CEYLEX Engineering ( Pvt) Ltd
CEYLEX Engineering ( Pvt) Ltd
Location : Email : info@ceylex.com

Ceylex Engineering (Pvt.) Ltd. is a diversified Engineering Organisation engaged in the engineering and construction of large scale development projects in power, water and infrastructure sectors.

The company offers complete Engineering, Procurement and Construction (EPC) services from the designing to testing & commissioning of infrastructure projects. Ceylex Engineering (Pvt.) Ltd. has proven its capability in successfully executing diverse and challenging projects on time to the complete satisfaction of it’s clients. Since it’s inception in 1998, serving for nearly two decades, the company which was formerly known as LTL Projects (Pvt.) Ltd. has been rebranded as Ceylex Engineering (Pvt.) Ltd. in 2016. Read more...


Company Information
Contact Name: CEYLEX Engineering ( Pvt) Ltd
Contact Email: info@ceylex.com
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