Consultancy services: Documentation of GESI responsive business strategies & practices job at SNV
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Project description

The Inclusive Markets for Energy Efficiency in Uganda (IMEU) is a four-year project funded by the Embassy of Sweden (EoS) in Kampala, Uganda. IMEU is implemented by a consortium of 3 partners: SNV Netherlands Development Organisation (lead), College of Engineering, Design, Art, and Technology (CEDAT), and Private Sector Foundation Uganda (PSFU).

The project aims to contribute to the development of sustainable and inclusive markets for appropriate energy-efficient (EE) products and services for households, businesses, and institutions in Uganda.

The thematic scope for the project is based on prioritised value chains of tea, maize and oil seeds in agriculture and built environments considering industrial, public, and residential buildings. The agricultural sector targets agribusinesses and cooperatives while in the built environment, the project targets households, hotels, commercial facilities, and social Institutions in selected districts and cities.

Energy Efficiency adoption in Uganda is still low across sectors due to known barriers of limited awareness, limited technology availability and appropriateness, perceived high upfront costs, poor quality of products, limited skills, and knowledge as well as limited institutional coordination. To address these barriers, it therefore requires a market systems development approach with interventions at supply, demand and enabling environment.

Therefore, in contributing to the kick-starting and strengthening of markets for energy efficiency products and services in Uganda, the project has planned to intervene at demand, supply and enabling environment for EE market as follows:

(1) Stimulating uptake of EE products and services by increasing awareness among energy users (demand side)

(2) Targeted and contextualized derisking support to small and medium enterprises (SMEs), energy service companies (ESCOs) and Energy Service Provider Companies (ESPC) (supply side)

(3) Strengthening institutional coordination, research and enabling environment for energy efficiency (enabling environment)

Purpose of the assignment

The purpose of this study is to assess and profile Gender Equality and Social Inclusion (GESI) responsive business strategies and practices that have been integrated by IMEU’s supported energy efficiency interventions.

Job Description

Scope of the assignment

The assignment will entail undertaking assessment and documentation of GESI responsive strategies and practices for seven (7) Energy Service Provider Companies and 12 businesses that were supported to promote and adopt energy efficient technologies and practices.

Specific undertakings for the assignment

To attain the above objective, the consultant must deliver the following actions.

  • Assess and profile insights, experiences and challenges of integrating GESI responsive strategies and practices among supported businesses
  • Profile the Private Sector Foundation Uganda (PSFU) energy efficiency women and youth ambassador strategy used for increasing awareness as well as demand creation for energy efficient (EE) solutions
  • Document four case studies of gender integration in energy efficiency investment for each of these categories: RBF benefitting SMEs, Social Institution, Maize and oil seeds Milling and Tea Factory
  • Disseminate the GESI case studies in one of the issue-based advocacy meetings of the Energy Efficiency Accelerator networks


  • Review of GESI activities and grantee Gender Action Plans: The consultant shall undertake a desk review of GESI activities implemented by SNV and PSFU as well as Gender Action Plans of selected IMEU grantees.
  • Field based data collection, analysis and reporting: The consultant shall undertake a qualitative study using applicable methods to assess the extent to which GESI strategies and practices have been integrated by the grantees.
  • Case study development: The consultant shall develop four (4) GESI integration case studies for specific grantees based on the different categories of Social Institutions, Tea processors and Maize millers.
  • Dissemination of study outcomes at a Learning event: The consultant shall summarise and present key learning outcomes of the study at a learning event that will be organised by IMEU.

Target Audience

These services will target participants drawn from IMEU’s supported ESPC/ESCO companies and businesses.

  1. Energy Efficient Technology suppliers and manufacturers: clean cooking technologies, Industrial technologies, heating technologies, cooling technologies, lighting technologies, water pumping technologies, social institutions and agribusiness, among others
  2. Consortium Partners: Makerere University College of Engineering, Design, Art and Technology, Private sector Foundation Uganda.


IMEU project consortium partners will support the consultant by providing relevant project documents required for the assignment. These documents will be availed both in soft and hard copies during the execution of the assignment. SNV will also provide an official introductory letter to the consultant for identification to the targeted stakeholders. The Consultant will be required to mobilize their own transport during the execution of the assignment and attending the learning event to present the report.


The consultant will submit an inception report detailing the approach and how the assignment will be executed. A final comprehensive report outlining the GESI strategies adopted, practices, outcomes and recommendations for future GESI integration in market development initiatives will be submitted after a month of the training.


The language used in all deliverables including; reports and communication between the Consultant and IMEU project team shall be English

Expected Deliverables

A final approved inception report outlining the methodology, timelines, and work plan for execution.

1. A comprehensive report outlining the adopted GESI strategies, practices, outcomes as well as  recommendations for future GESI integration in market development initiatives.

2. Four (4) final approved GESI case studies in the following sectors based on the agreed categories of grantees.

3. Presentation of the report at the learning event organised by IMEU project.

Reporting and Supervision.

This consultancy services shall be coordinated and supervised by a Private Sector Development Advisor (IMEU), who reports to the Project Manager of the Inclusive Markets for Energy Efficiency in Uganda Project.


Required Qualifications, Competencies, and Experience.

Qualification and Experience of Lead and Associate Consultants

Application for this consultancy assignment is open to individuals and firms. However, the individual or team leader should possess the following qualifications:

Team Leader: Advanced degree with at least eight years’ experience in Gender related work, including but not limited to Gender studies/research, gender advocacy and Gender and Development. At least possess post-graduate training in Project planning and management and Monitoring and Evaluation. S/he MUST demonstrate skills and experience in undertaking qualitative and quantitative research methodologies and participatory research. In addition, the team leader should demonstrate international and national experiences in undertaking similar assignments.

Other Associate Consultants should have evidence expertise and experience in high-level GESI on Renewable energy and Energy efficiency, social sciences, marketing, sales, etc. Each associate consultant should have at least five years of GESI research of Uganda's renewable energy and energy efficiency technologies and services.

Consultant competencies

In addition to the above expertise and experience, the proposed team/consulting firms should demonstrate the following competencies.

  • Demonstrated oral and written communication skills.
  • Strong research and analytical skills with a good understanding of Gender and social inclusion as aspects of the Energy Efficiency sector in Uganda
  • Demonstrated stakeholder engagement and facilitatory skills.
  • Good understanding of the renewable energy and energy efficiency sub-sector
  • Demonstrated documentation and dissemination skills.
  • Evidenced qualitative and quantitative data collection and analysis skills.
  • Ability to engage and inspire adult learners.
  • Be digital and technological Savvy.

Requisite documentation for consultant

  • Company Legal registration documents (Articles of Association and Powers of Attorney)
  • Tax Compliance Certificate
  • Valid trading license
  • Company profile
  • CVs of all the proposed staff for the assignment
  • References for earlier comparable assignments undertaken.

Timeline, Contracting and Proposed Payment Terms

The assignment is expected to be undertaken within a maximum of 30 days.  The contract shall be a fixed term with all the key activities and deliverables paid based on the value for money offering agreed upon during negotiation. The proposed payment terms are based on specific quality-approved deliverables.

  • 30% final approved inception report detailing the methodology, timelines, and work plan as outlined above the objective of the assignment.
  • 40% upon submission of draft GESI documentation report and draft case studies
  • 30% upon final report, case studies and PowerPoint presentation on the key findings.

Additional Information

Mode of payment

All payments will be executed using electronic bank transfer modalities to bank account provided by the consultant after full proof of execution of the assignment and submission of agreed deliverables in line with the payment schedule highlighted under above.

Application process

Submission of Proposals

Interested companies/consultants should send technical and financial proposals to SNV in soft copies via email: subject should read: Documentation of Gender Equality and Social Inclusion (GESI) responsive business strategies and practices in IMEU’s supported energy efficiency interventions.

The technical proposals should include the critical personnel’s CVs and evidence of earlier comparable assignments undertaken.

Job Info
Job Category: Consultant/ Contractual jobs in Uganda
Job Type: Full-time
Deadline of this Job: 18 February 2025
Duty Station: Kampala
Posted: 06-02-2025
No of Jobs: 1
Start Publishing: 06-02-2025
Stop Publishing (Put date of 2030): 06-02-2068
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