Hope Health Action
Hope Health Action
Location : Email : info@hopehealthaction.org


Hope Health Action is a Christian NGO with a mission to build long-term partnerships with local communities and health systems to facilitate sustainable, innovative and life-saving health and disability care for the most vulnerable. We are driven by the call of Jesus - loving others, as we would wish to be loved ourselves. We seek to bring hope, health and action to the world’s poorest and believe every person has the right to quality health-care without discrimination.

Hope Health Action has been working in Haiti since 2007, where we co-founded one of the leading hospitals in the north of the country, Hospital Convention Baptiste d’Haiti (HCBH). For 15 years, we’ve been working alongside local Haitian staff and leaders to support their vision, expand their medical training, access new technologies and essential equipment to grow their hospital facility and ensure their community has access to critical and comprehensive health and disability care. Today, HCBH treats over 20,000 patients annually and employs over 250 Haitian staff.

In 2016, we expanded our work into East Africa, where we support refugees displaced by the conflict in South Sudan, now living in BidiBidi settlement Uganda - one of the largest refugee settlements in the world. Uganda currently hosts over 1.4 million refugees who are faced with significant challenges on a daily basis, from access to health and disability care and access to food aid. HHA have responded to these challenges by working with our partners to deliver food aid, agriculture projects and distribute wheelchairs to thousands of individuals.

Company Information
Contact Name: Hope Health Action
Contact Email: info@hopehealthaction.org
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