Junior Professional Officer job at International Labour Organization
1051 Days Ago
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Vacancy title:
Junior Professional Officer

[ Type: FULL TIME , Industry: Nonprofit, and NGO , Category: Management ]

Jobs at:

International Labour Organization

Deadline of this Job:
30 April 2022  

Duty Station:
Within Uganda , Kampala , East Africa

Date Posted: Wednesday, April 20, 2022 , Base Salary: Not Disclosed

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International Labour Organization jobs in Uganda

Junior Professional Officer (Decent Work & Inclusive Economic Growth for Refugees, Host Communities)
Note: This post is opened in the context of the Junior Professional Officer (JPO) scheme sponsored by the Government of the Netherlands and is addressed exclusively to NATIONALS OF DEVELOPING COUNTRIES THAT APPEAR ON THE LIST OF THE FOLLOWING COUNTRIES ELIGIBLE FOR THE DUTCH JPO PROGRAMME: http://www.nedworcfoundation.nl/pdf/List%20of%20eligible%20countries%20%20November%202018.pdf
For criteria see the website of Nedworc Foundation:
Junior Professional Officer Programme – Nedworc Foundation
Part of the candidates’ academic training must have taken place in a developing country that appears on the following list of eligible countries of the Dutch JPO Programme.
It should be noted that the list of eligible countries may be subject to change over time.
Please read the criteria and FAQ section carefully before considering applying.
The ILO values diversity among its staff. We welcome applications from qualified women and men, including those with disabilities. The ILO has a smoke-free environment.

The world is witnessing the highest levels of displacement on record. In recent years, forced displacement has increased in scale and complexity. According to UNHCR, in 2020 there were over 82.4 million forcibly displaced persons worldwide, of whom 31 million were refugees and asylum-seekers. Eighty-four percent of the world’s displaced are in developing countries; more than half are women. While forcibly displaced persons face specific vulnerabilities, including psychological trauma, lack of opportunity and protection risks, host communities struggle to pursue their own development efforts in an environment that has been transformed by a large influx of newcomers. As displacement has become increasingly protracted, responses are focusing more on durable solutions backed by more dignified, inclusive and comprehensive programmes for refugees and the communities that host them. The aim is to enhance self-reliance, facilitate empowerment and strengthen social cohesion.
Working in 8 countries in the MENA and East African regions, the Partnership for Improving Prospects for Host Communities and Forcibly Displaced Persons – entitled “PROSPECTS” – is developing a new paradigm in responding to forced displacement crises, particularly through the involvement of development actors, such as the ILO. The Partnership is the concrete expression of the consensus that has emerged around the need for displaced persons and host communities to enjoy enhanced economic opportunities and for children on the move to have effective and inclusive access to protection and education (New York Declaration, 2016). The Partners, together with national and local institutions, are combining mandates, experience and expertise to strengthen the response to forced displacement crises, particularly through the involvement of development actors.
The Partnership hopes to transform the way governments and other stakeholders, respond to forced displacement crises, by:
• Fostering an enabling environment for socio-economic inclusion;
• Improving access to education and protection for vulnerable children on the move;
• Strengthening the resilience of host communities.
The Partnership is also grounded in results-based and country-led approaches. It aims to develop and implement evidence-based solutions, tailored to each context, as well as to test and learn from innovative operational solutions. In this endeavour, it focuses on three critical areas of intervention: education and learning; employment with dignity; and protection, including social protection. To ensure coherent and mutually reinforcing action, the ILO connects its work under each of these pillars through cross-cutting interventions implemented in close coordination, collaboration and complementarity with the other partners.
Given the cross-cutting nature of the programme, the ILO manages and coordinates its engagement within the Office of the Deputy Director-General for Policy (DDG/P) and through 8 country offices in Egypt, Ethiopia, Iraq, Jordan, Kenya, Lebanon, Sudan and Uganda. This JPO post will be located with the ILO PROSPECTS team in ILO Kampala, Uganda, for three years.
Content and methodology of supervision
Direct Supervision: Chief Technical Adviser, ILO PROSPECTS Uganda.
A time-bound work plan will be agreed between the JPO and the supervisor within the first two weeks of the assignment.
Regular meetings between the JPO and the supervisor about work progress and quality will be scheduled every week. Any amendments and additions to the workload will occur in an organised and clear manner to be discussed during the weekly meetings.
As necessary, detailed instructions, guidance and coaching will be provided by the supervisor, other members of the ILO PROSPECTS team and other technical specialists as required, in particular in the early phases of the assignment.
Work will be discussed with and reviewed by the supervisor at various stages before completion to verify accuracy and the appropriate development of programmes, activities and products.
The JPO will accompany and assist the supervisor and the ILO PROSPECTS team in any relevant missions, seminars workshops and meetings.
Performance management will be reviewed in accordance with ILO’s Performance Management Framework, as applicable to Junior Professional Officers.

Duties and Responsibilities
Under the direct supervision of the supervisor, the JPO will perform the following duties and responsibilities:
1) Programme support and technical assistance
• Provide assistance to all programme management functions, supporting the programme manager, national technical coordinators and finance and administrative staff.
• Assist in the technical backstopping of the various components of the ILO PROSPECTS programme in country, working closely with national technical coordinators, ILO technical specialists (field and HQ), implementing partners, beneficiaries and other national and international partners, including PROSPECTS partners.
• Participate in ILO and other technical workshops and meetings relating to PROSPECTS interventions and other related areas of engagement and support to national constituents.
• Engage in the day-to-day work of programme implementation and offer assistance as may be assigned by the supervisor, including for example in the areas of strategic planning and analytical work relating to lessons learned.
• Support resource mobilisation efforts where relevant through the development of proposals and concept notes with the ILO PROSPECTS programme team.

Knowledge management, learning and communications
• Contribute to data collection related to M&E and reporting requirements.
• Participate in the development and dissemination of knowledge on policies and programmes regarding education, training and socio-economic inclusion of refugees and inclusive local economic development. This will include engaging in the ILO PROSPECTS MS Teams Knowledge Platform and related M&E and communications activities across and beyond the partnership.

Research and assessments
• Contribute to research (quantitative and qualitative) and preparation of reports or sections of reports, studies, guidelines, terms of reference for various technical tasks concerning forced displacement. This will include working with other organisations and partners on their research activities and analysing existing and future publications for ILO purposes.
• Contribute to the review of policies, legislation and regulations implemented at the country level and to the analysis of findings, as well as to the development of policy options. These will include policies relating to employment, education, vocational education, health, social protection women, youth, disability, immigration, refugee and asylum protection, etc. These reviews will also consider the practical application of policy frameworks and gaps and weaknesses that can be addressed through capacity-building and institutional change.
• Contribute to research on employment of affected groups, such as refugees, targeting economically vulnerable and socially excluded groups.
• Training Component and Learning Elements
• Training components:
• The assignment will enable the JPO to:
• Benefit from individual learning and training opportunities.
• Participate in training workshops organized by the ILO and/or other international organizations.
• Benefit from knowledge management opportunities embedded in the programme.
• Interact with ILO constituents, other national organisations and institutions, other UN agencies and international organisations, I/NGOs and other development and humanitarian partners working on forced displacement and particularly socio-economic inclusion and durable solutions.
• Interact with the supervisor, programme team and ILO technical specialists and senior colleagues to strengthen understanding, experience and expertise in a wide range of programme management activities.
Learning elements:
• The assignment will enable the JPO to:
• Improve knowledge on decent work and access to labour market issues, especially for refugees.
• Develop technical competence in research, in the development of tools and training programmes.
• Acquire skills and experience relating to the design, implementation, management and monitoring of ILO programmes in the areas of forced displacement and education, training and socio-economic inclusion of refugees and host communities.
• Become familiar with the ILO’s mandate and activities and with its integrated approach to training, employment and protection, including social protection.
• Become acquainted with the work of multi-disciplinary and multi-cultural teams in HQ and the field.
• Interact with other organizations, institutions and individuals working on forced displacement, durable solutions and local economic development needs of refugees and host communities, as well as humanitarian responses.
• The JPO position includes a training allowance (DTTA) of $4.000 per year which may be used for learning activities related to the assignment and career development.

A university degree at M.Sc. or MA level in economics, political sciences, sociology, development, humanitarian, migration and refugee studies.

Work experience
• Minimal 2 years and a maximum of 4 years of relevant paid working experience. Experience in employment, refugee, humanitarian or migration related areas, as well as social work, would be an asset. Prior experience working with international or national organisations in East Africa or another developing region would be an asset. Research on skills development, employment and social issues, as well as public policy or development studies would be an advantage. Experience of working with vulnerable groups and/or refugees would also be an asset.
• Working experience within the UN system should not exceed 50% of the relevant working experience, including UNV, UN internship and UN consultancy (paid).
Minimum: Proficiency and ability to communicate and draft effectively and concisely in English.
Desirable: Good knowledge of Arabic would be an asset.

Skills required for the assignment
Minimum: Good communications skills, both written and verbal, and keen attention to detail. Ability to work in a team, take initiative and meet deadlines. Sensitivity to diversity, as well as gender equality issues. Ability to work with MS Office programmes. Ability to work under pressure and in deep field locations as required.
Desirable: Previous experience in project management and development, monitoring and evaluation and technical knowledge of the subject matter.

Key Competencies
The candidate is expected to demonstrate and be guided by ILO competencies, specifically:
• Good communication skills, both written and verbal.
• Capacity to work on own initiative, as well as cooperate as a team member.
• The ability to work in a multicultural environment, and gender-sensitive behaviour and attitudes are also required.
Conditions of employment
For general information on conditions of employment, please visit: http://ilo.plateau.com/icontent/CUSTOM/ilo/HRD_PMDOCS/Emp_Conds_EN.pdf
Recruitment process
Please note that all candidates must complete an on-line application form. To apply, please visit ILO JOBS. The system provides instructions for online application procedures.

Interviews for shortlisted candidates will tentatively take place during the 2 to 3 months following the application deadline. Candidates are requested to ensure their availability should they be short listed for further consideration.
Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted.

Education Requirement: No Requirements

Job Experience: No Requirements

Work Hours: 8

Job application procedure
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Job Info
Job Category: Corporate / Organisation Officer jobs in Uganda
Job Type: Full-time
Deadline of this Job: 30 April 2022
Duty Station: Kampala
Posted: 20-04-2022
No of Jobs: 1
Start Publishing: 20-04-2022
Stop Publishing (Put date of 2030): 20-04-2065
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