Enforcement Coordinator Job at Bloomberg Philanthropies Initiative for Global Road Safety - Career Opportunity in Uganda
1565 Days Ago
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Vacancy title:
Enforcement Coordinator

[ Type: FULL TIME , Industry: Engineering Services , Category: Management ]

Jobs at:

Bloomberg Philanthropies Initiative for Global Road Safety

Deadline of this Job:
04 December 2020  

Duty Station:
Within Uganda , Kampala , East Africa

Date Posted: Friday, November 27, 2020 , Base Salary: Not Disclosed

Bloomberg Philanthropies Initiative for Global Road Safety (2020-25) supports a global network of up to 30 cities, which include Kampala city, to implement evidence-based interventions to reduce road traffic fatalities and injuries through technical assistances and trainings from expertise of world's leading road safety partner organizations of the initiative. The Global Road Safety Partnership is a part of the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies and is based in Geneva, Switzerland. GASP is one of road safety partner organizations of BIGRS initiative with expertise in training and building the capacity of police agencies to enforce road safety laws (e.g. drink driving, speeding, and seatbelt and helmet use) using evidence-based best practice.
As part of the Bloomberg Philanthropies Initiative for Global Road Safety (BIGRS), the Enforcement Coordinator will work with Kampala Capital City Authority, Uganda Police - Traffic and Road Safety Directorate, and GRSP partners to coordinate planning and implementation of road policing capacity building programs and enforcement operations.
For the effectiveness of road policing capacity building (RPCB) program in cities, the role of the local enforcement coordinator is important. Due to the specificity of the structures of law enforcement agencies/police, the coordinator has a special role to play in the implementation of the RPCB program, as well as in the creation of ITS Sustainability and improvement .

Main tasks for a local enforcement coordinator are related to supporting the planning and implementation of effective training and knowledge and skills development for traffic police.
Position's profile assumes that it would be a person with relevant knowledge and experience in road policing and the ability to easily connect and have quick access to the police decision-makers/managers.
On the one hand, it would allow quick decision-making on activities related to the road policing capacity building program (availability of police for trainings, trainings materials review, adjustment and improvement), on the other hand to establish a communication channel in which the police leadership would be constantly informed about the progress of the program and could directly communicate their needs connected with it Quick and easy access to the decision-making level in the Police and the possibility of some influence on the road policing activity is of key importance for Sustainability of the program, especially in the context of creation new/improved trainings programs for traffic police in cooperation with local police training centers/academies The position of the enforcement coordinator as liaison officer will also allow for the development of working plans in close cooperation with the management level of the police and at the initial stage of planning to consider the specific needs requested by the police.

Specific Duties and Deliverables:
• Serve as focal point for interaction with Uganda Traffic and Road Safety Directorate, Uganda Police Force
• Coordinate multiple international partner organization's road safety police work with city, state, and national level policing authorities, with the objectives of
o enhancing police enforcement on the risk factors,
o supporting surveillance systems strengthening,
o linking mass media campaigns to police enforcement, and
o supporting safer streets and safer mobility partners to get police approvals Interact dynamically with the Uganda Traffic and Road Safety Directorate, Uganda Police Force
• Develop detailed program work plans, in collaboration with Uganda Police - Traffic and Road Safety Directorate, and relevant international partners (e.g. GRSP)
• Coordinate trainings, conferences, and high-level meetings with senior police leadership at city state and national levels"
• Lead international meetings between road safety experts and high-level government officials
• Monitor and support progress toward work plan milestones, including providing regular updates to GRSP on changes within the police structure, challenges, and opportunities to plan road policing capacity building activities
• Serve as liaison for city's Interaction with Initiative partner organizations providing enforcement expertise
• Participate and coordinate in traffic safety trainings provided by Initiative partners
• Report regularly on initiative progress to city senior city officials and to Vital Strategies and relevant initiative partners.
• Submit written reports on implementation status and progress
• Troubleshoot barriers to progress and identify opportunities for rapid Success
• Coordinate city's work to enhance road police's enforcement of laws to reduce unsafe and illegal road user behaviors, particularly the following risk factors: Speeding, drink driving and the non-use of helmets, seat belts and child restraints belts and child restraints
• Support the implementation of enforcement work plans within the : BIGRS, in collaboration with the Global Road Safety Partnership with clear milestones and relevant targets for enforcement related components of the city's overall road safety initiative
• Support the delivery of evidence based/data driver and targeted enforcement activities around the identified risk factors listed above Report regularly on initiative progress to city senior road policing officials of Uganda Traffic and Road Safety Directorate, Vital Strategies, and Global Road Safety Partnership

Skills and Qualifications:
• Experience in road traffic law enforcement policy, traffic policing, or related enforcement agencies-highly preferred
• A minimum of 8 years of experience Academic qualifications - public administration, security studies, political science, social sciences, etc. Government experience preferred
• Good knowledge of local administrative structure and processes - highly preferred
• Project management skills --preferred;
• Good communication skills
• Proven capacity to work in multidisciplinary or multi-agency setting
• Proven capacity to work in multidisciplinary or multi-agency setting
• English language proficiency Solid knowledge of Microsoft Office Suite (Excel, Word, PowerPoint, Outlook)
• Significant experience engaging police, government, media, and civil society
• Person has not been convicted of a criminal act,
• Person is not a repeated violator of traffic rules and that s/he has a positive attitude towards traffic safety,

Job Education: Not Specified

Job Experience: Not Specified

Work Hours: 8


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Job application procedure
Interested Candidates are requested to submit/amall their applications and CVs to Danial Chakol at dchekol@vitalstrategies.org  and Jacob Byamukama at Jhyamukama@kuga.go.id, before Docambor 4, 2020.

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Job Info
Job Category: Management jobs in Uganda
Job Type: Full-time
Deadline of this Job: 04 December 2020
Duty Station: Uganda
Posted: 27-11-2020
No of Jobs: 1
Start Publishing: 28-11-2020
Stop Publishing (Put date of 2030): 28-11-2065
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