Chrif Enterprises Ltd
Chrif Enterprises Ltd
Location : Kampala Email :

About Chrif Group

Chrif group started in 2005 registered as Chrif Enterprises in the Republic of Uganda ,East Africa. We have grown from humble beginnings to a respected consulting firm in Africa and the world. Our team has experience in large local and international companies and Government departments, which means that we are business-minded and well-connected. We combine local political, cultural, and business experience with global expertise. We partner with our clients on strategy, planning and problem solving to improve performance, efficiency, market access. We design and drive operational excellence and develop solid commercial frameworks.

Company Information
Contact Name:
Contact Email:
Contact Phone: +256 755 837 003
Contact Fax:
Since :
Company Size:
Address1: Plot 2215 & 2217 Nakwero, Kampala - Uganda