Kansanga Hill Primary School
Kansanga Hill Primary School
Kansanga Hill Primary School is a Private Mixed Day and Boarding Nursery and Primary School, located off Ggaba Road in Kiwafu Zone B, Kansanga Parish, Makindye Division on Plot Number 3730, Block 244.

It is registered by the Ministry of Education and Sports with Registration Number PPS/KL242 and Uganda National Examination Board with UNEB Center No. 130426.
Company Information
Contact Name:
Contact Email: info@kansangahillprimaryschool.com
Contact Phone: 0393 194487
Contact Fax:
Since :
Company Size:
Address1: P.O Box 1496 Kampala, Uganda. Plot 3730, Block 244, Ggaba Road, Kiwafu Zone B, Kansanga Parish, Maki