Mara Agribusiness
Mara Agribusiness
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What is MARA?
MARA Agribusiness (MARA) is a social enterprise that works with youth farmers to improve their livelihoods by providing quality agro-inputs through the MARA Agro-stores, training, consulting & establishment of coffee farms through Coffee advisory & availing markets for youth coffee through Aramah coffee.

We believe in a sustainable youth-driven agribusiness sector through entrepreneurship, innovation and collaboration.

A youth-focused and technology-driven social enterprise that supplies genuine, accessible and affordable agro-inputs to coffee farmers and trades in high-quality sustainable and traceable youth coffee to create 2500 direct decent jobs for rural youth in Uganda by 2025.

How we started…
In 2017, the team that conducted a study about the sustainability of Uganda’s coffee industry. Through the study, we discovered that majority of Uganda’s coffee farmers are aging out, with an average age of 62 years. On the other hand, Uganda has the second youngest population in the world, with 55% of the population below 18 years and 70% below 30 years. On the contrary, there’s high rural-urban migration in search for quick-money making jobs, yet agriculture employs about 80% of the population, with coffee as the leading export earner.

This compelled us to establish MARA Agribusiness. So far, MARA Agribusiness has a total of 12 youth employees, 1050 youth coffee farming network and 5080 traditional coffee farming network across 05 Robusta and 03 Arabica coffee growing districts.

Through the youth network, MARA trains farmers in coffee agronomy and sells agro-inputs to smallholder farmers and aggregates; processes and markets the finished coffee product to coffee consumers. MARA Agribusiness therefore is a youth-led and technology-focused social enterprise that provide inputs and output services to coffee farmers.

Company Information
Contact Name: Mara Agribusiness
Contact Email:
Contact Phone: +256 773 032 663
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Address1: The Design Hub Fifth Street, Industrial Area Kampala, Uganda