Stiftung Solarenergie- Solar Energy Foundation
Stiftung Solarenergie- Solar Energy Foundation
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Why solar energy?

The present: Decentralized, but expensive and harmful to health

The most common source of energy in rural areas of Africa is usually a kerosene lamp, which emits little light but a great deal of harmful smoke. Each lamp burns about 40 litres of kerosene per year, producing about 80 kg of CO2.

In addition, diesel generators are in use throughout Africa, often also used by international aid agencies for electricity supply. However, diesel generators are expensive to maintain and operate. In addition to CO2 emissions, improper disposal of the old oil and diesel is one of the biggest problems.

The future: Decentralized but reliable, affordable and environmentally friendly

Solar energy not only offers a technically sensible solution, but also has three key advantages:
It’s clean – it’s reliable – it’s affordable.

How we use solar energy

We promote the spread of solar energy in different areas of life and work:

Light for education: in schools, for example, for lighting classrooms and teachers’ rooms or for solar-powered computers.

Solar villages: to equip all households with a basic solar supply.

Solar water pumps: to improve crop yield and use water more efficiently for irrigation.

Health stations: Light in treatment rooms and refrigerators for medicines and vaccines.

Safety: powerful outdoor lamps for protection from wild animals and burglars alike.

Replacement of diesel generators: a clean and reliable power supply with solar energy instead of exhaust gas and noise

What we do
Energy is an important basis for prosperity and social development. More than 600 million people in Africa do not have access to a reliable electricity supply and are therefore dependent on candles, kerosene lamps or diesel generators: expensive, unreliable and unhealthy solutions. We promote the spread of solar energy. It is reliable, affordable and environmentally friendly. And it easily covers the energy needs of households, schools, health stations or companies. We support the local solar trade. Small and medium-sized enterprises are important factors in the fight against poverty and job creation. Therefore, we always use donation-financed projects to support local solar companies. A dual approach that has proven itself since 2003.

Where we are

Ethiopia: since 2004

Ethiopia is a landlocked country in eastern Africa. The country has a total area of 1,104,300 km2. This area is about 3.1 times the size of Germany. Ethiopia is thus one of the largest countries in Africa.

Ethiopia is a landlocked country. The six neighbouring countries are Djibouti, Eritrea, Kenya, Somalia, South Sudan and Sudan.

Population: 114 million

Our local partners:

  • Stiftung Solarenergie – Solar Energy Foundation, Addis Ababa
  • SunTransfer Tech PLC, Addis Ababa

Uganda: since 2015

Uganda is a landlocked country in East Africa on Lake Victoria. The country has a total area of 241,550 km2. This area is about 68% of the size of Germany.

Uganda is a landlocked country. The five neighbouring countries are Congo (DRC), Kenya, Rwanda, South Sudan and Tanzania.

Population: 45 million

Our local partner:

  • Association of Sendea UG Ltd., Kampala

  • Kenya: since 2009

    Kenya is a country on the East African coast of the Indian Ocean. The country has a total area of 580.370 km2 and a total coastline of 536 km. This area is about 1.6 times the size of Germany.

    The country has around 40 islands. Direct national borders exist with the 5 neighboring states Ethiopia, Somalia, South Sudan, Tanzania and Uganda.

    Population: 53 million

    Our local partners:

    • Stiftung Solarenergie – Solar Energy Foundation, Nairobi
    • SunTransfer Kenya Investments Ltd., Nairobi
  • Philippines: since 2010

    The Philippines is an archipelago in the South China Sea. The country has a total area of 300,000 km2 and a total coastline of 36,289 km. This area is about 84% of the size of Germany.

    The archipelago consists of 7,641 mostly uninhabited islands. The Philippines has no directly adjacent neighboring countries.

    Population: 110 million

    Our local partner:

    • FREED/Foundation Solar Energy Philippines, Manila
    • HSSi. Hybrid Social Solutions Inc., Manila
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Since : 01-01-2015
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