Justice Defenders
Justice Defenders
Location : Email : info@justice-defenders.org

About Us
We are a movement of people walking with a limp, from different walks of life. There is no us or them, no beneficiary or benefactor. Each of us is both.

Our Story
Founded in 2007 as African Prisons Project, Justice Defenders is a registered UK charity and US nonprofit with nearly 350 people working across three African countries.
Some of us are free and some imprisoned. Some are poor in spirit and some just poor. We find value in serving others and showing mercy. We’re people who’ve fallen from the law and been captured by grace. Given our histories, we know that without grace, we are nothing.

Our Values
We courageously act for a new and better world.
We seek to do what hasn’t been done before, or that which we haven’t done before. We act bravely, take risks, and move forward to a preferred future. One where justice is accessible, reliable, and can be practised best by those who need it most.

We’re servants, sinners, and saints.
We aspire to be servant lawyers. We recognise that the law can help us gain power and wealth. But we choose to give away some of those things, so we may step towards those on the margins of society. We have very little to offer but everything to give.

We’re building bridges in adversarial justice systems.
We value radical kinship, within our community and in partnership with other agencies. We are seeking allies out of adversaries, who will drive us forward with the hope of a better future, without being limited by our past.

Company Information
Contact Name: Justice Defenders
Contact Email: info@justice-defenders.org
Contact Phone: +256 701 660428
Contact Fax:
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Address1: Plot 16 Kome Crescent, Port Bell, Luzira, Kampala, Uganda ‍