Health Promotional International Ltd
Health Promotional International Ltd
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Safe Workplaces, Healthy Communities
A credible Environmental, Social, Health and Safety management partner on the ground!
Health Promotion International Ltd (HPI) is a legal entity registered in Uganda on 28th July 2010 under the companies Act CAP.110, with our principal office located at Plot 83 Bukoto Street in Kamwokya, Kampala. We are registered with the Petroleum Authority of Uganda (PAU) on the National Supplier Database (NSD) registration number NS-11053/18/0054.

HPI is a credible Environmental, Social, Health and Safety service provider in Uganda. We provide tailor made services that uniquely respond to existing needs of infrastructure development projects by facilitating capacity building, social risk management, accelerating access to health services, restoration of social assets for Project Affected Persons (PAPs), collaborations and partnerships/stakeholder engagements and fast-tracking contractor HSE compliance requirements.

Our Teams
Gov't Agency Partners
Non-gov't Agency Partners
The management of HPI creates and sustains an organisational culture that supports an effective Quality Health & Safety Environment – Management System (QHSE-MS) through demonstrable leadership and commitment to employees, clients, contractors/consultants and other beneficiaries. In order to achieve this, we have implemented an integrated management system comprising ISO 9001:2015, ISO 45001:2018 and ISO 14001:2015 standards.

Our Vision
Our Vision
A healthy, vibrant and self-sustaining population.
Our Mission
Our Mission
To maintain optimum, physical and emotional health of people through the provision of quality, accessible, comprehensive and cost-effective social services.
Our Core Values
Our Core Values
Client focus, Confidentiality, Excellence, Integrity, Team Work

Health Promotion International (HPI) has eleven (11) years of experience providing consultancy services for Environmental, Social, Health and Safety management services on infrastructure development projects targeting construction workers and the local host communities in accordance with local, national and international policy, legal, regulatory frameworks, standards and good practices.

We have multi-disciplinary teams that enable us deliver the various consultancies composed of experts in Gender, Vulnerability and Child Protection, Social work, Environmental Health & Sanitation, Public Health, Monitoring & Evaluation, Property Valuation and Management of Resettlement and Natural Resources Management.

On-site Medical Services
On-site Medical Services
Social Risk Management (SRM)
Environmental & Social Impact Assessment
On-site medical services
Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH) capacity building and training programs to contractors’ workers, host communities and Local Governments.
Health & Safety management among host communities & infrastructure projects
Management of Community Health & Safety services for host communities
Stakeholder engagements & Grievance Redress
We provide quality onsite medical services for Expatriate and Local staff in remote parts of Uganda.

With all the available resources i.e., trained personnel as well as equipment, Health Promotion International can set up onsite medical clinics in or near your workplace, giving your staff the assurance of prompt medical aid.

The onsite medical clinics provide:

pre- and post-employment health screening
First Aid
HIV prevention, Treatment, Care and support services
Medical referrals and follow-ups
Malaria prevention and treatment
Hepatitis B screening.
COVID-19 prevention services;
treatment of common uncomplicated/non-chronic illnesses
Other OSH related capacity building and requirements.
With the set-up, employers can ensure that no time is lost in giving your employees access to emergency medical services, in case of work-injuries or other problems. Employees can easily receive onsite medical service; also saving the time that otherwise would be used to travel to a medical facility or for a physician to reach the employee requiring medical help. This helps in stabilizing the company’s productivity.

Social Risk Management (SRM)
Designing and implemention programs against social risks for businesses
On-site Medical Services
Social Risk Management (SRM)
Environmental & Social Impact Assessment
On-site medical services
Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH) capacity building and training programs to contractors’ workers, host communities and Local Governments.
Health & Safety management among host communities & infrastructure projects
Management of Community Health & Safety services for host communities
Stakeholder engagements & Grievance Redress
Social risk for a business includes actions that affect the workers and the communities around them. Examples include:

labour issues.
human rights violations within the workforce and host communities such as Sexual Harassment (SH) and Sexual Exploitation & Abuse (SEA).
Gender Based Violence (GBV) .
Violence Against Children (VAC).
At HPI, we design and implement programs aimed at preventing, mitigating and raising awareness of these social risks tailored to a particular project.

For Your Onsite Medical Clinics
On-site Medical Services
Social Risk Management (SRM)
Environmental & Social Impact Assessment
On-site medical services
Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH) capacity building and training programs to contractors’ workers, host communities and Local Governments.
Health & Safety management among host communities & infrastructure projects
Management of Community Health & Safety services for host communities
Stakeholder engagements & Grievance Redress
At HPI, we conduct the following in accordance with National regulations and donor requirements;

Environmental & Social Impact Assessments (ESIAs)
Gender and Vulnerability studies
Gender Based Violence (GBV) Action Plans
Resettlement Action Plans (RAP)
Source Protection Plans (SPP)
Stakeholders Satisfaction Surveys
Environmental and Social Audits for projects

Management of Resettlement, Rehabilitation & Livelihood Restoration programs for Project Affected Persons (PAPs) and communities

We help you to establish functional grievance redress mechanisms for project workers and communities
On-site Medical Services
Social Risk Management (SRM)
Environmental & Social Impact Assessment
On-site medical services
Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH) capacity building and training programs to contractors’ workers, host communities and Local Governments.
Health & Safety management among host communities & infrastructure projects
Management of Community Health & Safety services for host communities
Stakeholder engagements & Grievance Redress
Several communities are subject to involuntary resettlement, especially during the implementation of projects such as infrastructure developments for roads, electricity, water and sanitation, agriculture and most recently oil and gas projects.

At HPI, we support developers to effectively plan, implement, monitor and supervise the implementation of land acquisition, resettlements, rehabilitations and livelihoods restoration as well as managing functional grievance redress mechanisms to affected persons, households and communities with a view of making their lives impacted more positively by these development projects.

Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH) capacity building and training programs to contractors’ workers, host communities and Local Governments.

Growing up in a clean and safe environment is everyone's right
On-site Medical Services
Social Risk Management (SRM)
Environmental & Social Impact Assessment
On-site medical services
Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH) capacity building and training programs to contractors’ workers, host communities and Local Governments.
Health & Safety management among host communities & infrastructure projects
Management of Community Health & Safety services for host communities
Stakeholder engagements & Grievance Redress
Growing up in a clean and safe environment is everyone’s right. Access to clean water, basic toilets, and good hygiene practices keeps communities thriving.

Despite COVID-19 putting the spotlight on the importance of hand hygiene to prevent the spread of disease, about 8 million Ugandans lack access to safe water and 27 million do not have access to improved sanitation facilities (, 2021). People living in rural areas, urban slums, and low-income countries are the most vulnerable and the most affected.

HPI promotes community-based handwashing, improved sanitation and access to safe drinking water through working in close collaboration with governments, the private sector, civil society organizations, and communities to improve systems and practices that fulfil people’s right to water and sanitation.

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Talk to us

Health & Safety management among host communities & infrastructure projects

We ensure Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) laws and guidelines are enforced
On-site Medical Services
Social Risk Management (SRM)
Environmental & Social Impact Assessment
On-site medical services
Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH) capacity building and training programs to contractors’ workers, host communities and Local Governments.
Health & Safety management among host communities & infrastructure projects
Management of Community Health & Safety services for host communities
Stakeholder engagements & Grievance Redress
Creating a safe work environment is critical to the success of any infrastructure project and is one of the best ways to retain company staff and maximize their productivity. Though a costly venture to implement, safe work practices and the use of safety equipment are an important aspect to a business and should not be not be marginalized at any one time, since the repercussions can be severe in the event of an incident.

Among the host community, effective stakeholder engagements can significantly reduce road risk by ensuring that all community needs – such as the needs of vulnerable road users – are considered in all stages of infrastructure projects. There is a need to prepare local communities for impending changes to roads (for example, higher speeds or changes in road layout). HPI can greatly assist with raising awareness of road risk by working hand in hand with different stakeholders like the traffic police and civil society partners, improving public acceptance for safety enforcement. Indeed, making projects and policies more responsive requires a systemic approach so as to ensure road safety for all.

HPI has expertise in implementing Health & Safety standards to ensure that workplaces are in compliance with applicable HSE legal requirements. HPI together with its Clients ensure that Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) laws and guidelines are enforced which helps to avoid or reduce costs that would easily damage one’s business reputation in the event of an incident.

Company Information
Contact Name:
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Contact Phone: +256 772 478411
Contact Fax: +256 200 900448
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Address1: Plot 83, Bukoto Street, Kamwokya – Kampala P. O. Box 23095, Kampala