International Women’s Coffee Alliance ( IWCA )
International Women’s Coffee Alliance ( IWCA )
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For the IWCA Uganda Chapter to achieve its vision, mission, objectives and make an impact, we are focusing on improving the livelihoods and resilience of women in the coffee value chain for equitable and sustainable business and production environment as well as address women participation constraints. To reach this goal, several changes will be pursued to empower and re-tool women participate at the same level as men in the coffee value chain. To achieve this we seek to:

  • Lobby, advocate for and promote women participation in all activities within the coffee value chains in Uganda;
  • Promote women’ role in coffee productivity through the formation, promotion and empowerment of women through women-led farmer organizations;
  • Promote awareness of women’s rights of access to economic resources, ownership and or co-ownership and use of resources such as land;
  • Encouraging women to form groups to enable them to access financial assistance and to negotiate jointly for better terms;
  • Empower women through awareness raising, capacity building and capacity development to prepare them, involve them and encourage them to take up leadership roles and responsibilities within the coffee value chain at all levels;
  • Conducting training in essential skills related to coffee production and knowledge transfer activities including, but not limited to coffee growing, crop care, harvesting, post-harvest handling, marketing and promotion of coffee;
  • Support and promote the establishment of coffee clubs in schools at all levels- including primary, secondary schools and tertiary institutions and encourage the participation of girls and young women in coffee activities;
  • Provide support to and get involved in the conduct of agricultural research, with a focus on coffee in Uganda. Analyze data and disseminate findings to support informed, evidence-based interventions at different levels;
  • Establish partnerships with the Government of Uganda (Ministries, Department and Agencies); the donor community National and international Non-Government Organizations and all the relevant actors on issues of support against restricted involvement of women in coffee activities;
  • To mobilize financial resources in cash or in kind from persons in Uganda and out of Uganda through membership and subscription fees, donations, charity, gifts, grants and any other forms permitted by law to facilitate lobby and advocacy activities;
  • Undertake essential profiling of women coffee actors in coffee value chain activities in Uganda, support and promote involvement in coffee value addition activities and labor-saving technologies.
Company Information
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Contact Phone: +256 754 812897
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Address1: Coffee House Plot 35, Jinja Road, 2nd Floor, Suite 2.8