Eastern Africa Farmers Federation
Eastern Africa Farmers Federation
Location : Email : info@eaffu.org

EAFF is a non-political, non-profit and democratic apex organization of all Farmers of Eastern Africa. Its role is to voice legitimate concerns and interests of farmers of the region with the aim of enhancing regional cohesiveness and social-economic status of the farmers.

The Federation apart from voicing views and demands of the farmers on crosscutting issues will also endeavor to promote regional integration of the farmers through trade and good neighborliness.

The Eastern Africa Farmers Federation (EAFF) is a network of more than 20 million smallholder farmers in 10 Eastern Africa countries. EAFF was formed in 2001 and was registered in 2005 with the following core mandate and functions:
Regional farmer empowerment through lobbying and advocacy for pro-poor policies.
Facilitation of trade through the promotion of regional integration and entrepreneurship.
Enhancement of food security, food sovereignty, and poverty alleviation.
Information management through appropriate acquisition packaging and dissemination.
Active engagement of women and youth in agricultural development.
Natural resources and biodiversity conservation.

A prosperous and cohesive farming community in Eastern Africa

To represent, lobby and advocate for Eastern Africa farmer’s interests and build their capacities.

Contribute to improved rural livelihoods and alleviate poverty in the Eastern Africa Region.

The formation of Eastern Africa Farmers Federation was out of the conviction and foresight by the founding leaders to address issues of interest to farmers at all levels i.e. National, regional, continental and at the global levels.

Company Information
Contact Name: Eastern Africa Farmers Federation
Contact Email: info@eaffu.org
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Address1: Westlands, David Osieli Road, Off Waiyaki Way