Institute for Social Transformation ( IST )
Institute for Social Transformation ( IST )
Our History

An approach to transformative community development was developed in Kenya in the 1970’s by Sally Timmel and Anne Hope and has continued to expand and deepen until the present.
This integrated approach spread to over 60 countries around the world. The originators of this work captured some of the methods in four volumes called Training for Transformation: A handbook for community workers, which were updated in 1995. These books have been translated into French, Spanish, Thai, Sotho, Arabic, and several pirated editions have been printed. The Training for Transformation books and methods are the key tools for the work of the Institute for Social Transformation.

Between 2002-2004, two pilot training programmes were held in South Africa with 72 participants from 14 countries. The demand became overwhelming for 2006-2008. In these 6 years participants and staff have come from all parts of the world.

In order to respond to mounting pressure on the one centre in South Africa, a group of founders agreed to create centres in various parts of Africa. Uganda is charged with hosting the training for the English speaking countries of Eastern Africa: Sudan, Somalia, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Kenya, Tanzania and Uganda.

Our Vision

A society where people value and enjoy social, economic, and gender justice.

Our Mission

IST strives to develop the capacity of women and youth to champion gender justice and equality, transformational leadership, and learning through capacity building, innovation, and advocacy.

Our Values

  • Professionalism
  • Intergrity
  • Accountability
  • Innovation and Equality
Company Information
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Contact Phone: +256 41 4665496
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Address1: Plot 255 Ssebowa Road, Kampala Uganda