ECLOF- Uganda
ECLOF- Uganda
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What we do


ECLOF International, a not-for-profit foundation based in Switzerland, is the hub of a network of socially driven microfinance institutions that provide financial and non-financial services to micro entrepreneurs and smallholder farmers, thereby promoting human dignity and enabling self-sustainability.

The ECLOF network consists of the global hub in Geneva and 12 independently governed and operated microfinance institutions (ECLOF members). Each ECLOF member institution provides financial and non-financial services to the disadvantaged and vulnerable directly in their communities. ECLOF International provides its members with access to technical support services to strengthen institutional capacity and expand depth, breadth and scope of outreach, and to new funding partners, resources and products.

Microfinance is an effective tool in enabling access to finance for disadvantaged communities who may not be able to access traditional sources of finance. Combined with capacity building, this can open up a path from vulnerability to self-reliance. ECLOF provides this financial access together with a range of non-financial services such as micro insurance and capacity building, e.g. on water and sanitation, bookkeeping, financial literacy, organic farming, and civil society development through the formation of groups.;background-attachment: fixed; background-position: bottom right; " data-section-bg-repeat="no-repeat">

How we work


The ECLOF network of microfinance institutions has come together with a shared sense of mission, vision and values. ECLOF in partnership with local churches, was the founder and primary financial support of the member network. Today, the active member network extends to 12 institutions which operate in Africa, Asia and Latin America.
The ECLOF network aspires to be a strongly governed and sustainable small-scale, socially orientated and client-centric network that focuses on the financial inclusion of vulnerable and marginalised communities. The model remains rooted in ECLOF’s heritage and shared values within the ecumenical family.

The ECLOF model aims at differentiating ECLOF from conventional microfinance institutions in many aspects. First, the ownership of the members shall be vested in church, related and like-minded institutions to ensure focus on the mission. The interaction with the churches and ecumenical family provides a unique insight into the challenges facing the vulnerable and marginalised poor and opportunities to address those challenges effectively. Secondly, the approach recognizes the need for a long term perspective to address poverty. Lastly, the range of financial services and products shall be biased towards those with greatest impact on poor people and communities.



ECLOF believes in a vision of a more equitable world where all people are created equally and with a right to the dignity of leading fulfilled lives. Human dignity is our goal: a world where all can share the God-given benefits of the Earth in security and without fear for the future.


Human dignity
We respect the immeasurable value of every human life. Today inequality denies millions of people the chance to enjoy life in its fullness. We will purposefully work to enhance human dignity, so that everyone has access to resources they need to become providers for their families, employees, churches and communities.

Social justice
We believe that everyone has the right to food, education, health, a secure livelihood and the benefits of community life. We will help our clients to reclaim those rights through earning a living, which can protect them against calamity, and build confidence in their capacity to choose their own futures.

As fellow-citizens of one world, we will walk alongside our clients to listen to their concerns, and work as partners with them as they act to improve their lives. At international level, we will join, as members of the ACT Alliance, with other organisations to call for an end to the global structures and policies that perpetuate poverty and exclusion.


We believe that all men and women have a right to shape their own destinies. In our work we will support vulnerable and marginalised groups. However as women, girls and young people are disproportionately affected by poverty, we will specifically target initiatives that promote their participation and leadership in the economic, social and political decisions which shape their lives.

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