Grameen Foundation
Grameen Foundation
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Poor people don’t just lack money. They lack access to information and resources the rest of us take for granted. They have more than enough will to overcome poverty and hunger. What they lack is a way.

That’s why Grameen Foundation exists.
We create tools and resources to help people help themselves. Tools built to address poverty’s interconnected root causes in a scalable, sustainable way. And while implementation often involves many moving parts, at its core, our approach is quite simple.

Our vision
A world free of poverty.

Our mission
Grameen Foundation empowers the poor, especially women, to create a world without poverty and hunger.

Our difference
We empower people to become Community Agents, entrepreneurs who serve their communities with open-source, accessible digital technology that gives very poor people the tools they need to improve their lives.

The principles that guide our work:
1.Give poor women a better way to manage money.
2.Give poor farmers a better way to grow crop income.
3.Stay data-driven, evidence based and human centered.
4.Use digital as a tool, people will make the change.
5.Design to be scalable and sustainable.
Company Information
Contact Name: Grameen Foundation
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Address1: 4th Floor BMK House, Wampewo Avenue Plot 4 – 5, Nyabongo Road