SRH-R Advocacy Coordinator job at Save The Children
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Vacancy title:
SRH-R Advocacy Coordinator

[ Type: FULL TIME , Industry: Nonprofit, and NGO , Category: Management ]

Jobs at:

Save The Children

Deadline of this Job:
Friday, August 11 2023 

Duty Station:
Within Uganda , Kasese, East Africa

Date Posted: Friday, August 04 2023, Base Salary: Not Disclosed

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Save The Children jobs in Uganda

The SRH-R advocacy Coordinator is responsible for supporting the RAISE Project Coordinator to effectively and efficiently plan, manage and deliver the Reaching Adolescents with Integrated and Sustainable Programs for Enhanced Health outcomes (RAISE) project advocacy engagements at National level.


The SRH-R Advocacy Coordinator will work with the RAISE project partner (Reach A Hand Uganda) and the SC country advocacy & communication team to lead national level engagements to advocate the needs of adolescents and young people.

The SRH-R Advocacy Coordinator will ensure adherence to overall technical and programmatic quality in implementation, compliance with donor rules and regulations, and the timely accomplishment and submission of all deliverables, including work plans, performance monitoring, reports as required.

Budget Responsibilities:
• With support of the RAISE project Coordinator, the SRH-R Advocacy Coordinator will have a role of managing a budget for national level Project Advocacy activities. S/he will work with RAISE project Coordinator to plan, monitor and report budget performance for national level RAISE project advocacy activities.

Role Dimensions:
The project is funded by Save The Children Italy and is implemented in Kasese district. The project supports a community-led advocacy using the community action cycle with the aim of influencing adolescent responsive plans and budgets at district and advocacy actions at region and national levels.

Project planning and implementation Management
• Effectively manage day to day direct implementation of the project SRH -R advocacy operations to ensure compliance with the approved RAISE project annual plan, phased budget, procurement plan, MEAL requirements, CO KPIs, essential standards, and policies.
• Establish functional participatory platforms that advocate for increased investment in adolescents and youth within development and health policies and programmes at region and national level.
• Maintain high standard of integrity, transparency, and accountability during implementation project advocacy activities.
• Provision of regular operations and implementation updates on programme progress and challenges to allow timely interventions and corrective actions by management.
• Ensure that project advocacy related interventions are effectively documented to show a trend of progress before, during intervention and after intervention evidence.
• Support in development of concepts and proposals for possible funding of advocacy needs as need may arise.
• Participate in the compilation of the six monthly and annual narrative, case studies, tracking indicator performance and reach.
• Risk management – Monitor and address or report any risks to implementation of advocacy package.
• Advocacy, Networking and influencing.

With support from the ACCM team;
• Map and profile key SRHR actors at National and sub-national levels
• Build capacity of CSO and SRHR actors on ASRHR Advocacy and programing
• Carryout annual research Based on the agenda.
• Document and disseminate best practices lessons learned and innovations on SRH -R at regional and national levels.
• Document Myths and Misconceptions to inform SRH-R messaging by CSOs and champions.
• Facilitate SHR policy consultations and processes by government.
• Develop and disseminate SRHR advocacy toolkits for CSOs and SRHR champions.
• Build capacity of CSO on Budget and Policy Advocacy
• Conduct regional and National Interfaith Dialogues
• Conduct an annual Nationals Leaders’ Dialogue on SRHR policy environment.
• Lead the joint commemoration of international advocacy days including (International women’s day, 16days of Activism, international youth day, World population day
• Summarize, translate, and disseminate already existing policies.
• Carry out a Media campaign on ASRH for social mobilization.
• Coordinate CSOs and Champions share and learn from each other to improve SRHR programing.
• Conduct Annual SRHR partnership reflection to recognize outstanding CSOs and SRHR actors.
• Conduct quarterly review and strategizing meetings for CSOs and SRHR Champions
• Conduct biannual SRHR learning symposium for CSOs and Champions
• With support from ACCM, build capacity of young people on ASRH advocacy and ensure child/youth voices are included in advocacy engagements

Financial and Budgeting Monitoring
• Support RAISE project Coordinator on financial and budgetary monitoring. This responsibility includes.
• Developing and submiting timely and quality project advocacy cash needs on monthly basis.
• Manage the RAISE project advocacy activities’ spending against budget to ensure acceptable monthly performance and funds are optimally used for the intended purpose as per approved fund summary and annual work plan.
• Undertake monthly budget monitoring to ensure accuracy of financial reports, manage budget variances, explain variances, and propose measures for managing the variances.
• Ensure that all financial policies and regulations relating to cash flow management, expenditure controls, cash management, accounting information, and advances management are adhered to.

Project Reporting.
• Responsible for the preparation of timely and high-quality activity, monthly reports and project six monthly and end of year narrative reports, Case studies, Indicator performance tracking which are in accordance with the donor and SC reporting schedules and formats/guidelines.
• Ensure that issues raised in the reports are comprehensively addressed in a timely manner.
• Actively contribute to line ministry (MOH, MOES) working groups related to ASRH-R and GBV to ensure working within government policies and guidelines.
• On a monthly basis Identify potential risks and threats to the programme and alert management on the same for action.

• Support RAISE project concepts and study processes which include assessments, research and evaluations etc.
• Ensure that the Project advocacy activities’ quality benchmarks are monitored for quality program delivery.
• Collecting and managing complaints and feedback in close coordination with the RAISE project MEAL officer.
• Ensure regular monitoring of programme results, documentation of programme, case studies, lessons learnt, significant changes and best practices and coordinating learning and reflection meetings/sessions.
• Produce accurate, clear and consistent coordinated advocacy and communication outputs relating the project including key messages, internal, dashboards, factsheets, for media and advocacy work.

Child Safeguarding
• Work with Child Safeguarding Focal persons to ensure all youth advocates are oriented on Safeguarding.
• Closely review documents and agreements to ensure all partners, visitors, volunteers etc. comply with Safeguarding and code of conduct standards.
• Coordinate with line manager on identified Safeguarding issues while ensuring that all issues are reported in timely manner or as required by policy and local procedures.

• Comply with Save the Children policies and procedures.

BEHAVIOURS (Values in Practice)

• Holds self-accountable for making decisions, managing resources efficiently, achieving and role modelling Save the Children values.
• Holds the team and partners accountable to deliver on their responsibilities – giving them the freedom to deliver in the best way they see fit, providing the necessary development to improve performance and applying appropriate consequences when results are not achieved.

• Sets ambitious and challenging goals for themselves (and their team), takes responsibility for their own personal development, and encourages others to do the same.
• Widely shares their personal vision for Save the Children, engages and motivates others.
• Future orientated, thinks strategically.

• Builds and maintains effective relationships with their team, colleagues, Members and external partners and supporters.
• Values diversity sees it as a source of competitive strength.
• Approachable, good listener, easy to talk to.

• Develops and encourages new and innovative solutions.
• Willing to take disciplined risks.

• Honest, encourages openness and transparency.


• Minimum of a bachelor’s degree in political science, Governance, Mass communication, International Development or community development with experience in ASRHR and GBV programming and Post graduate training in either public health, Health Systems Strengthening, Community Health, Reproductive Health, Gender, Advocacy.


• At least 3 years’ progressive experience in SRH-R advocacy work, as well as contributing to development and implementation of advocacy strategies.
• Highly knowledgeable of Child Rights Governance; Public Investment in Children.
• Excellent understanding of Uganda’s budget cycle (at sub county, district and National level).
• Superior in written and communication skills (English) including ability to translate complex arguments into accessible English for a non-specialist audience, and ability to write articles that would be published in accordance with SCI communications procedures.
• Excellent verbal and communication skills, appropriate high level of external representation (for example lobbying with sub county and district stakeholders)
• Experience in developing advocacy strategies, knowledge, and understanding of a range of advocacy techniques.
• Experience in team work and outstanding inter-personal communication skills.

• Strong analytical skills and strategic planning abilities.
• Ability to establish and maintain conducive collegial relations and perform effectively with partners.
• Computer literacy and excellent documentation skills are a must.
• Highly developed cultural awareness and ability to work well in an international environment with people from diverse backgrounds and cultures.
• Ability to intervene with crisis management or troubleshooting as necessary.

Additional job responsibilities
Perform any other duties as may be assigned from time to time by the line manager.

Work Hours: 8

Experience in Months: 36

Level of Education:
Bachelor Degree

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Job Info
Job Category: Management jobs in Uganda
Job Type: Full-time
Deadline of this Job: 11 August 2023
Duty Station: Kasese
Posted: 04-08-2023
No of Jobs: 1
Start Publishing: 04-08-2023
Stop Publishing (Put date of 2030): 04-08-2067
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