Consultant for Market Development Assessment job at SNV
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Vacancy title:
Consultant for Market Development Assessment

[ Type: FULL TIME , Industry: Nonprofit, and NGO , Category: Social Services & Nonprofit ]

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Deadline of this Job:
Friday, September 29 2023 

Duty Station:
Within Uganda , Kampala, East Africa

Date Posted: Saturday, September 16 2023, Base Salary: Not Disclosed

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Job Description
1.2. Purpose of the assignment
To undertake a sector deep dive of the country’s landscape of Biodigester technology, Assessing the market suitability of stimulating the adoption of biodigesters to support biodigesters supply and demand. Specifically, the assignment will involve a scan (examination) of potential prefab opportunities through mapping existing market opportunities, number of prefab Biodigester companies operating in Uganda, market challenges(extent to which this market is developed or not) and past and present operations of the Biodigester sector.
The assignment will be measured based the above underlined indicators.

2.0. Scope of Work
The scope will cover a comprehensive assessment of the prefab market development (Demand-Market size, ability to pay/willingness to pay: Supply-Access to finance, operational conditions, market penetration and human capita: Enabling environment-ICT, legal and regulatory, trade and commerce). This will cover the entire country.

2.1. Key people to collaborate with during the Prefab Market development assessment (Target audience).
The prefab market development assessment will target to consult smallholder farmers, Biodigester Entrepreneurs, organizations promoting biodigester technology, financial institutions (including SACCOs, if possible), relevant ministries (MEMD, MAAIF) ABC consortium members (SNV, GIZ and BSUL-The national Implementer), and a mix of women and men.

2.2 Prefab market development questions
The consultant(s) are encouraged to structure the prefab market development questions according to the provided ToRs. The prefab market development assessment framework will be agreed upon with SNV-ABC team before it is deployed. It is very important that the consultant (s) demonstrate how they followed and understood the prefab market development requirements and how the definitions are understood and applied within the broader context and read in conjunction with other principles and guidance on how to conduct such prefab market development assessment in ways that will be useful and of high quality. Ensure to also demonstrate how the prefab market development assessment criteria supports learning through generating and feeding back findings and lessons.

2.3. Methodology
In detail, the consultant(s) are expected to describe the methodology that they intend to deploy. It is envisaged that this assignment will use a mixed-methods approach. Therefore, consultant(s) are encouraged to present a prefab market development assessment framework/plan and as well define the methodology and methods to be used. These should always be rigorous yet proportionate and appropriate to the context of this assignment. A mix of Participatory/non-participatory methodologies are preferred.

Cognisant that the prefab market development calculations are formular based, the consultant(s) will be expected to demonstrate the feasibility and appropriateness of formulas and approaches to assessing the prefab-market development. The commissioned consultant(s) will be expected to agree on these with SNV-ABC respective team. The selection criteria for households and companies will be agreed up with ABC team before data collection.

2.4. Limitations
The prefab market development assessment only targets prefab companies, other biodigester companies as well as households. The prefab market development assessments come at period when ABC is working towards commercialization of the biodigester component in the renewable energy. This might lead to mainly use of purposive sampling thus compromising some contribution by the households that own and use prefabricated biodigesters as well as companies installing or dealing in them.

2.5. Indicative materials to review.
Relevant documents to review may include review of the biodigester technology/ies available in Uganda, the biogas sector and related policies, guidelines and standards, and additional relevant documents.

3.0. Contractual and reporting arrangements
3.1. Profile of the Consultant
The prefab market development assessment will be conducted by an independent consultant/consulting team who will work in close collaboration with SNV-ABC Uganda team.
The consultant(s) should be a suitably qualified and experienced individual or individuals. The consultant(s) profile should have the following attributes among others.
• An economist with a minimum of ten years’ experience in agricultural and renewable energy sector in Uganda/Uganda. Five of these years of experience should be in the biodigester sector or quantitative research/methods. Often a mixed approach that incorporates the technical skills of a quantitative research specialist but includes inputs from a sector specialist is most effective.
• Must have a strong background conducting market development studies, experience of use of quantitative methods for development and demonstrated capabilities and experience working or conducting donor funded development research studies.
• Demonstrated ability to design and plan high quality prefab market development assessment approaches and methodologies, including quantitative and qualitative research methods. Where feasible and proportionate, the person or team should include skills and expertise required to design, plan, and conduct a market development assessment potentially using appropriate Quantitative Methods.
• The consultant(s) should have the competence to compute figures and ratios from incomplete financial and other records.
• Relevant subject matter knowledge and extensive experience in biogas, biodigester technologies, renewable energy, agricultural sector, gender/women empowerment, and social inclusion, to ensure the prefab market development assessment design and methods are as relevant and meaningful as possible given the goal and objectives of the assignment and the context in which it is being delivered. The measurement of these and how they fit or not fit in the prefab market development must be clearly indicated/elaborated.
• Demonstrated ability to manage a potentially numeric and complex market development assessment process, including interpreting data (quantitative and qualitative); Frameworks for conducting a prefab market development must be elaborated.
• Consideration of the extent to which the consultant or consulting team has appropriate country knowledge. This includes language proficiency to conduct the study required or that resources be available e.g., translators to enable the study to go on smoothly.
• Proven ability to meet deadlines and respond to requests and feedback provided timely and appropriately. Ability to provide practical conclusions and strategic recommendations to key stakeholders is very important.
• Be willing to sign a contract after a satisfactory inception report has been provided and not before and demonstrate that they can work within the tight timelines of the assignment.

Note: While the consultant(s) shall be nominated, they must not have conflict of interest with ongoing project activities of the Organisation in general terms and specifically with SNV Uganda staff.

Additional Information

3.2.a. Management arrangements
The prefab market development assessments will be commissioned and managed by SNV-ABC project manager, who will oversee the implementation and quality of the prefab market development assessment. The consultant(s) shall be expected to name their team; however, the consulting team shall be supported and work closely with SNV Uganda respective teams as well as ABC-Uganda project staff. The external consultant(s) will report to the Project Manager-ABC Uganda. SNV-ABC Uganda will have the following responsibilities to assure the quality of the work produced.

Debrief the final consultant(s) during inception to ensure roles, responsibilities and scope of the consultancy is clear and will be guided by the point of contact(s) within the Organisation for the duration of the prefab market development assessment process. The Organisation shall also provide technical support to facilitate required meetings and interviews where possible, otherwise it is expected that the consultant(s) will take initiatives to map and find respective respondents. The prefab market development commissioning entity shall ensure that relevant stakeholders are kept informed and engaged, and regularly monitor and assess the quality of the prefab market development assessment process. The final reports and all deliverables related to the prefab market development will be submitted to the Project Manager following the agreed upon schedule.

3.2. b. Responsibilities of SNV-ABC Uganda
• Contract the consultant.
• Debrief on the ABC Uganda project, prefab market development assignment.
• Provide project specific and other relevant resource documents.
• Facilitate access to sampled households and companies.
• Coordinate workshop for dissemination of study findings (if relevant).
• Review draft reports, provide feedback, and approve final reports.
• Pay the consultant based on the agreed terms and conditions specified in the expression of interest.

3.2.c. Responsibilities of the Consultant
• Design the prefab market development assessment.
• Develop and present inception report.
• Draw prefab market development assessment budget.
• Collect and analyse data.
• Produce draft report.
• Facilitate research findings workshop (if relevant).
• Produce final prefab market development assessment report.

3.3. Deliverables and timeframe
The prefab market development assessment consultant(s) will submit the final report to SNV-ABC Uganda after validating findings with the stakeholders. SNV-ABC Uganda will further discuss the report internally with relevant teams, and in turn, submit it to the respective final recipient within the stipulated timeframe of the assessments. The main body of the reports (draft and final versions) must be limited to 15 pages (exclude annexes). One of the annexes should consist of a table which summarizes the findings according to the prefab market development assessment framework.
The prefab market development assessments are expected to be complete within 30 working days. The consultant(s) are required to propose and demonstrate a detailed and feasible prefab market development assessment schedule within which to accomplish the assignment, the workplan will be reviewed to assess its suitability during the proposals analysis.

3.4. Key deliverables
All written reports shall be submitted in English using Microsoft Word in both soft and hard copy (if necessary). All primary data collected, and analysis conducted for the purpose of these assessments will remain the property of SNV and must be submitted electronically and in a clear and comprehensible format in Microsoft Excel/SPSS/EpiData and MS-Word/Nvivo (for qualitative data).

A precise inception report not exceeding 10 pages excluding annexes.
• Draft feasibility assessment report.
• All data collection tools applied.
• All collected and cleaned raw data sets including pictures, videos, or recordings.
• Final feasibility eports (prefab market development).

The consultant is expected to provide.
• A precise proposal (Max 15 pages) for the assignment (narrative and financial part submitted separately)
• Draft report (MS Word) and datasets
• Final reports (MS Word and printed version)

Requisite administrative (documents) Requirements
• Recent tax clearance/Tax compliance certificate issued not earlier than June 2023.
• Certificate of registration including Tin number and certificate of incorporation.
• Valid trading license/ operating permit
• Articles and memorandum of association clearly showing directors.
• Company profile including physical address of the offices.

4.0. Reporting format
To ensure consistency across research reports, the following structure should be used for reporting.

Executive Summary
• Purpose of the prefab market development assessments.
• Organisation context.
• Logic and assumptions of the prefab market development.
• Overview of SNV-ABC funded activities.

Prefab market development assessment Methodology
• Prefab market development plan.
• Strengths and weaknesses of selected design of the prefab market development assessment methods.
• Summary of problems and issues encountered.

• Overall prefab market development assessment results.
• Prefab market development assessment findings clearly indicated under specified headings/objectives.
• Lessons learnt (ABC Uganda project management, biodigester companies, households, operations, technology design, and sustainability etc.)
• Assessment of accuracy of reported results about biodigester technology/sector in South Sudan.
• Feasibility study findings clearly indicated under specified headings/objectives.
• Lessons learnt (ABC Uganda project management, biodigester entrepreneurs-operations, technology design, and sustainability etc.)

• Summary of findings against feasibility study question.
• Summary of learnings gathered or captured.

Annexes (such as)
• Feasibility study assessment terms of reference.
• Feasibility study assessment schedule.
• Feasibility study framework.
• Data collection tools.
• List of people consulted and or interviewed.
• List of supporting documentary information e.g., pictures, recordings, videos etc.
• Details of the study team.
• Organizational response to reported findings, conclusions, and recommendations.

5.0. Scoring criteria
The evaluation of proposals received will be on a point-based system and will be done progressively as follows.
• Administrative evaluation. This will be based on pass/ fail basis. Only those that pass administrative criteria will Progress to technical evaluation.
• Technical evaluation: This will be scored out of 80. Only those that score an average above 40 will progress to financial evaluation.
• Financial evaluation : This will be scored out of 20.

6.0. How to apply
Interested and qualified consultants who meet the above requirements are asked to submit the following.
• A narrative/technical proposal which should include consultant(s) very clear, detailed understanding and interpretation of the TORs, a thorough methodology and a detailed schedule.
• A financial proposal indicating fees for the consultancy and applicable taxes.
• Updated CVs/Profiles of not more than 2 pages that clearly show the qualification and experience of the lead consultant and his/her team.
• Contacts of three organisations recently worked with-clearly similar work.
• Technical proposal content should not exceed 13 pages (Times New Roman font 11 should be used) and financial proposal should not exceed 2 pages.
• Annexes and cover pages/information not requested or asked for should not be attached to the proposals.
• Please strictly adhere to the ToRs requirements and application procedure. Your proposal will not be considered if the ToRs requirements and application procedure have not been adhered to and should be submitted once in Microsoft word or portable document file only.
• Any late submissions shall not be considered.

Work Hours: 8

Experience in Months: 120

Level of Education:
Postgraduate Degree

Job application procedure
Note: The technical and financial proposal should be sent separately through email; by 29th September,2023. Please include consultancy prefab market development ABC -UG in the subject.

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Job Info
Job Category: Consultant/ Contractual jobs in Uganda
Job Type: Full-time
Deadline of this Job: Friday, September 29 2023
Duty Station: Kampala
Posted: 16-09-2023
No of Jobs: 1
Start Publishing: 16-09-2023
Stop Publishing (Put date of 2030): 16-09-2077
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