Request For Expression Of Interest For Consultants To Undertake Environmental And Social Audit at Ministry Of Lands, Housing And Urban Development
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Request For Expression Of Interest For Consultants To Undertake Environmental And Social Audit For Usmid-Af Ongoing City & Municipal Investment Projects In Mbarara, Kabale, Mubende, Masaka And Entebbe

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Ministry Of Lands, Housing And Urban Development jobs in Uganda

1.0 Introduction

Government of Uganda through the Ministry of Lands, Housing and Urban Development is implementing the Uganda Support to Municipal Infrastructure Development Additional Financing (USMID-AF) Program with financial support from the International Development Association (IDA) of World Bank, for 5 years starting FY 2018/19, following the successful implementation of the initial phase.

The USMID-AF program maintained the development objectives but increased geographical coverage to eight additional MCs namely Kitgum, Kamuli, Mubende, Kasese, Busia, Ntundamo, Apac and Lugazi and also introduced 8 districts of Adjuman, Moyo, Yumbe, Arua, Isingiro, Kiryandongo, Kamwenge and Lamwo that have a high influx of refugees. The Program’s expected outcomes are:

1. strengthened capacities of participating municipalities in fiduciary, safeguards, urban planning and own source revenue (OSR) generation,

2. increase in total planned infrastructure completed by participating municipal LGs,

3. enhanced service delivery through improved local infrastructure in Local Governments hosting refugees, and

4. Enhanced capacity of MLHUD for urban development, management and back-stopping for the implementation of the Program.

The support to the municipalities focuses on the following seven result areas:

1. Linkage between Municipal Physical Development Plan, Five year Development Plan and Budgeting;

2. Municipal own source revenue (OSR);

3. Procurement performance;

4. Municipal accounting and core financial management;

5. Execution/implementation of budget for improved urban service delivery;

6. Accountability and transparency (monitoring and communication);

7. Enhanced environmental and social sustainability (Environmental, social and resettlement due diligence).

1.2 USMID Project Components

Under USMID urban LDG window, the City and MCs under the current study implemented only roads.

A: Cluster 5: The projects in Entebbe, Masaka and Mubende are implemented by MS.China Wu Yi Co. Ltd and Supervised by UB Consulting Engineers Ltd. The Projects are:

1. Entebbe Mc. - Rehabilitation of Kampala Road (2.08 km) market street (0.130km) Hill Lane (0.141 km) Lugard Avenue (0.123), Apollo Square (0.115 km) Auxiliary Rd (0.387 km); Beautification of Kampala RD, LIGHTING OF Mayors Gardens and erection of pay signage boards at strategic places within the MC commenced on 4th May 2021 and completion date currently stands on 4th December 2022 at a cost of 13, 440, 376, 271/= currently at 50% physical progress

  • Scope of works; drainage works; earthworks; subbase g30 layer; crr base layer; asphalt concrete surfacing; ancillary road works including street lighting, walkways, tree planting, landscaping among others; lighting of mayor’s gardens; erection of pay signage boards at strategic points within the municipality; environmental, social, health and safety management including separate environmental impact assessments for camps, asphalt concrete plants etc.

2. Mubende Mc: Rehabilitation of Oguti Lubanga rd ( 0.990 km) Second Link ( 0.8km) Kasana- Kabalega rd ( 0.85km) commenced at 11 May 2021 completion date 8th September 2022 at a cost of 14,899,501,661 /=.

Scope of works: Relocation of utilities, Clearing and grubbing; Excavation and installation of closed Drains (concrete Culverts); Pavement works which include improved subgrade (G15), Modified subbase (G45- CRR+G15), CRR Road Base, AC 20 Asphalt surfacing; Road marking and road signage; Landscaping and grassing; Solar Street lighting

3. Masaka City: Rehabilitation Katwe Bypass (0.646km); Baines Terrace (0.393km); Birch Avenue (0.110km); Alexander Road (0.407km); Hill Road (1.450km); Circular Rise (0.188km); Circular Road (1.41km); Barracks Road (1.30km); and Solar Street Lighting along Kitovu, Nyendo, Speke Road, section of Masaka - Kampala Highway, Masaka - Mbarara Highway, Masaka – Mutukula Highway; commenced on 12 May 2021 and to be completed on 30 September 2022 at a cost of 33,404,646,361/=

 Scope of works: Drainage works; Earthworks; Pavement layers of G30 Subbase and CRR stone Base; Asphalt Wearing Course; Ancillary Road works including streetlighting, walkways, tree planting, and landscaping.; Environmental, Social, Health and Safety management.

B: Cluster 6: Mbarara City and Kabale Mc: implemented by MS Multiplex - Ditaco JV supervised by MS. MBJ Technologies Limited in association with Hersun Consults Limited.

1. Rehabilitation of Major Victor Bwana Road (0.95km), Galt Road (0.63km) and Stanley Road (0.78km). Started on 25 May 2021 and completion is on 30 November 2022 at a cost of 23,606,064,769/=

 Scope of works: upgrading to bituminous standards and all project roads will have new covered storm water drains, pedestrian walkways, solar street lights, traffic signages, trash cans, and service ducts will be provided on either side of the roads

Rehabilitation of Roads in Kabale Municipal Council Under Cluster 6: Bwankosya Road (0.76km), Bushekwire Road (0.34km) and Rushoroza Road (2.49km) that commenced on 27 May 2021 to be completed 0n 31 January 2022 at a cost of UGX 21,722,477,256/=

a) Rushoroza Road (2.49km)

 Scope of works: covers the following:Drainage works; Earthworks.;Crushed stone Subbase and Base; Asphalt seal; and Ancillary Road works including road signs, road markings, street lighting, among others.

b) Bwankosya Road (0.76km)

 Scope of works: covers the following: Drainage works;Earthworks.Crushed stone Subbase and Base.

c) Bushekwire Road (0.34km)

 Scope of works: covers the following: Drainage works; Earthworks.; Crushed stone Subbase and Base; Asphalt seal; and Ancillary Road works including road signs, road markings, street lighting, among others.

Project Implementation:

While the PST, USMID is the executing agency, Project identification operation and management is undertaken by the respective city and municipal council. The City/Municipal Council responsible for service delivery remains with the overall responsibility of the project.

1.3 Environmental and Social Audit Requirements

USMID seeks to conduct an Environmental and Social Audit of its ongoing USMID-AF projects across the city and a Municipalities to ascertain the status of compliance with Uganda’s environmental and social safeguards legislation as well as best international practices. The Environmental and Social Audit shall also seek to identify the effectiveness of the environmental and social mitigation measures identified at the start of the project. In addition, gaps shall be identified and a plan of action recommended and agreed upon to address them.

Undertaking Environmental Audits is in compliance with sub regulation (2) of regulation 31 of the Environmental Impact Assessment Regulations, 2020 which states that “Within a period of not less than twelve months and not more than thirty six months after the completion of the project or the commencement of its operations, whichever is earlier, the developer shall undertake an initial environmental audit of the project, provided that an audit may be required sooner if the life of the project is shorter than the period prescribed under this sub- regulation”.

The following shall be the key outputs of the audit:

1. A statement of the environment and social compliance status with sections on areas for costed actions together with responsible centres i.e. Municipal Specific environmental management plan and a compliance schedule to be implemented by MLHUD , Municipal Council, the Community or any other stakeholder as may be identified by the study

2.0 The ESA Assignment

The main objective of the audit is to appraise all project activities, including the pre- construction activities, construction activities and forthcoming operational and maintenance activities while taking into consideration environmental and social regulatory frameworks & standards, environmental health & safety measures and sustainable use of natural resources.

Specifically, the ESA shall focus on the following:

1. To assess the sub- projects compliance with applicable environment and social regulations and standards (ecological degradations, emissions, effluent, waste, labour and working conditions, community health and safety, Grievance management etc.).

2. To identifying areas of weakness and problems in the established systems and recommend improvement measures (with plan for restoration and compensation of damages or liabilities caused by the project operations).

3. To assess the level of compliance to Environmental and Social Impact Assessment (ESIA) recommendations and level of performance of its Environmental and Social Management Plans (ESMPs), associated Contractors’ ESMPs (C-ESMPs) and other national and World Bank statutory requirements.

4. To assess the level of compliance to the conditions stated in statutory permits/certificates issued to the project.

5. Assess adequacy of Management and Operational systems in terms of management structures, staffing, operational policies and codes of conduct for Environment and Social (E&S)

2. The Ministry of Lands, Housing and Urban Development now invites eligible consulting firms (“Consultants”) to indicate their interest in providing the Services.

3. Interested Consultants should provide information in form of brochures, company profiles, etc., demonstrating that they have the required qualifications and relevant experience to perform the Services. The Consultants should indicate their interest in providing the Services by responding to this request for expression of interest.

4. The Expression of Interest will be evaluated based on the Public Procurement and Disposal Act and Regulations (2003 and as amended) and each Firm will need to submit 5 copies of the documents (soft copy [PDF] & hard copy).

5. The short listing criteria:

Firms shall be evaluated based on the following criteria:

i) Eligibility requirements including:

a. Valid practicing and/or trading license 2022 or its equivalent,

b. Tax clearance certificate addressed to Ministry of Lands, Housing and Urban Development.

c. Certificate of incorporation or Registration and all other legal documents

d. All Company legal documents including Memorandum and Articles of Association.

e. Registered/notarized Joint Venture/ Association Agreement

f. And any other mandatory requirements for a firm to provide services to the Government entity in Uganda.

ii) Provide a Team Leader’s with evidence of valid registration with National Environmental Management Authority as Lead Environmental Auditor or Social Impact Assessor.

iii) Evidence of having completed 03 (three) Environmental and Social audit assignments for donor or government funded infrastructure projects in Uganda or in any developing country in the past 5 years. The consultant shall provide evidence of submission of completed ESA reports to the relevant agencies or their approval.

iv) Evidence of availability of required experts (as indicated in section 6.1) for the assignment (attach signed CVs accompanied with copies of certified academic transcripts and a signed declaration form by the expert to be available for the assignment).

v) Recommendation from at least four previous clients to confirm this experience will be required.

vi) Presence of skills among the consultant’s personnel and in adequate numbers in the following areas:

Team Leader / Certified Environment Auditor or Social Impact Assessor.

  • Bachelor’s Degree and Master’s Degree in any of the following: Environmental, Natural Sciences, Social Sciences
  • Must be registered with NEMA as an Environment Audit or Social Impact Assessment Team Leader (if registered with other foreign statutory body, shall be required to register in Uganda before contract award).
  • Eight (08) years’ of demonstrated experience working as an Environment Auditor or Social Impact Assessor at the national or regional level; three of which should have been as an Audit Team Leader.
  • Past experience of 05 years in conducting audits in donor funded infrastructure projects within Uganda or sub Saharan Africa.

Natural Resources Management Expert

  • Bachelor’s Degree in Environmental Management, Forestry, Natural Resources, Botany, Ethnobotany or Zoology
  • Master’s Degree in any of the above or related disciplines
  • The expert should be registered Environment Auditor with NEMA or an equivalent body in his/her country and duly authorized to carry out such work in Uganda.
  • Eight years of relevant experience working on environmental & social audits;
  • Experience of five years in conducting audits in donor-funded infrastructure projects.

Social Development Expert

  • Bachelor’s Degree in Social Work, Development Studies, or Social Sciences with bias in Anthropology, Sociology, Social Administration, Community Psychology
  • Master’s Degree in any of the above disciplines
  • 08 years’ general experience of implementing or supervising social development projects.
  • Experience of 05 years of conducting social audits or evaluations on donor funded infrastructure projects.

Health & Safety Expert

  • Bachelor’s degree in Environmental Health, Public Health, Community Health, Industrial & Organizational Psychology, Safety or Engineering
  • Possession of Health and safety Diploma or a certificate from a recognized professional qualification in Occupational Safety & Health.
  • 03 years relevant experience in the implementation of health & safety requirements in the construction industry.

Consultants may associate with other firms in the form of a joint venture or a sub- consultancy to enhance their qualifications. However the EOI should specify the nature of association i.e. whether joint venture or sub-consultancy.

7. A Consultant will be selected in accordance with the Quality and Cost Based Selection (QCBS) method set out in the Consultant Guidelines.

8. Further information can be obtained at the address below during office hours from 08:00 to 17:00 hours (Local Time):

The Head of Procurement and Disposal Unit

Ministry of Lands, Housing and Urban Development,

First Floor, Room 17 Parliament Avenue,

Kampala- Uganda

Telephone +256 414 345298


9. Written Expressions of Interest must be delivered physically or by courier to the address above by 10:00 am on 15th December 2022.

Job Info
Job Category: Tenders in Uganda
Job Type: Full-time
Deadline of this Job: 15 December 2022
Duty Station: Kampala
Posted: 25-11-2022
No of Jobs: 1
Start Publishing: 25-11-2022
Stop Publishing (Put date of 2030): 17-11-2066
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