Cardno International Development (ID)
Cardno International Development (ID)
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About Us
We analyse and reflect on this experience to provide agile and adaptive management and technical solutions, continuing to adapt to the needs of our clients with measurable impact and sustainable results. This rests on our commitment to investing in communities where we work, localising our operations wherever possible. Our worldwide team is a diverse mix of the communities in which we live and work.
We are strengthened by our geographic and market diversity, and committed to providing innovative and integrated solutions that create opportunities for significant, lasting change in developing nations.

Who We Are
Over 50 Years: Since 1969, Cardno ID has partnered with governments, communities, and the private sector to deliver results for sustainable, empowered, and inclusive development.
100+ Projects: We are currently implementing over 100 projects globally. Our comprehensive service lines offer award-winning, dynamic technical expertise focused on the future of international development promoting local leadership and global accountability.
1600+ Staff: We have over 1600 people around the world helping communities and clients achieve their sustainability goals. Our business has a global presence and strong commitment to use and build local capacity and empower local voices.
60+ Countries: We have active projects in over 60 countries, helping to make a difference across the world. We maintain corporate offices in Jakarta, Kampala, London, Manila, Melbourne, Nairobi, Port Moresby, and Washington, D.C.

Ethics & Integrity
We are committed to conducting our business ethically and in accordance with the highest standards of corporate and sustainable governance. Our corporate governance strategy, while demonstrating our commitment to providing the appropriate levels of disclosure and accountability, also helps us to foster sustainability.


Company Information
Contact Name: Cardno International Development (ID)
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