Teaching and Learning Coordinator job at Aga Khan Foundation
981 Days Ago
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Vacancy title:
Teaching and Learning Coordinator

[ Type: FULL TIME , Industry: Education, and Training , Category: Management ]

Jobs at:

Aga Khan Foundation

Deadline of this Job:
08 July 2022  

Duty Station:
Within Uganda , Arua , East Africa

Date Posted: Wednesday, June 29, 2022 , Base Salary: Not Disclosed

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Aga Khan Foundation jobs in Uganda

AKF growing portfolio in West Nile currently supports 355 government aided primary schools in the districts of Moyo, Obongi, Yumbe and Arua through the Adolescent Girls Education in Crisis Initiatives (AGENCI), Foundations for Learning/F4L (both funded by Global Affairs Canada/GAC) and through a ten-year participatory learning improvement program named Schools 2030. At the heart of this work, AKF aims to equip children and young people with the knowledge, skills, attitudes and values to interact effectively with the world and become contributing members of society.

Key roles and responsibilities
• The Teaching and Learning Coordinator will work with the program team to identify design technical expertise needed to support teacher training networks that deliver effective Gender Responsive Pedagogies (GRPs) and other professional development teacher models. AKF is looking to establish teacher mentorship networks that enable teachers in remote and marginalised communities’ access high level expertise in coaching frameworks for promoting peer-to-peer support. For this to be translated into action, rapid prototyping will be conducted to identify teacher mentors and mentees who will be supported be part of a pool of robust peer-to peer support network
• Design
• Participate in EIP Human Centred Design (HCD) processes that promote demand driven practices for teachers for testing, monitoring, evaluating and iterating globally informed and locally rooted teaching teacher professional development models for improving education delivery.
• Support processes for identifying design teams and articulate linkages that will promote peer to peer teacher mentorships
• Conduct mapping of all existing teacher mentorship platforms in the implementing districts and Uganda at large to identify creative practical ways of building on or learning from such networks to strengthen teacher mentorships
• Recommend recruitment of demand driven teacher leaders and partners to participate EIP activities
• Plan, coordinate and facilitate initial and follow up teacher training workshops
• Work with design teams to develop follow up action plans to explore problem with tools developed various design workshops.
• Conduct follow up design workshop to get to prototype and test emerging solutions at school level.
• Participate in planning and feedback coordination meetings organized by AKF and key teacher professional development partners including Uganda National Institute of Teacher Education (UNITE), Kyambogo University (KYU), Arua, Erepi, Lodonga and other Teacher Training Colleges (TTCs), the Aga Khan University (AKU) and MoEs TETD Department
• supporting eip experimentations
• Participate in GRP, VBE and Inclusive Classroom Guide Alpha and Beta test trainings
• Building on design activities, develop a coaching framework that promotes teacher access to high level mentorship expertise that furthers peer-to-peer support.
• Conduct rapid prototypes and integrate timely feedback.
• Engage selected teacher mentors and mentees in testing assumptions of proposed mentorship approaches
• Lead process of pairing teacher mentors to teacher mentees especially through use of ICT enabled platforms.
• Recommend ICT enabled platforms through use of existing infrastructure
• Monitor teacher led initiatives at EIP schools
• quality assurance and reporting
• Identify and evaluate risks associated with proposed activities and take appropriate timely actions
• Develop user-friendly tools that enable teacher mentors and mentees easily offer and receive feedback
• Ensure quality and timely implementation of jointly agreed design team activities against set objectives and targets
• Document and present key innovations/solutions emerging from design workshops and make recommendations for feasible scale up actions
• Undertake any other delegated responsibility as assigned by the immediate supervisor

Required Qualifications and Experience:
• Master’s degree in Education, Early Childhood Development/ECCE or any other relevant field
• Experience of using Human centred Design is a MUST
• Experience in conducting formative assessments is an advantage
• At least 07 years’ experience of teacher training or teaching and learning programmes
• Demonstrable experience with adult learning facilitation
• An excellent command of spoken and written English, including report writing and computer skills, especially MS Word and Excel.
• Familiar with MoEs Teacher Education departments including TETD and UNITE among others
• Experience of working in multi-cultural and diverse teams including experience of working in Refugee Settlement context
• Evidence of understanding of and commitment to child protection and safeguarding as well as other vulnerable populations
• Fluent in one or more of the following three local languages: Kakwa, Lugbarati and Aringati, will be an added advantage

Work Hours: 8

Experience in Months: 120

Level of Education:
Bachelor Degree

Job application procedure
Candidates interested in these unique career opportunities with AKF should submit a two-page cover letter and a maximum three-page CV including the names and contact information of three professional referees by 4:30pm on 8th July 2022.
Click on the link to apply: www.akdn.org/careers 

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Job Info
Job Category: Corporate / Organisation Specialist jobs in Uganda
Job Type: Full-time
Deadline of this Job: 08 July 2022
Duty Station: Arua
Posted: 29-06-2022
No of Jobs: 1
Start Publishing: 29-06-2022
Stop Publishing (Put date of 2030): 30-06-2066
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