Terms of Reference Conservation Monitoring Coordinator job at Space for Giants
1029 Days Ago
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Vacancy title:
Terms of Reference Conservation Monitoring Coordinator

[ Type: FULL TIME , Industry: Nonprofit, and NGO , Category: Management ]

Jobs at:

Space for Giants

Deadline of this Job:
31 May 2022  

Duty Station:
Within Uganda , Kampala , East Africa

Date Posted: Tuesday, May 17, 2022 , Base Salary: Not Disclosed

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Space for Giants jobs in Uganda

With strong experience in conservation technology systems and methodologies, a proven track record in capacity building amongst field based teams (e.g. rangers, researchers, etc.), and ability to oversee the integration of various types of data and information into a central point. The Conservation Monitoring Coordinator will have a proven track record working with Earthranger and SMART along with a strong GIS background. The Conservation Monitoring Coordinator will be responsible for implementing various conservation monitoring tools to collect, analyse and disseminate data across the conservation programmes that will feed into Space for Giant’s M&E strategy. To achieve this, the selected individual will work closely with conservation programmes and country leads, to implement the necessary data collection and monitoring interventions that will feed into and organisation wide Data Hub. The Conservation Monitoring Coordinator will report to the Director of Conservation, with oversight from the Managing Director for Conservation. Moreover, this position will collaborate closely with all SFG divisions including Carbon, Wildlife Justice & Rule of Law, Conservation Investment, and Conservations Science. This position will ideally be based at the Space for Giants HQ in Nanyuki, Kenya, but other locations may be considered.

Responsibilities & Scope
• Drives data collection, storage, visualisation, and reporting (social, ecological, and spatial) and associated protocols necessary to ensure Space for Giants can track project implementation and impact; Lead the implementation of existing mobile-phone monitoring across our portfolio of projects including the training of stakeholders, storage/management/analysis/reporting of data to relevant stakeholders (conservancies, wildlife authorities, donors etc.) and ongoing oversight and mentorship for partners and Space for Giants staff;
• Driver innovation and conservation technology integration to establish a Space for Giants Data Hub that will incorporate varied streams of data from across our portfolio of projects in an efficient way - using Earthranger as a key component;
• Conduct Rapid Technology Needs Assessment across our portfolio of projects to guide management on appropriate technologies to adopt;
• Work closely with the Conservation Impact Manager to develop and implement appropriate monitoring technology to document Space for Giants conservation impact;
• Work with the Space for Giants Conservation, Fundraising, Communication & Finance teams to support grant proposals, reporting, presentations and wider communication (including project reporting as necessary for donors and funders);
• Work closely with the Director of Conservation to develop appropriate strategies and develop project concepts and budgetary components for Annual Planning purposes;
• Actively build relationships and partnerships with Conservation Technology providers (e.g. SMART Partnership, Vulcan, ESRI, Motorola, etc.) and Conservation Partners to achieve synergy, economies of scale and standardise data collection, management and reporting;
• Heavy focus on capacity building and training field teams on use of appropriate technology, protocols and systems;
• Always upholds and promotes Space for Giants’ core values
• Requires willingness to travel regularly both domestically and internationally, and to occasionally work weekend and evenings

Minimum Qualifications
• At least five years of work in conservation project management, ideally in the conservation sector focused on hands on implementation of M&E strategies, and field based capacity building
• Educated to at least Master’s degree level or equivalent experience in a relevant field
• Excellent written and oral communication skills
• Ability to multitask and meet deadlines
• Demonstrated ability to lead, inspire and mentor a team
• Proven proficiency and working experience implementing impact measuring systems, data and information management from multiple streams and associated analyses
• Excellent analytical skills and excellent attention to detail
• Proficient in GIS and related software packages
• Excellent proficiency in conservation monitoring technology and methodologies with specific reference to SMART, Earthranger, Cybertracker, (please do not apply if you do not have experience in these) camera traps, GPS collars, scocio-economic surveys, aerial surveys, cloud based systems, remote sensors, etc.
• Knowledge and experience of social science methodologies and analyses
• Ability to write complex funding proposals including budgetary elements
• Strong interpersonal skills and ability to interact with Government, private sector, research and third sector organisations
• Demonstrated experience in conservation-related research
• Ability to spend extended periods of time in the field away from the office to conduct training & capacity building;
• Willingness to go the extra mile to get the job done
• Demonstrated ability to think critically about conservation problems
• Valid driving license
• Multi-lingual (Swahili and/or French desirable) and multicultural experience appreciated
• Experience with remote sensing and field-based analyses of habitat types and change over time
• Experience implementing LoRa WAN, digital radio systems,
• Familiar with statistical analysis programs, including “R”
• Experience with undertaking socio-economic surveys and analysis of associated data
• Strong team player who can build relationships and work collaboratively across the organisation, including with Space for Giants’ senior leadership and partners
• Self-starter with ability to generate work products with limited support Place of Work You will be based in Nanyuki, Kenya, working at the Space for Giants Office.
• Your office hours will be from 8am to 5pm, Monday to Friday. Reporting and Delivery The position will report to the Director of Conservation Contract Term This is a permanent position. Remuneration is negotiable subject to experience and skills.

Work Hours: 8

Experience in Months: 36

Level of Education:
Bachelor Degree

Job application procedure
How to Apply If you meet the above qualifications, skills and experience, apply via this link https://forms.gle/LGDmM6p7uNc2sjgH6  Applications will be reviewed on a rolling basis.

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Job Info
Job Category: NGO - Non Government Organisation jobs in Uganda
Job Type: Full-time
Deadline of this Job: 31 May 2022
Duty Station: Kampala
Posted: 18-05-2022
No of Jobs: 1
Start Publishing: 18-05-2022
Stop Publishing (Put date of 2030): 19-05-2066
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