Business Lab Uganda (BLU)
Business Lab Uganda (BLU)
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About BLU

BLU focuses on supporting companies and entrepreneurs active within sustainable value chains, that add value and as an end goal provide a foreseeable growing number of jobs.

BLU includes marginalized groups in the sourcing of candidates and prioritizes female entrepreneurs and inclusive companies.

BLU prioritizes supply and production of sustainable products with a strong social branding value that will promote sustainable economic growth.

BLU connects market opportunities by tapping into existing networks, instruments and programs.

What are we talking about?

BLU believes in selecting companies that operate in a limited number of value chains in order to bundle our efforts in engaging buyers and not spread ourselves thin.

For instance "dried fruits": within this value chain we source clients of dried fruit in NL and in the region (EAC). At the same time we will source the best Ugandan companies in this line of business and we will work together with suppliers of the best drying equipment and we will together design and innovate packaging solutions.

Business Lab Uganda is a sustainable and inclusive accelerator program that connects Ugandan and international market players in agribusiness. 

We are currently scaling two agri-value chains in an inclusive manner: 

  • Jackfruit. Design and develop an inclusive and sustainable distribution network of jackfruit driven by female entrepreneurs in Uganda that will service the current buyer in the Netherlands and add on new buyers. Canned young jackfruit is a popular alternative for meat in Europe and the Ugandan young jackfruit has a lot of potential. 
  • Dried fruit. Develop a support mechanism to increase and maintain quality and quantity of supply by organizing a constant stream of dried fruit, compliance to group certification, organizing waste management and by applying a rural hub model.
Company Information
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