Busoga Health Forum (BHF)
Busoga Health Forum (BHF)
Location : Jinja Email :

Our History

The Busoga Health Forum was established to ‘To mobilize the Abe ‘Busoga and well-wishers towards accelerating efforts to improve health and thriving in Busoga’. Individuals from Busoga are desirous to be formed into a body corporate to associate officially in a bid to promote good health and improve health outcomes in the Busoga region.

The BHF is affiliated with the Busoga Consortium for Development (BCD) which is a non-partisan platform established to rally the people and friends of Busoga to steer the sub region’s socio-economic development. In line with the mission of the BCD’s Busoga Development Agenda (BDA), which is to accelerate Busoga’s social, economic and political development through community-driven approaches that strengthen the sub-region’s human capabilities, the BHF has chosen to build its strategy on human-centered interventions. The location of Busoga to lake and river water bodies, ambient climate and fertile soils, road and water access to other East African countries and markets all make it a seemingly perfect place for greater socio-economic development.

Unfortunately, despite the absence of war, socio-ethnic clashes, social disruptions, or natural disasters for the past six decades that would lend well to socio-economic stability leading to development, the region suffers from the most backward socio-economic indicators.

The Government of Uganda (GON) response to health in Busoga through H/F, H/W, projects, public health, and private providers has suffered suboptimal success because of several factors:

  • Suboptimal coordination and management of the health sector
  • Inadequate governance and oversight over the district health system
  • Suboptimal regulation of the public and private sector
  • Very poor community engagement and involvement in creating their own health and linking to the formal health system.

The BHF vision of “a Busoga that is healthy and that thrives”; and our mission “to mobilize the Abe’Busoga and well-wishers towards accelerating efforts to improve health and thriving in Busoga” take cognizance that addressing the health challenges in a sustainable manner will require a transformation of the socio-economic sector (education, health, food security, and livelihoods at a minimum). The BHF leadership and membership resolve to associate and work together as the Basoga professionals in partnership with the Government of Uganda, CSOs, philanthropists, communities themselves and the international community to create this vision.  

Company Information
Contact Name: Busoga Health Forum (BHF)
Contact Email:
Contact Phone: +256 772 405357
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