Kilembe Investments Ltd
Kilembe Investments Ltd
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Kilembe Investments Ltd (K.I.L) is a Public Liability Limited Company that is limited by Shares, located in Kasese District, situated in western Uganda East Africa. K.I.L is legally and commercially engaged in the Distribution and sale of power from the national Grid under concession and license No. 065, of August 2007 with a 10-year tenure.

K.I.L’s Head office is located on plot 47, Rwenzori Road, Kasese Municipality and has two other branches in Mpondwe-Lhubiriha Town Council and Katerera Town Council in Rubirizi district.

K.I.L developed a Business Plan (BP) in March 2007 which was used to fundraise for finance close before it could start business of distribution and sale of power. This became the basis of implementing the K.I.L project that attracted funding from the Government of Uganda (GoU) in January 2008 worth 5.8 billion (bn) shillings to implement phase 1 of power distribution to the rural areas of Kasese and the surrounding areas. This project was commissioned in May 2009.

Today, K.I.L operates at a customer base of 1,989 customers under a metering prepaid billing system and 1,271 shareholders with 12 members of staff as employees of the Company with a seven-man/woman Board of Directors. K.I.L is now looking forward to an additional extension of the power network to the rural areas of Kasese and environs which is under construction estimated at a cost of 10bn shillings under GoU through the Rural Electrification Agency (REA) and is expected to be complete by June 2013.

On inception in 1997 K.I.L wanted to participate in the privatization of Kilembe Mines Limited, however, K.I.L saw a golden opportunity in the Energy for Rural Transformation (ERT) policy of the Government of Uganda (GOU) in 2002. It redirected her business focus to the supply of electricity to the rural areas in Kasese district and the surrounding areas. K.I.L would not have started without accessing GoU grants under ERT program.

K.I.L enjoys the goodwill and support of the local governments / Belgium Technical Cooperation (BTC) and the stakeholders in Kampala including; Electricity Regulatory Authority (ERA), Uganda Electricity Transmission Company Limited (UETCL), Rural Electrification Agency (REA) and the Government of Uganda, through the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Development.

KIL Board

KIL  is  governed  by  seven  (07)  members  of  the  Board  of Directors who represent 3,891 local shareholders.

We have a five-member management team headed by a Lady Chief Executive officer, with other management members heading different   Departments   in   Finance,   Technical Services, Human Resources, and Risk and Internal Audit. Below these, are a line of professional employees aimed at achieving the goals and objectives of KIL. We are Gender sensitive in our recruitment processes, with women empowerment to contribute as mothers to the Nation. These comprise the Human Resource capacity and structures for effective governance and management of company affairs. A work force of thirty seven (37) employees on payroll and twenty eight (28) casual laborers, charged with day today running of the Company. We are part of the Rural Electricity Distributions Companies in Uganda, who operate outside Umeme and UEDCL footprints.

KIL operates ten (10) feeders, i.e Rugendabara, Kisanayaraze, Ibanda, Kirembe, Kikorongo, Kyambura, Kizinda, Kitagata, Kalere and Matsyoro. With Buhweju powerline coming on board, we are going to have four more feeders added calling for more connections and increased access under the Electricity Connection Policy (ECP).

Company Information
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Contact Phone: 0800211050
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Address1: Plot 47, Rwenzori Road, P.O Box 341, Kasese, Uganda