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What CARE is Doing

SHE SOARS is working alongside health care providers and key stakeholders in the target communities to provide evidence-based sexual and reproductive health information, address root causes of gender-based inequalities, improve health services, and work with young people, particularly girls, to increase decision-making about their lives and their bodies.

SHE SOARS's goals are:

  1. To increase the use of sexual and reproductive health services, such as information on Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs), access to family planning, and menstrual hygiene management;
  2. To improve the delivery of sexual and reproductive health services that respond to the needs and desires of adolescents, particularly girls.
  3. To provide training and resources to women's and girls' rights organizations to advocate for evidence-based, accountable and equitable adolescent sexual and reproductive health and rights' policies, legal frameworks, and services.

At all steps of the project, adolescent girls and boys will work with CARE and partners to advance youth decision making by ensuring that their rights, aspirations and ideas influence program implementation through youth-led research, co-design of key project activities, and through the SHE SOARS Youth Advisory Board.

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