Elimination of Child Labour in Tobacco growing areas (ECLT Foundation)
Elimination of Child Labour in Tobacco growing areas (ECLT Foundation)
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Our work

Since 2000, the ECLT Foundation has worked with and for children, farmers, and families in areas where tobacco is grown.

We take a multi-stakeholder approach, focusing on area-based projects and strengthening of local and national systems to fight child labour.

Engaging stakeholders for sustainable change

Fostering collaboration with government, farmers, workers, private sector, and civil society is necessary to make progress, which is systemic and sustainable. By engaging policy makers, other agricultural sectors and organisations working on the ground, ECLT supports the development and implementation of strong policies and practices that go beyond our project areas and benefit all children and families in the countries where we work.

Our projects

Since 2011, ECLT has reached over 1,035,000 children and their families in tobacco-growing communities.

Our inclusive, area-based projects tackle the root causes of child labour:

  1. Raising awareness on child labour and the dangers it poses to children.
  2. Engaging parents and communities to identify children in child labour, withdraw and support them.
  3. Building capacities in communities to improve family livelihoods.
  4. Increasing access to quality education and skills training to prepare children and youth for decent work.


Read about partnering across public and private sectors to support children in Indonesia.


Check out our page about programmes in Tanzania to empower children and youth.


See what we are doing in Uganda to close the gaps in the fight against child labor.


Read about how we support quality education in Malawi.


Learn about supporting access to decent work for young people in Guatemala.


See how we support farmers, families and children fight child labour in Mozambique.


Read about partnering across public and private sectors to support children in Indonesia.


Check out our page about programmes in Tanzania to empower children and youth.


See what we are doing in Uganda to close the gaps in the fight against child labor.


Read about how we support quality education in Malawi.


Learn about supporting access to decent work for young people in Guatemala.


See how we support farmers, families and children fight child labour in Mozambique.

ECLT's work to advance progress towards the SDGs

in particular SDG 8.7 for the elimination of child labour by 2025.
  • No Poverty

    ECLT works with farmers and families to improve savings, livelihoods and financial stability.

  • Zero hunger

    ECLT supports school gardens & meals to keep kids in school and out of the fields.

  • Quality education

    ECLT supports quality education. Making school welcoming keeps children in school and away from child labour.

  • Gender equality

    ECLT supports financial literacy and business skills training for women. Empowering women benefits children, communities and the economy.

  • Decent work and Economic growth

    ECLT supports job skills training to help young people access more decent work opportunities.

  • Clean water and sanitation

    ECLT strengthens access to clean water and sanitation by installing solar water pumps and toilet facilities in schools.

  • Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions

    ECLT works closely with national and local institutions to support existing child labour efforts, and design sustainable interventions.

  • Partnerships for the goals

    Collaboration is at the heart of ECLT's work. Engagement at local, national and international levels brings long-lasting solutions in the fight against child labour.

Aligning with International Standards

Key Frameworks on child labour rights and sustainable development

The ECLT Foundation is a member of the UN Global Compact, ILO Child Labour Platform 8.7 and a holder of United Nations Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) special consultative status. ECLT is committed to supporting and promoting international legal frameworks on child labour and sustainable development.

Our people

Our Board Members and Partners:

The ECLT Foundation works with organisations, business leaders and technical experts from around the world. FIND OUT MORE ABOUT OUR PEOPLE

Our staff:

Click on the photos below to meet our team of experts committed to eliminating child labour.

  • ECLT mobilises key stakeholders, through global events, networks and platforms to identify, develop and implement sustainable solutions to fight child labour.

    To complement our work at local level, ECLT prioritises multi-stakeholder efforts and social dialogue as part of the long-term sustainability of our work against root causes of child labour.

    International Advocacy
    Working with global leaders
    Joining forces is key to maximising our impact and eliminating child labour. At international level ECLT actively engages with the United Nations, International Non-Governmental Organisations, and Multi-National Companies. ECLT is a member of the UN Global Compact, ILO Child Labour Platform Alliance 8.7 and a holder of United Nations Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) special consultative Status.

    National Advocacy
    Supporting National efforts to eliminate child labour
    At the National Level, ECLT brings together government, employer and worker representatives, farmers associations, civil society and local leaders to secure concrete commitments, to build capacity and close policy gaps.

    ECLT raises awareness on child labour and supports the development and implementation of national, district and local action plans.

    Advocacy news
    Check out the latest news on our work with international, national and local stakeholders.

    Why does child labour happen? Here are some of the root causes
    Children are most often involved in child labour because their parents or guardians consider it ‘normal’ for children to work, and sometimes for children’s own survival and that of their families. Here are some of the root causes which make children particularly vulnerable to child labour.

    #International #Advocacy #Projects

    Read more

    Quality Education for a Brighter Future
    As the world celebrates International Day of Education, it is time to reflect how access to quality education can fights child labour, gives children a brighter future, breaks the cycle of poverty, promotes development and advances progress towards the SDGs

    #International #Advocacy

    Read more

    Child labour or acceptable work? Do you know the difference?
    Not sure about what is and what is not child labour? This article explains how you can tell the difference and what type of light work is acceptable for children to be doing using the ILO's definitions.


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