AgriTechTalk Africa
AgriTechTalk Africa
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AgriTechTalk-Africa is a Ugandan registered Non-Governmental Organisation.

AgriTechTalk-Africa provides technical assistance to agricultural and natural resources development programmes and projects, whether being implemented by NGOs; community-based organisations (CBOs); international agencies (e.g. UN bodies); farmer cooperatives or government institutions.

AgriTechTalk-Africa is the sister organisation of AgriTechTalk International CIC, a UK based not-for-profit company, which delivers technical assistance to poor and marginalised communities worldwide.

Uno How Farm Visits - Numeracy project for farmers in Uganda - Read more about this project here.

AgriTechTalk-Africa would be pleased to hear from NGOs and CBOs wishing to develop food security projects and programmes jointly with us.

Company Information
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Contact Phone: +256 788450038
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