Price & King Certified Public Accountants
Price & King Certified Public Accountants
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In order to service a wide range of consultancy assignments effectively, the firm has a large pool of local and international collaborating associates, in addition to the in-house staff, who are called in when their knowledge and expertise is required. This strategy enables the firm to tailor our consulting team to a large range of assignments. The associates cover a full range of disciplines and include economists, academicians, sociologists, agriculturists, environmentalists, soil scientists, engineers, lawyers and doctors.
From this wide range of experts, the firm can assemble any type of team required to carry out consultancy services for the public or private sectors.

Price & King offers various professional services under the responsibility of a managing partner who plays a leading role in the development of our professional standards. The firm has two partners, three managers, several associates’ consultants and over ten professional staff members most of whom are university graduates and completing their finals exams of Certified Chartered Accountants of UK and Certified Public Accountants of Uganda.

The firm has also placed great emphasis on continuing professional education for its personnel. Our staffs receive regular opportunities for both local and overseas training aimed at career development, specialised knowledge and establishing contacts


Company Information
Contact Name: Price & King Certified Public Accountants
Contact Email:
Contact Phone: +256752008885
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Address1: Tirupati Mazima Mall, Plot 2530, Ggaba Road P.O.Box 34110, Kampala-Uganda.