Cycle Connect
Cycle Connect
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At Cycle Connect, we believe that every person should have access to the necessary tools to truly thrive.

The problem is that the vast majority of farming families in Uganda today lack access to basic agricultural tools because of both their physical distance from city centers and their lack of credit needed to invest in these tools.

Cycle Connect is changing this by combining income-generating tools, inclusive financing, and training to further create access to economic opportunity for farmers in the last mile.

Where We Began
Our journey began with a single bicycle when our founder discovered the empowerment, freedom, and opportunity that a bicycle can bring to a rural family. As a lease-to-own bicycle organization, we saw how bicycles were used to create access to critical resources, increase income, and improve rural livelihoods. The model worked so well that we decided to apply the same model to more productive assets to give our clients more opportunities to invest in their futures.

Our Work
We are committed to empowering rural farmers with the tools and training to propel forward out of extreme poverty. By offering income-generating assets on inclusive financing terms coupled with last-mile delivery, our team is going the distance to equip Ugandan farmers with the necessary tools to thrive. Our growing product offering enables Cycle Connect to be a lifetime partner to farmers in the last mile, allowing them to continuously invest in their family's future year-over-year.

Our Impact
Our team is 100% committed to providing rural families in East Africa with a pathway out of poverty. Since 2014, we have partnered with over 10,000 farmers to provide tools and training to increase their income. This translates to our team impacting over 50,000 Ugandan lives.MUYAMBI'S STORY
I woke up on the back of a bicycle— muscles aching, body weak, and feeling disoriented. I don’t remember the night before, but I could fill in the blanks: malaria.

So there I was, a seven-year-old Ugandan boy, flopping around on the carrier of a neighbor’s bicycle, onward to the nearest hospital as someone pushed me. The trek, over ten miles in our remote area of Kiyaga, could take hours by foot, a risky amount of time when diseases like malaria hit. But I was lucky because one of our neighbors owned a bicycle.

Here’s the frightening part: my story is not unique. I grew up in a nation where few have the chance to own a bicycle. It’s a simple vehicle, but it saves lives in times of need. Bicycles also mean access to markets to trade and earn income; they mean a ride to school for education, and transportation to clean water sources. Bicycles mean freedom, empowerment, and opportunity.

This is why I founded Cycle Connect (formerly Bicycles Against Poverty). I wanted to get bicycles into the hands of individuals who need them and who could use them to their full potential. I knew that I was not the only one who had experienced this lack of access, but rather entire nations experience it. So when I came to the U.S. in 2007 I decided I would change my country and I immediately realized that bicycles are the way to do that.

Connecting Farmers to the Necessary Tools to Propel Forward
We are on a mission to increase income for smallholder farmers in East Africa through productive asset-financing and training. Our unique blend of assets, inclusive financing, and training allows our team to connect farmers to the necessary tools to move forward.UGANDA
Cycle Connect operates in East Africa, specifically focusing in northern Uganda. We have offices setup in both Gulu and Lira, major cities located in the north.

Northern Uganda experienced civil war for over 20 years, from the mid-1980s until 2007. The fighting took place in the Gulu region, where Cycle Connect operates. After the war ended, the people of northern Uganda have been working to build peace and create better futures.

Cycle Connect exists to be a tool for the vast number of smallholder farmers in Uganda who live in extreme poverty. We operate on the principle that farmers deserve the opportunity to invest in tools that will propel them forward. Our team envisions a world where everyone living in the last mile has the means to thrive, not just surviveWe are 100% Focused on Breaking the Cycle of Poverty
Cycle Connect envisions a world where everyone living in the last mile has the means to thrive, not just survive. We are committed to equipping our clients with the necessary tools to break out of the cycle of poverty and to propel forward. We do this by increasing income for Ugandan farmers through combining income-generating products, inclusive financing, and training.
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Address1: 244 Fifth Avenue, Suite D222, New York, NY 10001 21 Churchill Drive, Gulu, Uganda