Shared Action Africa
Shared Action Africa
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History of Shared Action Africa

Often poor communities have low linking to social capital, in other words strong ties to people higher in the social hierarchy such as government, business, NGOs, among others that can bring a degree of influence and resources to a problem.
Therefore, together we bring the communities’ needs and priorities to the forefront and support women leaders in forming the networks to bring outside knowledge and resources to help solve the challenges.

To achieve this, we adopted an integrated service delivery model that addresses in a holistic manner, the complex and interconnected problems faced by women and girls in rural and refugee communities

A lawyer by training, Evelyn Nassuna has spent the last 20 years advocating on behalf of rural women at local and global forums, testifying before the US Congress, and working directly with farmers to increase their participation in the agricultural value chain. Often the development initiatives designed in collaboration with the smallholders failed to increase their productivity and income. Why? There were few financing options that were customized for farmers to invest in land for production, inputs and value addition equipment for optimal production and marketing.

The situation was worse for women because they face greater barriers to access to capital than men, who because of their inability to own land, lack the assets or collateral to access the credit that would inform their rights and decision-making to invest in agriculture. Failure to access capital for investment often resulted in low farm productivity and limited crop sales, which resulted in low incomes from farming.

As our mission broadened expanded after listening to the people that serve, the Savings Groups have become the platform that Shared Action African uses to address in an integrated manner the interconnected problems faced by women and girls in the rural and refugee areas in Uganda. Since 2017, Shared Action Africa has collaborated with Savings Groups and Community Based organizations to deliver programs related to financial services, sexual and reproductive health, energy efficient technologies, advocacy, livelihoods, and food security.


As our mission broadened expanded after listening to the people that serve, the Savings Groups have become the platform that Shared Action African uses to address in an integrated manner the interconnected problems faced by women and girls in the rural and refugee areas in Uganda. Since 2017, Shared Action Africa has collaborated with Savings Groups and Community Based organizations to deliver programs related to financial services, sexual and reproductive health, energy efficient technologies, advocacy, livelihoods, and food security.

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