Public Procurement Contract for Provision of Consultancy Services to Develop and Implement a Communication Campaign against Gender Based Violence in the Workplaces in Albertine/Rwenzori region, Uganda. job at Enabel
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1 Technical Specifications

1.1 Requirements for the services and the deliverables
1.1.1 Technical methodology
The Contractor shall provide the services and the deliverables as specified hereafter by applying a technical methodology, which factors in the following aspects.

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Enabel jobs in Uganda Background Information
These terms of reference apply to a 5-year Thematic Portfolio on Social Protection and Decent Work which is implemented in Uganda and is funded by the Kingdom of Belgium. The project is jointly executed by Ministry of Gender, Labour and Social Development. The long-term ambition of this project is to improve the living conditions and resilience of the most vulnerable populations in the Great Lakes region by investing in social protection systems and decent work, as well as contributing to the promotion of their sustainable and inclusive socioeconomic development. While the specific objective is that women and young people of working age in the Great Lakes region have an increased opportunity to engage in decent work, are better protected by labour rights and benefit from social protection and more inclusive social dialogue. This Portfolio will contribute to two strategic objectives of the third National Development Plan (NDP III) aiming at “Increasing Household Incomes and Improving Quality of Life of Ugandans”, namely (i) to strengthen the private sector to create jobs and (ii) to enhance productivity and social well-being of the population. The portfolio is implemented in Uganda, Rwanda, and the
Democratic Republic of Congo. In Uganda, it geographically focuses on Albertine and Rwenzori regions while it is context-wise engaged with agriculture (cocoa and coffee), tourism and hospitality sectors.

Project context
The second result area (pillar 2) of the Decent Work and Social Protection project aims at making the fundamental principles and rights at work for workers in the formal and informal economy better respected, protected and fulfilled. Standards and rights at work cover topics such as freedom of association, the right to collective bargaining, the prohibition of all forms of forced labour, elimination of the worst forms of child labour, non-discrimination in employment (equal pay for equal work) and health and safety.

Pillar 2 has a list of specific activities to promote gender equality and a safe working environment in the framework of decent work. Many reports testify that women in the labour market are faced with several problems that range from gender inequality, discrimination, and exposure to precarious work and gender-based violence. According to the 2021 National Survey on Violence against Women and Girls (VAWG), 62% of women in Uganda have ever experienced violence of any form by their partners, sexual violence being the highest estimated at 36%. The rate of gender-based violence (GBV) in Uganda has staggered around 55% to 70% in the last decade as per the Uganda Bureau of Statistics (UBOS), and 80% of women have ever experienced violence at workplace (UBOS, 2009; 2016;2021).

Although there are significant issues related to implementation, the legislative framework serves well in the fight against GBV countrywide. According to the 2016 National Policy on Elimination of Gender Based Violence (GBV) Policy (revised in 2019), GBV refers to physical, sexual, economic or psychological violations which are subjected to individuals and/or a group of persons based on social expectations of men and women. The Policy defines GBV to include 1) Physical violence which includes; battering and beating, 2) Sexual violence which includes; rape, child sexual abuse, defilement and incest, sexual assaults, sexual harassment, forced prostitution and trafficking in persons, 3) Harmful traditional practices such as Female Genital Mutilation, early and forced marriages and dowry related violence, 4) Economic violence such as denial of assets and economic livelihoods, and 5) Emotional and psychological violence such as verbal abuse, humiliation and confinement (MoGLSD 2019). So, alignment with international policies and protocols is nearly achieved at the policy definition level. Nevertheless, the creation and maintenance of a safe working environment requires improvements in the regulations, implementations, and further follow-up on the ground. Lastly, it needs to be embraced at the community level to have a sustainable impact on the most vulnerable populations faced with GBV in the world of work.

As the project develops partnerships with different organizations to research the gaps in genderbased discrimination and gender-based violence (GBV) in the workplace targeting agriculture, tourism, and hospitality sectors in the Albertine and Rwenzori regions, as well as how to better identify and address gender-based discrimination and all forms of GBV faced by women, men and youth in the targeted areas and sectors, the project also seeks to launch a communication campaign on GBV and discrimination in the world of work to understand the community-level dynamics and to strengthen the impact at the field level. Objective of the assignment
The general objective of this assignment is to develop and roll out a Communication Campaign against GBV in the Workplaces in the Albertine and Rwenzori region. Tasks:
1. Develop the advocacy and communication strategy
2. Roll out the strategy
• Preparation of live radio talk show scripts
• Collection of information on audience issues to inform radio programmes
• Live radio talk shows on at least four leading regional radio stations (2 in Albertine and 2 in Rwenzori).
3. Analyse and report on the findings (including measurement of the impact) 4. Organise the dissemination of the findings through workshops Deliverables
1) Inception Report
2) Advocacy and communication strategy
3) Listenership report of the targeted number of people reached out
• 7000 people reached out through polls and SMS participation in the Albertine and Rwenzori regions: 4900 females (3430 females aged between 16-30 and
1470 females above 30 years old), 2100 males (1470 males aged between 16-
30 and 630 males above 30 years old)
• 200,000 people are reached through radio program broadcasting in at least 2 radio stations in the Albertine and 2 radio stations in the Rwenzori regions

4) Campaign Final report
5) 2 Dissemination workshops (Fort Portal and Kampala)

5.4 Preparation and Submission of Tenders
Preparation of tenders
The tenderer shall prepare separately, the administrative, technical and financial proposals as explained below;

Content of tenders
The tenderer must use the tender form in annexe. In case he does not use this form, he is fully responsible for the perfect concordance between the documents he has used and the form.
The tender and the annexes to the tender form are drawn up in English.
By submitting a tender, the tenderer automatically renounces to his own general or specific sales conditions, even if these are mentioned in any of the annexes to his tender.
The tenderer clearly designates in his tender which information is confidential and/or relates to technical or business secrets and may therefore not be divulged by the contracting authority.
The tender shall contain the following parts:

1. Administrative Proposal
The tenderer shall use the tender forms included in the corresponding section of the Annex.
The Administrative proposal shall respect the following structure:
• Legal identification form
• Financial Identification Form
• Subcontractor form
• Exclusion Criteria Form
• Integrity form
• Technical capacity form
• Financial capacity form

The successful tenderer shall be required to provide the following documents before award
• Tax Clearance Certificate (e.g.; URA, as applicable)
• Social Security Contribution Clearance (e.g., NSFF as applicable)
• An extract from the criminal record in the name of the tenderer (legal person) or his representative (natural person) if there is no criminal record for legal persons (ex. certificate of good conduct from Interpol);
• Articles of Association

2. Technical Proposal
The technical proposal may be presented in free format. It shall not exceed ten pages. It shall respect the following page limit and structure:
• Technical methodology (max. 5 pages)
• Project management (max. 5 pages)

3. Financial Proposal
The tenderer shall use the tender forms included in the corresponding section of the Annex.

Determination of prices
All prices given in the tender form must obligatorily be quoted in EUROS.
This procurement contract is a lump sum contract, meaning a contract in which a flat rate price covers the whole performance of the contract or each of the items of the inventory.

Elements included in the price
• The service provider is deemed to have included in his unit and global prices any charges and taxes generally applied to services, with the exception of the value-added tax.
• The following are in particular included in the prices:
• The administrative management and secretariat;
• Travel, transportation and insurance;
• Documentation pertaining to the services;
• The delivery of documents or of pieces related to the performance;
• Training required for operation;
• Where applicable, the measures imposed by occupational safety and worker health legislation;

Validity of tenders
The tenderers are bound by their tender for a period of 90 calendar days from the reception deadline date.
The validity of the tender will be negotiated, if the deadline stated above is overrun.

5.4.2 Submission of tenders
Without prejudice to any variants, the tenderer may only submit one tender only per procurement contract.

The tenderer submits his tender as follows:
The duly completed and signed tender shall be submitted only by e-mail; and only as attachments and not via a link to a platform. The files shall be clearly named and structured and submitted in a compressed zip folder. The tenderer is solely responsible for the accessibility and legibility of files. The tenderer shall not submit at the last minute. Untimely submission, incomplete submission or indirect submission of documents that are inaccessible or illegible may lead to the rejection of the tender. The tenderer shall submit the administrative, technical and financial proposals as separate email attachments. The subject of the e-mail shall clearly mention the procurement reference number and the contract title, as stated on the cover page of the tender specifications, as well as the name of tenderer.

The tender shall be received by the Contracting Authority on 16th November, 2023, 12:00 pm,
Kampala time. Tenders that arrive late will not be accepted. (Article 83 of the Royal Decree on Awarding)

5.4.3 Change or withdrawal of a tender that has already been submitted
When a tenderer wants to change or withdraw a tender already sent or submitted this must be done in accordance with the provisions of Articles 43 and 85 of the Royal Decree of 18 April 2017.
• To change or withdraw a tender already sent or submitted, a written statement is required, which will be correctly signed by the tenderer or his representative. The subject-matter and the scope of the changes must be indicated in detail. Any withdrawal must be unconditional.
• The withdrawal may also be communicated by electronic means, provided that it is confirmed by registered letter deposited at the post office or against acknowledgement of receipt at the latest the day before the tender acceptance deadline.
• The subject-matter and the scope of the changes must be indicated in detail.
• The withdrawal must be pure and simple.
Job Info
Job Category: Accounting/ Finance jobs in Uganda
Job Type: Full-time
Deadline of this Job: Thursday, November 16 2023
Duty Station: Kampala
Posted: 31-10-2023
No of Jobs: 1
Start Publishing: 31-10-2023
Stop Publishing (Put date of 2030): 31-10-2077
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