Physician job at St. Mary's Hospital Lacor
257 Days Ago
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Vacancy title:

[ Type: FULL TIME , Industry: Health Care , Category: Healthcare ]

Jobs at:

St. Mary's Hospital Lacor

Deadline of this Job:
Saturday, July 06 2024 

Duty Station:
Within Uganda , Gulu, East Africa

Date Posted: Friday, June 21 2024, Base Salary: Not Disclosed

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St. Mary's Hospital Lacor jobs in Uganda

Job Summary
A Medical Officer Special Grade is a Medical Officer who has successfully completed a post-graduate training of a duration of at least three (3) years. He/she has therefore attained adequate experience and expertise to be capable of providing initial assessment and patient management in a particular specialty

Specific Additional Responsibilities
• To make appropriate patient management decisions, initiate investigations, carry out appropriate operative and other special medical procedures as may be called for in the particular specialty as have been taught him/her to perform independently
• To summon Consultant help for difficult diagnostic, management and special procedure problems he/she may encounter
• To conduct independent ward rounds with interns and or Medical Officers on all patients under his/her care to assess their conditions, organise investigations and initiate management and consult with the Consultant as necessary
• To be on call as required. When on call, to be responsible for seeing patients at the request of nurses, Clinical Officers, Interns, Medical Officers as the case may be and any other consultation for his/her speciality. The MOSG may be required to be resident within the hospital premises for call purposes and his/her whereabouts should be known at all times especially when on call
• The MOSG has the responsibility to teach and supervise the Interns and Medical Officers to ensure that all the patients are adequately clerked and the necessary treatment has been initiated. The MOSG will teach the Interns and MOs all the necessary theory and skills relevant in as far as he/she is competent to do so
• To conduct Out Patient Clinics with or in lieu of the Consultant as is commensurate with his/her experience at that particular time
• To draw up all Operation lists or list for special procedures as the specialty may call for and discuss those with the Consultant for approval
• To independently perform special procedures and operations as are required in the particular specialty
• To ensure that adequate liaison with Anaesthetics, Theatre, Laboratory and all relevant personnel to the performance of the procedure has taken place
• To ensure that the Interns and MOs have adequately prepared all the patients for theatre and any other special procedures and that all necessary investigations and preliminaries have been carried out
• He/she ensures efficient management of services in his/her speciality
• To supervise admissions and determine patients to be discharged. Ensure proper records of Admissions, Discharges, Special Procedures, Complications and Mortality statistics are well kept
• To liaise with other departments and specialities in the Management of his/her patients where necessary. He/she is to advice on the procurement of equipment, drugs and other logistics required for his/her specialty
• To actively participate and initiate the audit process in his/her area of specialty as well as make necessary presentations and follow up to audit/peer recommendations as a learning process
• The MOSG actively teaches junior Doctors under his supervision, including Nurses on ward rounds as well as at the request of the Nursing School
• To perform any other duties that may be assigned by the supervisors

• MBcHB or equivalent from a recognised institution
• MMED or its equivalent in the relevant area of speciality from a recognised institution
• Duly registered with the Uganda Medical & Dental Practitioners’ Council

Job Experience: No Requirements

Work Hours: 8

Experience in Months:

Level of Education:
Postgraduate Degree

Job application procedure

Interested individuals should write to the following address:
Personnel Office,
St. Mary’s Hospital Lacor,
P.O. Box 180,
Gulu, Uganda.

Or by email to: 

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Job Info
Job Category: Health/ Medicine jobs in Uganda
Job Type: Full-time
Deadline of this Job: 06 July 2024
Duty Station: Gulu
Posted: 21-06-2024
No of Jobs: 1
Start Publishing: 21-06-2024
Stop Publishing (Put date of 2030): 21-06-2068
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