The Edge Trading Limited
The Edge Trading Limited
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Our aim/Mission is to produce the best quality of coffee for export from Uganda and by growing it and working directly with the Farmers, we can achieve that by doing this will be fairly trading with our farmers as we will be able to pay them very good prices for their coffee.

To build long term relationships with our buyers and producers/sellers and provide exceptional customer services by pursuing business through innovation and respect.

Our story began as Managers of Hulling factory and a deep back ground of farming history in the family in the District of Mpigi around 1996. Back then the idea Edge was just a Dream, but in 2007 we started as a commission agent for UGACOF and this gave us a boost in 2011 to register our own Coffee Trading Company.

Today, we are privileged to connect with a multitude of customers every day with exceptional products and more than 30 Buyers around in both Local and Export Markets.

Edge comes from the English meaning in most cases to have an advantage over others and this prompted us to choose such a name, so that we portray ourselves as always being above and beyond where others aspire to be. Our logo is also inspired by the Brown Coffee bean which depicts our main product.

We’ve always believed in serving the best coffee possible. It’s our goal for all of our coffee to be grown under the highest standards of quality, using ethical sourcing practices. Our coffee agents who source our coffee personally travel to coffee farms all around Uganda sensitizing and Training farmers with a purpose of attaining high quality beans

We offer some of the finest green coffee beans in the world, grown, prepared and served by the finest workforce of production and quality personnel. Our employees, who we call partners, are at the heart of the Edge Trading Limited.

We believe in treating our partners with respect and dignity. We are proud to offer several landmark programs for our partners, including comprehensive training coverage for eligible full- and part-time partners.

Our stores are a situated in a good industrial area of Kampala at the Former Coffee Marketing Board, spring road, Plot 29A-41 Bugolobi.

The core objectives for the Company in the next five years are;
To streamline sourcing of produce by developing the village agent model that will ease distribution to the Company.
Develop smallholder farmer base where the Company will directly source produce through training and provision of seed and market.
To develop the Agro-processing arm of the business in order to provide quality and standardized Coffee
To professionalize the business for its going concerns
Our Customers are buyers of Coffee in both local and international markets for both export ready and graded coffees and these include large international foreign export companies.

Company Information
Contact Name:
Contact Email:
Contact Phone: +256 75318 5555
Contact Fax: +256 70815 3244
Since :
Company Size:
Address1: Plot 29A-41 Spring road Bugolobi PO Box 9384 Kampala Uganda