E-Governance Consultant Job at UNCDF - Career Opportunity in Uganda
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Vacancy title:
E-Governance Consultant

[ Type: FULL TIME , Industry: Nonprofit, and NGO , Category: Management ]

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Deadline of this Job:
19 May 2021  

Duty Station:
Within Uganda , Kampala , East Africa

Date Posted: Wednesday, May 05, 2021 , Base Salary: Not Disclosed


UNCDF is the UN’s capital investment agency for the world’s 47 least developed countries. With its capital mandate and instruments, UNCDF offers “last mile” finance models that unlock public and private resources, especially at the domestic level, to reduce poverty and support local economic development.
UNCDF strategy ‘Leaving no one behind in the digital era’ is based on over a decade of experience in digital finance in Africa, Asia and the Pacific. UNCDF recognizes that reaching the full potential of digital financial inclusion in support of the Sustainable Development Goals aligns with the vision of promoting digital economies that leave no one behind. For further detail on UNCDF strategy, refer to; https://www.uncdf.org/article/4931/global-strategy-leaving-no-one-behind-in-the-digital-era
Since 2013, UNCDF has been implementing a market development approach on digital finance in Uganda. With the support of the Sweden Development Agency (SIDA), UNCDF will execute the “Leaving no one behind in the digital era” strategy in country until 2024 under the “Connect” Rural Uganda Programme. The Programme has the aim to develop an inclusive digital economy in Uganda with a specific focus at empowering rural communities, smallholders’ farmers, agri-business and refugees - to lead productive and healthy lives, by expanding access and usage of digital services.
New Cities:
The Government of Uganda created ten cities which became operational on 1st July 2020. These include Arua, Gulu, Mbarara, jinja, Mbale, Fort portal, Hoima, Lira, Masaka, and Soroti.
Uganda is experiencing rapid urbanization. About 20% of its population now lives in the urban centres (national urban policy, 2013) besides, the urban population is growing at 5.6% per annum compared to the national average of 3.2% (UBOS, 2012). By 2035 the urban population is projected to have increased to 30%. It is estimated that about 50% of the total population of Uganda will be living in urban areas by the year 2050.
To note also is that the urban sector is most important for the structural transformation of the Ugandan economy. Urbanization accounts for about 72% of manufacturing output and over 55% of the national gross domestic product (GDP). It is therefore important that it is managed efficiently and effectively to contribute to growth. Thus, the growing urbanization in Uganda can no longer be ignored as it creates a need to accommodate many people in a relatively small area. For this population to survive, cities must plan for them to earn a living while at the same time providing social services for them at the most affordable and convenient cost.
Whereas the high rate of urbanization calls for use of digital technologies to deliver services by the cities; there is need to assess the existing institutional capacity to use e-governance in service delivery. It is important to create an enabling environment for the city residents to appreciate the functioning and obligations of city life and services.
Preparation of an e-governance strategy is very crucial to set pace for positioning the city administration and re-orienting the mindsets of the citizens to realize their new identity and what goes with it in service-delivery using digital platforms and service-offerings.
Problem Statement:
All the ten cities, until 1st July 2020 have endeavored to provide social services to their respective residents. However, in so doing, these cities experience challenges with manual management of systems in different fields.
Considering the strategic importance of Cities as engines of economic empowerment and transformation and given the current trend of changes in digital technologies serving every sector; it is important to consider e-governance in our day-to-day management of affairs in the cities.
The Consultancy will be undertaken in select city councils in order to obtain information about how e-governance can be achieved. .

The objectives of this assignment are:
• To collect information about City service delivery processes that are relevant to the city residents and ascertain the relevancy and implication of e-governance in delivering services.
• To compile information on services that are delivered by Cities, the relevant urban Laws and Regulations and develop a strategy that guides the citizens and City authorities on their obligations, responsibilities and rights in the city governance.
• To prepare a comprehensive e-governance plan for cities and customize the plan to city needs and interests for the citizens and guests to appreciate their city function.
• To prepare guidelines for the implementation of the Strategy.

Duties and Responsibilities
The consultant will prepare and design an e-governance strategy for new cities in Uganda; a strategy that will:
• Define the application of Information Technology and exchange of Information and integration of various administrative processes to improve service delivery.
• Utilize internet and other digital technology to reduce costs of administration and improve relations between the City authorities and the Citizens.
• Facilitate a shift from the traditional Government service delivery processes to a digital revolution that is able to deliver effective and efficient services.

Preparation of the City e-Governance strategy will be able to address:
• Participation of City citizens in service delivery.
• Creation of Information, Communication and Technology (ICT) Networks.
• Automation of administration processes to deliver services.
• Creation of virtual and innovative City with a shift to electronic resource mobilization.
• Social inclusion and involvement of the media in branding and publicity.

• Excellent organizational, inter-personal and communication skills;
• Able to work effectively in a team and in an international environment;
• Excellent writing and data analysis skills, proven ability to extract actionable insights from data.

Required Skills and Experience
MSc. In Information Technology, Institutional Development, Physical Planning or other related field.

• Expertise in the national planning and strategy.
• Experience working with local governments and related stakeholders.
• 5 years + working on digital-related projects with or within the Government of Uganda.
• Experience in data management, analysis and report writing.
• Experience working with Central and Local Governments

Language requirements:
Proficiency in English is mandatory.

Education Requirement: No Requirements

Work Hours: 8

Experience in Months: 60

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Job application procedure
Interested individuals must submit the documents mentioned below as proposals in order to demonstrate their qualifications (Note: the system does not allow multiple uploads of documents. Applicants must make sure to upload all documents in one PDF file).
All applications must contain the following information:
• Cover letter with a summary statement of competencies and motivation rationalizing how the applicant meets the qualifications and can deliver the requirements of the Terms of Reference (TOR).
• Earliest availability and proposed schedule for consultancy.
• Signed financial proposal for the assignment outlining: all-inclusive fee (including professional fees and other professional expenses, such as insurance, taxes, etc.). Template for this is available at http://procurement-notices.undp.org/view_file.cfm?doc_id=29916)

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Job Info
Job Category: Administrative jobs in Uganda
Job Type: Full-time
Deadline of this Job: 19 May 2021
Duty Station: Kampala
Posted: 05-05-2021
No of Jobs: 1
Start Publishing: 05-05-2021
Stop Publishing (Put date of 2030): 05-05-2065
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