Foundation for Community Development and Empowerment ( FCDE )
Foundation for Community Development and Empowerment ( FCDE )
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Our Mission

We build local capacity to lead community change in rural East Africa.");">

Our Vision

Locally led development transforms lives.


Our Guiding Values

  • Local communities lead their own social and economic development.
  • Sustainability grows out of grassroots participation and inclusion.
  • Ensuring that women have a voice and equal access to community resources increases the likelihood of successful community development efforts.
  • Vulnerable individuals and groups facing social exclusion must be included in the community development process.
  • Involving youth in community development ensures deep roots that promote longevity.
  • Collaborations characterized by open sharing of knowledge and network connections achieve greater collective impact.
Company Information
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Address1: Plot 123, Kilembe Quarters Kasese Plot 818, Kigezi Block B Rukungiri