Riamiriam civil society network- Karamoja (RCSNK)
Riamiriam civil society network- Karamoja (RCSNK)
Location : Email : info@riamiriam.org
All About us
Changing Lives!

Riamiriam’s linkage with local communities and Civil society organizations Riamiriam relates with the communities in Karamoja in different arenas right from the grass root to regional level. At the grass root level it relates with them through the local structures like community parliaments, Village health team, council of elders, peace committees, community monitors among others. Since Riamiriam is network, it also relates to the communities through its member organisations. Riamiriam has enjoyed its cordial working relationship with the district local government a cross all the seven districts in Karamoja region. The relevancy of the network work in supporting and supplementing the key priorities of the districts in different sectors plays vital role. Joint monitoring, coordination meetings, budget conferences and plannings, advocacy work, dalogue forums among others are cordinal points for collaborations. The network has collaborated with UN agencies, most especially UNDP and UNHCR in coordination activities related to human rights, protection, peace building, advocacy work, capacity building, meetings among others. The organization brings together like-minded entities and individual actors whose preoccupation is advocating for the improved governance, service delivery in health, education sectors and curbing of corruption in Karamoja. Network provides a forum through which the communities can enhance their capacities in the fight against corruption as one strong voice and force that can effectively engage government on issues of good health service delivery. Specifically Riamiriam has always supported review meetings with district local government spending on gender and HIV, Supported PLHIV to participate in district planning, AIDS Coordination and budget conference meetings Holding annual district level public platforms and follow up on advocacy actions raised related health service delivery, Conducting regional community radio talk shows, Supporting ART monitoring in public health facilities, Community dialogues, Supporting District Forums to implement advocacy action plans, Planning Meeting, Duty Bearer’s Dialogues, Public Platforms with duty bearers, stake holders and the community, Follow up meetings on commitments made by the duty bearers, Supporting District based Linkage Facilitators to Monitor HIV & TB Service Delivery. Riamiriam has been steadily monitoring and advocating for more accessibility and availability of ART in public health facilities, inclusion of PLHIV using a right based approach. The network has also continued to position itself to preventive strategies that seek to reduce human rights abuses (especially of women, children, PLHIV), poor governance at all levels and corruption through strengthening public accountability and transparency systems as well as rebuilding societal values of integrity. Some of these strategies include; conducting sector evidenced based campaigns in Health sector, Education sector, Water sector, Environment and Natural Resource sector; using district, Sub County and community based monitoring structures like the grass root VHT, SAC, Community parliament. Riamiriam‘s initiatives are aimed at empowering volunerable people affected and inffected with HIV/AIDs to effectively engage with local governments at all levels to act against corruption tendencies and to strengthen accountability mechanisem in health sector for improved service delivery. We achieve this by strengthening scrutiny of local government plans and budgets, providing forums for citizen's voices to be heard and providing platforms for public debates on local priorities in the different sectors. This is supported by raising awareness of the citizen's and local government rights and responsibilities under a decentralized government framework. In Riamiriam programming, local government, civil society partnership and community empowerment centers on the beneficiaries’ capacity to analyze, organize and mobilize (for action) as a prerequisite for collective change. Often times its related to the human rights-based approach to empowerment, i.e. empowering citizens to claim their rights and entitlements focusing on ensuring transparency and accountability in public service delivery. Management and staffing structure Riamiriam’s organ-gram is in such away that the general assembly is at the top (member organizations), followed by Board of directors. At the secretariate level organisation is headed by Executive Director, assisted by Programme Officers and the Project Officers for the various funded projects. Riamiriam is governed by a board of directors who are directly elected by the Annual General Meeting (AGM) after a period of year 3 year term and Meets 4 times a year to share updates on the performance of the Network and provide recommendations in accordance to the mandate and procedures given to the them by the organizational constitution. The Board is responsible for, among others: Provide an oversight of the implementation of the projects, review of Policies; Review and approval of workplans and budgets; Oversight on the human resource processes, Promotion of the public image of the organization; Mobilization of resources; Monitoring and evaluation of the organisation’s operations, and also appointment of Auditors and approval of Audit Reports. The network governance and interventions are guided by its policy documents among which include;- Strategic plan, Finance policy, Proceurement policy, Human resource policy, Gender policy. Currently the Organization has ten (10) committed and dedicated staff. However, the numbers of staff is determined by the runing projects.


S1. Karamoja Food and Nutrition Security Activity (APOLOU) funded by Mercy Corps UGX1,392,208,419/= 5 years (2018- 2022)

2 Strengthening Transparency, Accountability and Anti-Corruption Component (STAAC) Inspectorate of Government (IG) 14,520,000/= 6 Months (April 2018- September 2018)


1. Building Resilience and Adaptation to Climate Extremes and Disasters (BRACED) Mercy Corps 191,132,300/= 1 year (October 2016 to September, 2017)

2. Strengthening Social Accountability Project (SLAP) Trocaire 345, 601,000/= 3 years (2015 to November 2017)

3. Strengthening Civil Society Advocacy for Peace and Improved Service Delivery in South Karamoja. Trocaire 703, 000,000/= 2010 to 2014

4. Support Programme for Advocacy Networks (SPAN) Uganda National NGO Forum 203, 890,000/= January 2012 To 31st December 2015

5. Teso – Karamoja Social Service Accountability Project (TEKASSAP) DGF through CIDI 79, 500,000/= 3/8/20114 to 30/9/2015

6. Building Viable and Resilient Long term Sustainable Livelihoods for the People of Karamoja OXFAM GB 296, 000,000/= 1st July 2012 To 31st March 2014

7. Strengthening civil society organizations' capacities to better understand the dynamics of conflicts related to land and natural resources in Karamoja Region. EU-UNDP through ECO 70,000,000/= 2014

8. Strengthening civil society peace committees to prevent and resolve conflicts in Moroto District USAID SAFE 110,000,000/= 6 Months

9. Akimorikin, or ‘Coming Together’ in Ng’Karimojong- Peace Project International Rescue Committee (IRC) 790,000,000/= 2 years (2013 to 2014)

10. Advocacy for Better Health and Education International Rescue Committee (IRC) 320,000,000/= 3 years (2011-2013)

Company Information
Contact Name:
Contact Email: info@riamiriam.org
Contact Phone: +256773441129
Contact Fax: +256759441129
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Address1: Plot 10, Circular Road, Moroto