5 Consultancy jobs at White Ribbon Alliance Uganda (WRA)
1253 Days Ago
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Vacancy title:

[ Type: FULL TIME , Industry: Health Care , Category: Management ]

Jobs at:

White Ribbon Alliance Uganda (WRA)

Deadline of this Job:
22 October 2021  

Duty Station:
Within Uganda , Kampala, Masindi, Jinja, Kamuli and Iganga , East Africa

Date Posted: Monday, October 11, 2021 , Base Salary: Not Disclosed

Post: Consultancy
Program: Respectful Maternity Care Advocacy
Duty Station: 5 Districts (Kampala, Masindi, Jinja, Kamuli and Iganga)

White Ribbon Alliance Uganda (WRA) is a people-led movement for reproductive, maternal, newborn, child and adolescent health and rights. The vision is all girls and women realize their right to quality health and well-being. The organization is driven by deep passion and commitment to reducing maternal and newborn deaths, protecting the reproductive rights of girls and women, realizing human rights for the marginalized and those discriminated against, amplifying voices and creating demand for quality, safe and accessible healthcare for all. WRA Uganda is seeking an exceptionally motivated and enthusiastic Consultant to conduct a rapid assessment for respectful and general maternity health care services for a USAID/CSSA supported Respectful Maternity Care Advocacy Project, in 5 districts. The assessments will contribute to the goal of elimination of barriers that undermine upholding the respectful maternity care (RMC) Charter of Rights for women, newborns and other vulnerable groups in Uganda. The RMC Charter, notes that a woman's relationship with maternity care providers and the maternity care system during pregnancy, childbirth and the postpartum period is vital.
Women's experiences with caregivers, therefore, can empower and comfort or inflict long-term damage and emotional trauma, adding to or detracting from women's confidence and self-esteem. Thus, the charter articulates the rights of women and newborns while receiving maternity care within a healthcare facility with good early care for both mothers and newborns as a means to a lasting positive impact on the health and their well-being, which supports confidence building through peer experience sharing and contributing to a climate of confidence or doubt around the healthcare system. The project will target stakeholders at the national level to appreciate and address issues that help ensure that women and girls receive health care with respect and dignity. To reach the objectives of a national RMC advocacy agenda; ensuring that health facilities in target districts provide RMC; evidence-based advocacy for improved policies, practices and resource allocation; media lab to promote, amplify and engage the public to create awareness on RMC; the project will target and actively engage the Maternal health service managers and direct providers and leadership in the targeted districts. The project will also promote local engagements through platforms and spaces that allow open dialogues and engagements among community stakeholders. The community spaces and dialogues will benefit from the maternal health care assessment results towards recognizing and addressing the central issues and findings by appreciating duties, rights and responsibilities that will further inform better Respectful Maternal Health outcomes.

Conduct a Rapid Assessment on Respectful Maternal, Newborn and Child Care and Nutrition in five districts to inform a National RMC Advocacy Agenda.

Scope of Work
In the framework of Respectful Maternal Care and within the scope of how the RMC charter is implemented and fulfilled, the Consultant will undertake a landscape analysis which will inform the assessment. The assessment, informed by the principles of the RMC charter will work to establish the maternal health services gaps, challenges and barriers that service providers deal with so that these can help inform tangible recommendations as well as key advocacy issues that the project will address both at the sub national and national levels. It is envisaged that the assessment should ensure the incorporation of firsthand accounts of mothers, local community and other stakeholders, in order to get a localized context of the issues that the study intends to interrogate. Additionally, the assessment will further analyze the effects and impacts of Covid 19 on accessibility, affordability, and delivery of maternal health services within the target districts. The consultant will specifically work to advance the following tasks but not exclusive to:

Key Tasks
The consultant hired to perform this scope of work will:
• Conduct desk review of the National policies and guidelines in respect to Respectful Maternity Care for Maternal Child Health and Nutrition as well as the RMC universal charter
• Map and carry out inception meetings with key national stakeholders, CSOs active in the maternal health care space and stakeholders in the target districts at sub-national level (5 select districts)
• Write, discuss and share an inception report for the assessment
• Develop through consultation an adoptable/replicable set of tools to support the assessment
• Carry out the rapid assessments on Respectful Maternal, Newborn and Child Care and Nutrition in Kampala, Masindi, Jinja, Kamuli and Iganga districts.
• Write and share with WRA a draft report
• With WRA support dissemination of the findings of the maternal health care rapid assessment in all the 5 districts and gather feedback to be incorporated in final report
• Support launch and dissemination of a National Advocacy Agenda on Respectful Maternal, Newborn and Child Care and Nutrition.

Deliverables and Estimated Time Frame:
• Inception report
• Final rapid assessment report
• Adoptable and replicable assessment tools and methodology documented for dissemination and sharing

Consultant expertise:
Demonstrated experience of prior work in the areas of reproductive, Maternal, Newborn and Child health with proven ability to work with partnerships, working groups, coalitions at national and sub-national levels, and with excellent writing and speaking skills in English. Experience in health assessments research, prior knowledge of the reproductive, maternal and newborn health would be desirable

Education Requirement: No Requirements

Job Experience: No Requirements

Work Hours: 8


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Job application procedure
Interested applicants should submit a concept proposal with a detailed CV via email InfoUg@whiteribbonalliance.org,
Not later than Friday 22nd October, 2021 by 5:00PM. In the email, clearly indicate Application for Consultancy Rapid Assessment, WRA UGANDA.
Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted. White Ribbon Alliance Uganda is an equal opportunity agency.

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Job Info
Job Category: Consultant/ Contractual jobs in Uganda
Job Type: Full-time
Deadline of this Job: 22 October 2021
Duty Station: Kampala, Masindi, Jinja, Kamuli and Iganga
Posted: 11-10-2021
No of Jobs: 5
Start Publishing: 11-10-2021
Stop Publishing (Put date of 2030): 11-10-2065
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