One Health Institute Fellowship, Cohort 2022 job at Makerere University One Health Institute Graduate Fellowship
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Vacancy title:
One Health Institute Fellowship, Cohort 2022

[ Type: FULL TIME , Industry: Business Management and Administration , Category: Management ]

Jobs at:

Makerere University One Health Institute Graduate Fellowship

Deadline of this Job:
14 January 2022  

Duty Station:
Within Uganda , Kampala , East Africa

Date Posted: Tuesday, December 14, 2021 , Base Salary: Not Disclosed

With increasing trends in disease outbreaks that result from animal-human-environment interactions, there is a new global paradigm of doing things together to solve health challenges. Multidisciplinary individuals with transformative knowledge and ability to prevent and mitigate risks at the animal-human- eco systems interface are needed in order to achieve “One Health”. Africa One Health University Network (AFROHUN), is a network of higher education institutions of Public Health, Veterinary and Environmental Health, located in 18 universities in 9 African countries. Under Makerere University, AFROHUN is calling for applications for the Makerere University One Health Institute Fellowship, Cohort 2022
Fellowship Details and Funding
The Makerere University One Health Institute Graduate Fellowship is a multi-disciplinary, experiential training, and mentorship training model. Fellows will be given high level placements at institutions/organizations practicing One health approach so that they may gain insights into multidisciplinary and multi-sectorial collaborations used to solve public health challenges. This program is non-residential however each participant will be provided with a monthly stipend for two months and all field activities related to the fellowship outputs will be funded. As part of the training, Fellows will attend mandatory on-line theoretical classes between January & March 2022, followed by 30 days of placement between April and June 2022, where they will be mentored in public health and outbreak investigation, data collection and analysis, writing and publication skills, etc. The fellows will be assigned two mentors (one from the institution /organization of placement and another from the university) to oversee their competency acquisition.

Assessment will be based on completion of the on-line modules, full-time presence and active participation at the place of attachment for 30 days between April and June 2022 and submission of the fellowship deliverables/outputs.
Target participants:
The applicants targeted are Makerere University full-time graduate students in their second year. Students with great potential for leadership, previous demonstrable contribution to multi-disciplinary work approaches and a vested interest in positively contributing to, and advancing, the emerging field of One Health are highly encouraged.

Who should apply?
• Makerere University Students
• Currently enrolled on a full-time graduate program in Makerere University from any of the fields of: Social Sciences, Public Health, Medicine (Human or Animal), Nursing, Business Law, Human and Laboratory Sciences, Education, Psychology
• Have fulltime access to a smart phone or laptop
• Fluent in English (listening, speaking, writing, and understanding)
• Should have a functional email account. A functional MUELE Account will be an added advantage.

Education Requirement: No Requirements

Job Experience: No Requirements

Work Hours: 8

Job application procedure
All applications must be written in English according to the guidelines indicated on the application form Applicants are required to submit the application form which is accessed on  Deadline for application is 14th January 2022. Successful candidates will be contacted. THE MAKERERE UNIVERSITY ONE HEALTH INSTITUTE GRADUATE FELLOWSHIP: 2022 Organizer: Makerere University Deadline for Application: January 14th 2022 For more details contact the AFROHUN Uganda office on : +256 784 285 855 or 

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Job Info
Job Category: Administrative jobs in Uganda
Job Type: Full-time
Deadline of this Job: 14 January 2022
Duty Station: Kampala
Posted: 14-12-2021
No of Jobs: 1
Start Publishing: 14-12-2021
Stop Publishing (Put date of 2030): 14-12-2065
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