Evaluation of Inclusive Socio-Economic Empowerment Through Village Savings and Loan Associations Project job at CBM
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Vacancy title:
Evaluation of Inclusive Socio-Economic Empowerment Through Village Savings and Loan Associations Project

[ Type: FULL TIME , Industry: Nonprofit, and NGO , Category: Management ]

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Deadline of this Job:
09 December 2021  

Duty Station:
Within Uganda , Kampala , East Africa

Date Posted: Monday, November 29, 2021 , Base Salary: Not Disclosed

CBM is an international Christian development organization, committed to improving the quality of life of People with Disabilities in the poorest communities of the world. Based on its Christian values and over 100 years of professional expertise, CBM addresses poverty as a cause and a consequence of disability and works in partnership to create an inclusive society for all. CBM works with Persons with Disabilities, their families, local partner organizations, global organizations and Disabled Persons' Organizations (DPOs).
The organization envisions an inclusive world in which all persons with disabilities enjoy their human rights and achieve their full potential. CBM’s work seeks to reduce the prevalence of diseases which cause impairments; minimize conditions that lead to disability; and promote equal opportunities for economic empowerment, livelihood security and full inclusion in all aspects of society for Persons with Disabilities.
CBM is implementing a livelihoods development project in Uganda dubbed ‘Inclusive Socio-Economic Development through Village Savings and Loans Associations (VSLAs)’. The project seeks to enhance the quality of life, economic outcomes and inclusion for supported Persons with Disabilities and their caregivers. This is achieved through VSLAs and supportive advocacy activities in collaboration with international and local non-governmental organizations (NGOs) and microfinance institutions (MFIs).

Background to the project
The ‘Inclusive Socio-Economic Development through VSLAs’ project sought to improve the quality of life, economic outcomes, participation in decision making and respect for Persons with Disabilities in the community. Ultimately, the project hoped to improve disability inclusion in mainstream livelihood projects and services. It was also an ambition of the project to place Persons with Disabilities in the lead, ensuring that their strengths, needs, ideas and feedback are kept at the forefront of project delivery. These will be achieved through supportive VSLAs and advocacy activities in Mityana and Mbarara districts as well as the greater Kyotera district.
The project used a twin-track approach to achieve its aims. The first track was to provide direct support to Persons with Disabilities to set up their own VSLAs. The second track on the other hand sought to promote and facilitate disability inclusion in society, build institutional capacity for the provision of inclusive financial services, and improve attitudes and respect among and towards Persons with Disabilities.

The project was implemented by three partners: Katalemwa Cheshire Homes (KCH), the National Union of Disabled Persons of Uganda (NUDIPU) and Organised Useful Rehabilitation Services (OURS).

Evaluation Rationale
The ‘Disability-Inclusive Socio-Economic Empowerment’ program ends on 31 January 2022. Thus CBM, and the project funder would like to conduct an end of project evaluation to assess its impact and identify learnings for future actions. The overall objective of this evaluation is to evaluate the impact and sustainability of the CBM and Community Fund supported Disability-Inclusive Socio-Economic Empowerment project on the livelihoods of Persons with Disabilities, caregivers and community members who participated in the programme in Uganda. The evaluation will also foster learning and planning for future interventions.

Specific objectives
• To evaluate the extent to which the intervention objectives and design responded to beneficiaries’, global, country, and partners’ needs, policies and priorities.
• To examine the compatibility of the intervention with other interventions, those implemented by the partners involved as well as external interventions from other actors in the project areas.
• To assess the extent to which the intervention achieved its objectives including any differential results across partners/ districts.
• To find out the extent to which the intervention has delivered results in an economic and timely way.
• To examine the extent to which the intervention has generated significant positive or negative, intended or unintended, higher-level effects.
• To evaluate the extent to which the net benefits of the intervention will continue, or are likely to continue after the project closes.
• To identify gaps, lessons learned and recommendations to CBM and the National Lottery Community Fund for improved programming in future.

Scope of work
The evaluation will be conducted with the CBM supported partners; Katalemwa Cheshire Home (KCH) Kyotera district, Organized Useful Rehabilitation Services (OURS), Mbarara City and Ibanda district; and the National Union of Disabled Persons of Uganda (NUDIPU -Mityana district. The consultant is expected to do the following.
• Conduct field data collection in the three project areas from the selected key stakeholders, sampled communities and respondents.
• Document review of project reports for all the partners involved in the project.

The study will devise both qualitative and quantitative study methods. The consultant will engage key informant interviews, focus group discussions and questionnaire survey in data collection. Key project documents including the proposal, progress reports and data will be availed to the consultant to provide an overview of projects. The consultant will devise scientific techniques to avoid bias and help in getting a representative sample for the study. Key among the study population will include partner program staff; VSLA members; members of VSLA households, care givers, staff of district unions; government line staff and; any other persons that may provide viable information. The consultant will also facilitate on site validation meetings with the program beneficiaries in the three project areas to triangulate the results.

Time Schedule
1 . Terms of Reference uploaded on Reliefweb by 29thNov 2021
2 . Deadlines for receiving responses to Terms of Reference by interested bidders by 9 th Dec 2021

Signing of Contract and commencement of assignment by 14th Dec 2021
Submission of evaluation work plan/inception report: This will include a specific outline of the evaluation, finalized learning questions; it will identify sampling, timing data collection, quality control measurements and methodology. The inception report will be reviewed and approved prior to any data collection by 20th Dec 2021
Submission and presentation of draft report: Submit draft report and make a presentation to selected team by 14 th Jan 2022

CBM provides feedback to the report by 21st Jan 2022
Final report: Provide 2 bound hardcopies and a soft copy of the final evaluation report with recommendations incorporated, supporting tables and graphs, visuals and appendices as per the requirements by 28 th Jan 2022

The consultant is expected to provide the following outputs to CBM.
• An inception report demonstrating that the consultants/researchers understand the task before commencing on the study. The inception report should clearly state the methodology, study approach and a detailed work plan
• A draft report to CBM team for feedback and input into the final report
• Make 2 power point presentation to CBM staff (draft and final results)
• A comprehensive final report at the end of the contract including an executive summary, the methodology, the findings, conclusions and recommendations with relevant annexes to support the work.
• The consultants/researchers will submit two hard copies and a soft copy of the final report.
• Filled data tools of data collected from the field for the study.

Required Expertise
The team will be led by a team leader with at least a Master’s Degree and extensive experience in conducting evaluation studies working with a team of research assistants. Suitable applicants to conduct this study should demonstrate the following expertise and competencies:
• Extensive knowledge in development work particularly livelihood intervention including policy, practices, and global agenda in Livelihood.
• Good experience in working with disability related issues especially relating to stigma and discrimination of persons with disability.
• Demonstrated practical experience in quantitative and qualitative research in the social sectors.
• Demonstrated knowledge on global agenda/ UNCRPD and Uganda’s development plan in regards to Livelihood and disability.
• Excellent knowledge in statistical packages like SPSS, STATA.
• Good understanding of the current rural and community development issues in Uganda.
• Must have a post graduate qualification in field of study
• Strong analytical skills
• Excellent oral and written skills
• Ability to meet deadlines

Payment Terms
• 40% on signing of contract and presentation of an inception report
• 30% upon presentation of the draft evaluation report
• 30% upon delivery of the final agreed evaluation report

Contents of the bid
Potential Consultant (s) will submit the following in their bid
• Technical proposal clearly showing how he/she understood the tasks, suggestions in relation to the TORs, proposed methodology, detailed schedule
• Financial proposal with detailed budget for undertaking the assignment
• Attached key personnel resumes with relevant experience in undertaking similar assignments
• A copy of at least one similar assignment completed within Uganda.

Education Requirement: No Requirements

Job Experience: No Requirements

Work Hours: 8

Job application procedure
Interested consultants (individuals and firms) with experience in executing similar assignments are invited to submit their expression of interest / bids by 4:30pm on Thursday 9th of December, 2021 with the subject field – “Expression of Interest for undertaking “Evaluation of Inclusive Socio-Economic Empowerment through Village Savings and Loan Associations Project to the addresses below:
Procurement Committee
CBM Christoffel Blinden Mission Christian Blind Mission e.V
Plot 4 Upper Kololo Terrace
P.O Box 5280, Kampala, Uganda
Email: procurement.uganda@cbm.org 
CBM Uganda Country Office’s work is deeply held on values and principles of child safe guarding and protection of adults at risk. Consultants, research Assistants and Interpreters must adhere to the CBM Code of Conduct and will need to sign the code before being commissioned for the study.

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Job Info
Job Category: Administrative jobs in Uganda
Job Type: Full-time
Deadline of this Job: 09 December 2021
Duty Station: Kampala
Posted: 29-11-2021
No of Jobs: 1
Start Publishing: 29-11-2021
Stop Publishing (Put date of 2030): 29-11-2065
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