Hoima School of Nursing & Midwifery
Hoima School of Nursing & Midwifery
Location : Email : info@studenthub.ug

Hoima School of Nursing and Midwifery (HSNM) is one of the youngest public nursing training schools in Uganda and the only one in the Albertine Graben Region. It was started in June 2010 with support from Hoima District Local Government and Bunyoro Kitara Kingdom. In June 2011 it was recognized and taken over by the Central Government under the line Ministry of Education,Science, Technology and Sports (MoESTS) there from receiving full financial support as a self-accounting entity. Since its inception, the School has admitted eight sets of students with the cohorts of 66. A two and half (2½) year program of training following the traditional nurse/midwife and comprehensive certificate curriculum is offered. Students are trained in general nursing, midwifery and community nursing. So far, 179 students have graduated with excellent pass rates. 

Media House that deals in all kinds of photography

Uganda Air Cargo
Uganda Air Cargo Corporation is a limited liability company wholly owned by the Government and established under the Uganda Air Cargo Corporation Act of the laws of Uganda. The Company under the Public Enterprises Reform and Divestiture Act Cap 98 is categorized under class (ii) of the state enterprises.

Uganda Air Cargo Corporation is under the supervision of Ministry of Defence and there objective, among others mandates us to offer Air Cargo Transport services, Air Charter services and a Travel bureau.


Mukwano Group
The Mukwano Group of Companies is one of the leading and most respected conglomerates in Eastern and Central Africa. Since it's humble beginning in 1980, the Mukwano business has grown through visionary diversification into manufacturing, agriculture, property development, logistics, supply-chain management and packaging.


DFCU Group
DFCU Limited was started by the Commonwealth Development Corporation (CDC) of the United Kingdom and the Government of Uganda through the Uganda Development Corporation (UDC) under the name of Development Finance Company of Uganda Limited. Later restructuring brought in DEG (of Germany) and International Finance Corporation (IFC) as equal partners with CDC and UDC, each having a 25% stake in the company. Its objective was to support long-term development projects whose financing needs and risk did not appeal to the then existing financial commercial lending institutions.

Aya Group
The AYA group of companies is a rapidly growing conglomerate on the African continent, based in Uganda.

The AYA Group has been in operation in Uganda for over 25 years. The AYA Group of companies is a diversified Ugandan company involved in manufacturing, mining, processing, transportation and property development.

Agriculture, Food and Natural Resources
The Agriculture, Food and Natural Resources careers cluster or occupational category are vocational and science -based occupational fields , which are in high demand in Uganda. Agriculture alone, forms 80% of economic activities, and yet the professional knowledge is lacking in more than 80% of the population engaged in the agriculture related activities; both formally and informally.
Careers in this cluster are related to agriculture, production, mangement and operations

Architecture and Construction
The group of careers encompassing construction and architecture is a rapidly advancing field of study. Professionals in the architecture and construction fields develop and plan structural components, infrastructure, transportation systems. Additionally to design work, this field of study encompasses repairs and restorations of existing structures, be they buildings, highways, bridges, or other man made objects.


Arts, Audio + Video Technology and Communications
The modern age has generated a massive influx of media related jobs. Careers in the broadcasting, journalism, new media, social media, and audio-visual technology are growing rapidly. Uganda in particular has become the hub of media production, whether it be movies, television, or web content. This career group includes a myriad of different types of jobs, all centered around communication and creative production. Jobs include careers in the visual and performing arts, which are the creative side of communications careers.

Business Management and Administration
Careers in business management and administration offer some of the most broad-based set of job opportunities. Business management and administration includes jobs that direct business operations, functions, and finance. Most careers in this career group involve evaluating, managing, and directing operations in order to achieve greater efficiency and yield productive operations.
Jobs in business management include any management level job that has its core discipline in managing people, operations, and financial record keeping. Jobs include any business management position, from a line manager or business consultant, to a CEO or a VP of operations.

Education and Training
Careers in education and training make up a massive volume of jobs and a good percentage of total employment in the country.

Finance, Budgeting and Taxation
The financial career group covers all positions where money and finance management are the primary tasks. This includes not only finance positions in investment banking and brokerage, but includes all banking and insurance sectors. Covering all aspects of financial management, planning, and risk mitigation, the finance career group has been a rapidly growing and lucrative field. In addition the entire banking, insurance, and financial industry, this group of jobs also includes financial management within regular business.

Government and Public Administration
Government work, more than a regular career path or group, can include almost any profession. Government touches almost every aspect of our lives. Specialized government agencies are responsible for everything from processing taxes and labor statistics, to developing and regulating new vaccines and medicines. Any career path, be it in finance, medicine, accounting, law, education, science, or construction has application in work for the government.

Health Science
The health sciences career group covers a diverse range of professions, ranging from those directly involved with patients, to those that support, manufacture, and produce medical and health related products and innovations. Jobs in the health sciences careers include: doctors, nurses, surgeons, medical personnel, hospital administration, medical scientists, disease management professionals, and any number of related careers. In general, any job which has its focus in helping to cure or prevent disease and/or ailment falls into this cluster of jobs.

Hospitality and Tourism
The hospitality career family include every job and profession associated with lodging, dinining, and recreational events. A broad group of professions are represented, including everything from hotel management to tour guides. Hospitality careers have been in focus as of late, as our modern society moves toward service sector jobs and creates leisure experiences as a major economic product. Jobs in hospitality include waiters, restaurant managers, hotel management and hotel staff, tour guides, travel guides, resort workers, and operational staff in any type of leisure or travel related industry.

Human and Social Services
The human services career group covers all employment related to helping meet the needs of individuals and families. Helping people is the major goal of this career group, and in our modern society, these postiions play a very important role in the delivery of services and in the strengthening of communities.
Careers in human services include social workers, case workers, state and city officials involved in public planning projects, certain teachers and realted staff, and additionally certain workers within the non-profit sector.

Information Technology
IT (Information Technoogy) workers are a major part of the economy and allow many other workers to complete their daily tasks and routines. IT workers provide support to all major industries that use computers. These industries, for example manufacturing and design, rely on IT professionals to set up the infrastructure that allows them to do their work.
Careers in Information Technology involve the support and installation of communications and information infrastructure. Workers in the IT industry can include software programmers, technical support, computer help desk support, network administrator and many more.

Law, Public Safety, Corrections and Security
Law, public safety and security careers have many things in common. All of these careers are designed to uphold the law and protect people. Although careers in law vary on the surface from jobs in public safety or security, they share primary responsibilities. As an entire career group, this sector has experienced rapid growth and importance in accordance with demand for security and legal services.

Manufacturing covers, as a group of careers, any job that is involved in the fabrication and processing of materials into commercial products. All careers related to the planning, production, producing, and design of end products are included in manufacturing. The manufacturing industry as a whole is slightly different than the manufacturing career group, as manufacturing as a skill set can apply to diverse industries such as agriculture, automotive, and high technology. Simply put, people in manufacturing make things.


Marketing, Sales and Service
The broad marketing and sales related career group includes all jobs which have promoting and selling goods and services as their primary objective. Generally speaking, outgoing and friendly individuals who enjoy challenges should consider pursuing a career in the marketing, sales or service areas. Those who have the aptitude and ability to be friendly, persuasive and sympathetic can find exciting and lucrative careers in the selling and promotion a wide variety of products and services, ranging from anything from business services and software to automobiles and medical devices. Careers in marketing include creative designers, account executives, product marketing etc

Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics
This diverse group of careers covers all professionals involved in engineering, science, and technology. These careers in general seek to improve quality of life through innovations in technology, health sciences, or information and communications systems. Careers include positions involved in the physical sciences and study of the natural world, as well as roles involved in the design, production, and engineering of man made structures and technologies.

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Creating Successful Futures
Helping students build a future plan connecting school to real life positively impacts their academic achievement, classroom engagement, career and life success. Motivated students contribute to higher-performing schools and stronger and successful communities. We thus put in effort in ensuring that the students are well informed about career opportunities relative to their studies such that we arm them to make informed decisions

Our Ultimate Goals
Our ultimate goal is to see all students,irrespective of their abilities and levels of study,being able to:

1 Understand their own career/academic aspirations
2 Develop positive attitudes towards work and learning;
3 Connect/integrate their career/academic aspirations with/into whole-person development and life-long learning
4 Utilise the acquired knowledge, skills and attitudes whenever necessary
Our Career Guidance Model
How we help you make the right career choice


Self Awareness
Students learn about themselves their interests, skills, preferences and aspirations—so they can explore the opportunities right for them


Career Exploration
They learn about career possibilities and educational pathways by exploring rich content about courses, careers and workplaces


Students match their interests,values and abilities with the available careers in the job market using a great set of tools in careersmaster


Action Plan
Students create an actionable plan that outlines the steps needed to achieve career, school and life goals set by the student

"Inspiring a generation of career informed and purpose driven students"

Our Mission
To be the most reliable and trusted source of career information and inspiration for all students
Our Vision
To inspire a generation of career driven students
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Company Information
Contact Name: Hoima School of Nursing & Midwifery
Contact Email: info@studenthub.ug
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Address1: 90 Kanjokya St, Kampala, Uganda