Director of Graduate Studies, Research, & Innovation job at Mountains of the Moon University (MMU)
771 Days Ago
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Vacancy title:
Director of Graduate Studies, Research, & Innovation

[ Type: FULL TIME , Industry: Education, and Training , Category: Teachers & Education ]

Jobs at:

Mountains of the Moon University (MMU)

Deadline of this Job:
17 February 2023  

Duty Station:
Within Uganda , Fortportal , East Africa

Date Posted: Wednesday, January 25, 2023 , Base Salary: Not Disclosed

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Learn more about Mountains of the Moon University
Mountains of the Moon University jobs in Uganda

Mountains of the Moon University (MMU) is a Public University established under Statutory Instrument, Number 2 of 2022, hence a body corporate with perpetual succession and a Common Seal.

First established as a Private University in 2005, by the National Council for Higher Education (NCHE), in accordance with the Universities and Other Tertiary Institutions Act 2001, as amended, MMU has been making strides toward becoming an academic Centre of excellence.

To consolidate its desire for academic excellence, MMU hereby invites applications from suitably qualified and skilled candidates for the following positions: –

Job Title: Director of Graduate Studies, Research, & Innovation
Salary Scale: M3
Responsible to: Deputy Vice Chancellor (Academic and
No. of Posts: 1
Ref. No.: EXT AD/APP/003/01/03
Terms of Employment: Five Year Contract

Purpose of the job
To promote efficient and effective graduate studies, research and innovations across the University.

Key functions
1. Monitor the registration status and the progress of Graduate students at different levels and in Faculties.
2. Identify sources of and solicit for funds to support research, innovation and Graduate programmes.
3. Coordinate research activities of the University and manage the research output (both electronic and print) in liaison with relevant University Academic Units to increase its visibility and dissemination.
4. Strengthen links with other universities and research institutions/ organizations on Graduate research activities.
5. Develop, promote and periodically review the University research agenda to reflect the priorities of the University and the Community.
6. Produce an annual update on completed and on-going research and publications in the University.
7. Provide courses and organize workshops, seminars, symposia and provide support to conferences on research activities.
8. Responsible for the annual budget of the Directorate: develop, implement and regularly review financial strategy for the Directorate.
9. Develop and nurture a culture of excellence in research at the Directorate and the University at large.
10. Manage and develop the digital Academic Record for research, students and related staff.
11. Develop and maintain authors/researchers’ intellectual property rights, copyrights, rights management and other legal issues especially as they apply to primary research in various forms in liaison with the University Library as mandated by the Legal Deposit Act.

Person specifications
Should have a minimum of;

1. A PhD. and at the rank of Professor or Associate Professor in any academic field with Senior Managerial University experience of at least five (5) years at the rank of Dean, Deputy Dean, Head of Department or equivalent.
2. Must have excellent record of administration, teaching, research and service in Public Universities of not less than eight (8) years, three (3) of which in senior management level.
3. High degree of integrity to safeguard the intellectual property of researchers/graduate students and research funds.
4. Proven experience in research, publication, teaching and supervision at graduate level.
5. High degree of collaboration and effective promotion of graduate training and research.
6. Competent in the use of information technologies to support teaching, learning, research and digitization of research output.
7. Proven experience in grant writing and administration.
8. Proficient in short-term and long-term research planning, policy development, and assessment.
9. Proven experience in leadership within the larger organizations.
10. Understands effective fiscal management, including planning and controlling budgets, managing existing financial resources and creating and maximizing sources for funding.
11. Highly developed oral and written communications skills.

Expected key outputs
1. Research leadership and guidance provided
2. Research management policies and procedures developed
3. Research databases created and maintained
4. Number of research grants (including grant amounts) won
5. Number of staff mentored and trained in research-related activities
6. Number of research publications in peer-reviewed journals
7. Research management courses prepared and delivered to staff and students
8. Workshops, meetings, conferences, and seminars facilitate.

Work Hours: 8

Experience in Months: 96

Level of Education:
Associate Degree

Job application procedure
Interested and eligible candidates MUST ELECTRONICALLY submit on e-mail as one attachment in PDF the following: –
1. Application letter.
2. A detailed up-to-date Curriculum Vitae (CV) containing names and contacts of three (3) credible referees.
3. Certified copies of the relevant academic/professional Transcripts and Certificates.
4. Copy of a valid National Identity Card.
5. Details of the physical address, telephone contact, and email address.
6. Any other relevant documentation to support the application.

The application should be addressed to: –
The University Secretary
Mountains of the Moon University P. O. Box 837, Fort Portal Uganda Fort-Portal, Lake Saaka Campus, Block C, Room 03.

The deadline for receiving the application is by 5:00 p.m. on Friday 17th February 2023. Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted.

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17 February 2023
Job Info
Job Category: Education/ Academic/ Teaching jobs in Uganda
Job Type: Full-time
Deadline of this Job: 17 February 2023
Duty Station: Fortportal
Posted: 25-01-2023
No of Jobs: 1
Start Publishing: 25-01-2023
Stop Publishing (Put date of 2030): 25-01-2077
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