Reach A Hand
Reach A Hand
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Empowerment for Youth by Youth

Reach a Hand Uganda is a youth centered organisation focusing on youth empowerment programs with emphasis on Livelihoods & Skills Development, Behavior Change Communication, Sexual Reproductive Health & Rights, and HIV/AIDS awareness and prevention

Why we do what we do

Our efforts are timely to make a contribution to ensuring that every young person in Uganda can access the accurate information to aid and direct them in taking that crucial life decision regarding their live skills and development, behavior change communication and sexual reproductive health and rights.

Dynamic, vibrant and purpose-led

Every day is a Friday at RAHU. The good vibes, enthusiasm, not to mention the undiluted passion for a common venture makes us all more fierce and determined in our endeavors


Changing Uganda, one young person at at time

Uganda is the most youthful country in East Africa. By empowering the youth, Reach A Hand is empowering an entire Nation.


Engaging youth through sexual health education & fun

Each of RAHU's programs, campaign or project is tailored to impart nuggets of information, inspiration and motivation in regards to sexual reproductive health, HIV/AIDS, life skills, teenage pregnancy to mention but a few.

Company Information
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Contact Phone: + 256 414 697 037
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Address1: Plot 7502, Block 244, Heritage Village, Kansanga, Gabba Road