incomes, nutritional status, and climate resilience.

Our projects centre on Climate Smart Agriculture (CSA), Agriculture Land Use and Management, Natural Resources Management, Agroforestry, Livestock Production, and marketing linkages for smallholders.

To be a leading enterprise that champions the uptake of improved agricultural practices for increased productivity, thereby ensuring food and nutrition security, livelihoods strengthening and environmental conservation

To facilitate the agricultural transformation process in Uganda and beyond, through promotion of improved agricultural and environmental practices, and ensuring adoption of latest innovations by smallholders

  1. Integrity and Honesty
  2. Quality and Reliability
  3. Sustainability
  4. Knowledge and Innovations
  5. Excellence in Service
  6. Professionalism

  1. To promote the uptake of agricultural research by smallholders
  2. To promote improved agricultural initiatives for food and nutrition security
  3. To undertake capacity building initiatives for smallholders and agricultural practitioners
  4. To promote access to productive resources among smallholders, thereby contributing to higher productivity and elimination of poverty.
  5. To undertake advocacy at all levels and ensure that concerns of smallholders are appreciated
Benon Kwikiriza
Co-founder & Chief Executive Officer

Benon holds a B.Sc Water Resources Engineering from Busitema University in Uganda. He has over 4 years of industry experience, serving with reputable national and international organizations. A seasoned social impact innovator, and early career researcher, his work has centered on the water-energy-food nexus.
Benon is passionate about the SDGs, and holds expertise in water resource management, catchment hydrology, irrigation, and climate change.

Charles Kategere
Director, Strategy and Operations

Charles holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Agriculture from Busoga University in Uganda, and an Advanced Diploma in Animal Science from Kfar Silver College in Israel. He also holds a Diploma in Agriculture from Busoga University, and a Certificate in Agriculture, from Olio Community Polytechnic, in Soroti. He is an agricultural practitioner with over 10 years of industry practice with various national and international organizations.

Charles holds technical expertise in livestock production and management, farm mechanization (agricultural mechanization technologies), animal health and disease management, and general agricultural extension work

Martin Mugoya
Field Officer, Bugiri Program

Martin holds a Diploma in Crop Production from Busitema University in Uganda. He has over 8 years of industry experience serving in a number of national NGOs, and Community Based Organizations, as an agricultural extension worker.
Martin holds technical expertise in postharvest handling, production and marketing, value chain addition, climate smart agriculture, fish farming, and general agricultural extension work.

Elizabeth Nimusiima
Administrative Assistant

Elizabeth holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Procurement and Logistics Management from Kyambogo University in Uganda. She has over 6 years of industry experience with reputable national and international organizations.

Elizabeth holds expertise in logistics management, procurement and sourcing systems, contracts management, inventory management, and general administrative roles

David Bigumirwa
Field Officer, Kamuli Program

David holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Agriculture and Rural Innovations from Makerere University in Uganda.  He has over 5 years of experience, serving with national and international development organizations. He is passionate about transforming smallholder agriculture through adoption of improved agricultural practices and sustainable livelihoods for smallholders.

David holds technical expertise in agricultural research and innovation, trial design and execution, soil conservation and fertility management, and pest and disease management.

Company Information
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Contact Phone: +256-705006499
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Address1: Gabula Road, P.O Box 204, Kamuli, Uganda