Ministry of Finance, Planning & Economic Development
Ministry of Finance, Planning & Economic Development
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The Ministry of Finance, Planning and Economic Development derives its mandate and functions from the 1995 Constitution of the Republic of Uganda and other related subordinate laws, including; the Budget Act (2001), the Public Finance and Accountability Act (2003) and acts establishing agencies and auxiliary organisations.

Accordingly, the Ministry plays a pivotal role in the co-ordination of development planning; mobilisation of public resources; and ensuring effective accountability for the use of such resources for the benefit of all Ugandans.

The Ministry discharges this responsibility in the context of her Vision, Mission, mandate and Functions. 


A most effective and efficient Ministry capable of achieving the fastest rate of economic transformation.


To formulate sound economic policies, maximize revenue mobilization, ensure efficient allocation and accountability for public resources.


To mobilize financial resources, regulate their management and formulate policies that enhance overall economic stability and development.

     Key objectives

i)  Maintain solid economic growth under a stable macro environment

ii) Enhance revenue collection to finance the budget towards 25% of the GDP target.

iii) Promote regional integration programmes and investments

iv) To promote transparency and accountability for all public resources 
The Ministry of Finance, Planning and Economic Development put together this website as part of the effort to improve communication and ensure smooth flow of information with our stakeholders. The website provides a summary of the Ministry’s mandate and functions, the Departments that support the fulfillment of this mandate, publications and information on and about the Ministry among others. We anticipate that this site will be a one-stop Information Center for our esteemed patrons with in and outside the country.

The Ministry’s mandate cuts across all sectors of Government. Not only is it entrusted with the formulation of sound economic and fiscal policies, but it must also mobilise resources for the implementation of government programmes, and ensure that all public resources are disbursed as appropriated by Parliament and accounted for in accordance with national laws and international best practice.

Over the years, the Ministry has made great strides in fulfilling its mandate by providing policy guidance that has led to remarkable achievements in national economic growth. We have strengthened consultative processes with other government ministries, local governments, agencies, development partners, the private sector, the media, the academia, and civil society organisations. This is to ensure not only government wide but also country wide owned policies and programmes. We believe in participatory processes, accountability and transparency. We are committed good working relations with stakeholders and our development partners as well as mutual support and cooperation between the Ministry, Political leadership, Development Partners, and Stakeholders.

Although the Ministry has made great strides in fulfilling its mandate, we still face a number of challenges, including; budget deficit, a small tax base, budget pressures, sustaining macro economic stability while at the same time making adequate investments for poverty eradication among others. I believe that we can all work together to minimize these inadequacies.

I take this opportunity to welcome you to the Ministry of Finance, Planning and Economic Development website . I believe you will find the information listed very useful.
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i. Bank of Uganda

Bank of Uganda (BoU) is the Central Bank of the Republic of Uganda. The primary purpose of the Bank is to foster price stability and a sound financial system. Together with other institutions, it also plays a pivotal role as a centre of excellence in upholding macroeconomic stability.

i. Uganda Development Bank (UDB)

Uganda Development Bank Limited (UDBL) is a Government owned Development Finance Institution (DFI) whose objective is to accelerate socio-economic development through sustainable financial interventions in line with the country’s development priorities.

The Bank supports Small & Medium Enterprises (SMEs) and large scale development projects in the various key growth sectors notably;

· Agriculture (Primary Agriculture and Agro-industrialization)

· Manufacturing

· Infrastructure

· Tourism and Hospitality

· Human Capital Development (Education and Health)

The UDB Website is:

i. Uganda Microfinance Regulatory Authority (UMRA)

UMRA seeks to promote a sound and sustainable non-bank financial institution’s sector (Savings and Credit Cooperatives, Village Saving and Loan Associations, Non-deposit Taking Microfinance Institutions and Moneylenders) to enhance financial inclusion, financial stability, and financial consumer protection.

UMRA also seeks to protect interests of members and beneficiaries of Tier 4 microfinance institutions including the promotion of transparency and accountability by applying both prudential and non-prudential standards, promote stability and integrity of the financial sector through ensuring stability and security of Tier 4 microfinance institutions and other functions. Website is:

i. Capital Markets Authority (CMA)

The Capital Markets Authority (CMA) is responsible for promoting, developing and regulating the capital markets industry in Uganda, with the overall objectives of investor protection and market efficiency. Website is:

i. The Insurance Regulatory Authority of Uganda (IRA)

The Insurance Regulatory Authority of Uganda (IRA) was established under section 14 of the Insurance Statute 1996 now The Insurance Act, (Chap213) Laws of Uganda, 2000 (Insurance Act) which came into effect on 4th April 1996 and commenced operations in April 1997. The main Insurance Act was amended in 2016 to allow for compliance with International standards, address governance issues, and provide for agriculture insurance, takaful insurance, among others.

The main object of the Authority is to ensure the effective administration, supervision, regulation and control of the business of Insurance in Uganda. The website is:

i. Uganda Retirements Benefits Regulatory Authority (URBRA)

The Authority is responsible for the implementation of the URBRA Act, its functions among others include:

· Regulating the establishment, management and operation of retirement benefits schemes in Uganda in both the private and public sectors;

· Supervision of institutions which provide retirement benefits products and services;

· Promoting the development of the retirement benefits sector;

· Licensing of retirement benefits schemes; and

· Licensing of service providers including: - Trustees, Administrators, Fund Managers and Custodians of Retirement Benefits Scheme

URBRA website is:

i. Financial Intelligence Authority (FIA)

The establishment of a Financial Intelligence Authority (FIA) was established under the Anti-Money Laundering Act, 2013 and its mandate is to prohibit and prevent money laundering and other financial crimes. The main function of the FIA is to:

a. To impose certain duties on institutions and other persons, businesses and professions who might be used for money laundering purposes.

b. To make orders in relation to proceeds of crime and properties of offenders.

c. To provide for international cooperation in investigations, prosecution and other legal processes of prohibiting and preventing money laundering.

d. To designate money laundering as an extraditable offence; and to provide for other related matters.

The FIA Website is:

i. National Social Security Fund (NSSF)

The National Social Security Fund (NSSF Uganda) is a National Saving Scheme mandated by Government through the National Social Security Fund Act, Cap 222 (Laws of Uganda) to provide social security services to employees in Uganda.

The NSSF Website is:

ii. Microfinance Support Centre Limited (MSCL)

MSCL is a rural financial services company that was set up in 2001 to manage micro-credit funds on behalf of Government of Uganda. MSCL provides affordable credit and business development services to SACCOs, Producer Cooperatives, Microfinance Institutions, Village Savings and Loans Associations, and Small and Medium Enterprises. MSCL prioritizes support to SACCOs and Groups to increase productivity, income and employment opportunities for Ugandans, especially those who are active in the agricultural sector.

The MSCL Website is:

iii. Project for Financial Inclusion in Rural Areas (PROFIRA)

The International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) and GoU designed the Project for Financial Inclusion in Rural Areas (PROFIRA) in 2013. The project focuses on the large portion of the rural population that has little or no access to financial services and on two rural institutions that have successfully demonstrated that sound and appropriate financial services can be provided to even the poorest members of rural communities namely, Savings and Credit Cooperatives (SACCOs) and Community Savings and Credit Groups (CSCGs).

The PROFIRA Website is:

  • This department comprises of two units, the Inspectorate unit and policy unit.      Main Functions:ii.         Coordinate annual board of survey in MDAs in consultation with the Physical assets department.iv.       Preparation of treasury       To continuously review all relevant legislation to ensure timely updates in line with best practice and PFM reforms.viii.    Provides technical guidance on PFM matters and policy formulation and updates. 2.     Policy uniti.         To continuously review all relevant legislation to ensure timely updates in line with best practice and PFM reforms.iii.     Provides technical guidance on PFM matters and policy formulation and updates.v.       Updating of government financial management policies.vii.    Coordination of all training undertaken by AGO
  • viii.  Coordinate Accountability Sector Working Group (ASWG) activities.
  • vi.     Coordinate professional development and capacity building under AGO
  • iv.     Formulate/Update the national standards on financial management and accounting practices.
  • ii.       Monitor and review of financial management practices to assess suitability and progress updates.
  •         Main Functions
  • ix.        Formulate/ update the national standards on financial management and accounting practices.
  • vii.      Monitor and review of financial management practices to assess suitability and progress updates.
  • v.         Advice on changes necessary to streamline financial management in Government.
  • iii.       Provision of technical support to, public accounts committee (PAC) and local government public accounts committee (LGAC) of Parliament.
  • i.           Inspection of MDAs, local governments and missions abroad.
  • 1.     Inspectorate Unit
  • Main Functions:ii. To manage and coordinate public sector procurement reforms.iv. To provide expertise and technical advice to government on all public sector procurement policy Benchmark international agencies in line with on global procurement developments, best practices and evolution in order to ensure update of existing procurement laws and systems in Government.viii. To review the functioning and performance of Contract committees in.
  • vii. To supervise procurement practitioners in MDAs.
  • v. To measure the performance of PDUs/PDEs.
  • iii. To formulate, monitor implementation and review the public sector procurement legal and institutional framework
  • i. To initiate, undertake and promote research in public sector procurement.
  • BackgroundIt is headed by a Director and the objectives include;
    i) To ensure timely and efficient release of funds, payments and effective management of public Assets.
    ii) To maintain a robust debt management system that provides reliable information, timely processing of funds requests and debt servicing.
    iii) Support the development and implementation of policies in line with the Assets management function of Government.1. Assets Management Department (AMD):1.1. Quality Assurance Unit1.2. Physical Assets Management Unit (PAMU)1.3. Public Revenues and Expenditure Management Unit (PREMU)i) Release of funds
    ii) Payments processing
    iii) Update Government Revenue register2.1 External debt and Grants
    This unit mainly performs back office operations for external grants and loans. It handles disbursement requests, recording of transactions in the IFMS and DMFAS and also manages servicing of external debt loans. The National Authorizing Office Support Unit (NAOSU) is part of the back office operations and falls under this unit.2.3 Key specific objectives of the department.
    i) Create and maintain a high quality and updated database of GOU debt Portfolio.
    ii) Requisition for external resources / disbursements on a timely basis.
    iii) Ensure timely and accurate payment of Government Statutory debt obligations as and when they fall due.
    2.4 Functions for the Department
    i) Compile accounts and prepare financial statements for Treasury Vote 130.
    ii) Prepare payment invoices for all domestic and external debt servicing.
    iii) Process and record withdrawal applications for draw down of the loans and grants manually (and on client connection for the World Bank and IFAD).
    iv) Prepare annual public debt interest, debt servicing cost and principal repayment forecast for inclusion in the Budget Framework Paper (BFP), Ministerial Policy Statement and National Budget.
    v) Record and update financial information relating to loan and grant agreements.
    vi) Manage operations of Debt Management and Financial Analysis System (DMFAS) debt database by updating payments and disbursements.
    vii) Responsible for loans & grants disbursements including
    management of disbursement units e.g. EU/NAO.
    viii) Maintain a comprehensive inventory and report on the stock of
    loans, grants, contingent liabilities and guarantees.
    ix) Establish and maintain public debt records and prepare both statutory and management information from these records.
    x) Provide timely and accurate information on the country’s debt to assist policy makers and improve transparency in debt management
    xi) Maintain controls and documented procedures for debt service, disbursements and maintenance of financial records for debt management financial analysis systems.
    xii) Member of the Debt Management Technical Committee (DMTC)
  • 2.2 Domestic Debt and Treasury Operations
    This unit is mainly responsible for recording and repayment of Domestic Debt. It is also responsible for managing Treasury Operations (Vote 130), a statutory vote that budgets for, pays and reports on public debt.
    Below are its objectives and functions;
  • 2. Treasury Services Department (TSD):
    The overall mandate of Treasury Services Department is to maintain a robust debt management system that provides reliable information, timely processing of funds requests and debt servicing.
    This department is headed by a Commissioner and is composed of two main functional units namely; External debt & Grants and domestic debt & Treasury Operations.
  • This unit is headed by an Assistant Commissioner, responsible for the effective and efficient management of Government inflows and outflow. The Functions include;
  • This unit is headed by an Assistant Commissioner, responsible for the timely update of Government’s Assets register with any new Acquisitions, Losses and disposals.
    The Functions include;
    i) Undertaking Board of Survey Functions
    ii) Support to timely update of the Government of Uganda Assets registers (Non-Current Assets, Inventories and Investments)
    iii) Capacity building of GoU Staff in Assets Management.
    iv) Management of Local Revenue Releases
  • This unit is headed by an Assistant Commissioner, responsible for the day to day oversight of quality assurance on PFM systems under Accountant General’s Office and review of treasury transactions in the Financial Management Systems and the Banking Functions.
    The over objective is the assets and or forecast any risk relating to treasury transaction and suggest mitigation measures in order to alert management to avert related losses of public resources.
    The functions include;
    i) Updating of Risk register and development of controls to mitigate risks
    ii) Running of Key performance Indicators on Government System
    iii) Preparing Cash Management reports and Treasury payment transactions
    iv) Investigate and report alleged violations of rules, regulations, policies,
    procedures, and Standards of Conduct.
    v) Responsible for coordination of end of year processes
    vi) Liaison with the Bank of Uganda
  • This Department under the Directorate is headed by a Commissioner to specifically handle asset management related activities. The Department Comprises of three (3) Units managed by 2 Assistant Commissioners, who support the Commissioner in charge of the Department. The units include; Quality Assurance Unit (QA), The Assets Management Unit (PAMU) and The Public Revenues and Expenditure Management Unit (PREMU). The Overall Department Functions are;
    i) Drafting of a non-current asset accounting policy
    ii) Improvements in the planning and conduct of Boards of Surveys (BoS) and the revision of the templates and forms
    iii) Implementation and rollout of the IFMS fixed assets (FA) module in central, local governments, and the Navision Accounting system at foreign missions to a version that includes a fixed asset module
    iv) Support Progressively updating of the asset registers of the MDAs & LGs
    v) Implementing a roadmap for enhancing the ongoing strengthening of public asset management.
    vi) Quality Assurance of PFM systems under AGO
    vii) Responsible for Updating Government Investments.
  • The Directorate of Treasury Services and Assets Management consists of two departments; The Assets Management Department, and The Treasury Services Department.
  • The Directorate of Treasury Services and Assets Management (DTSAM) was created as part of the restructuring exercise, to effectively build capacity in line with the Financial management reforms by the Government.
  • Main Functions       ii.            Process Accounting Warrants for votes.     iv.            Receive and account for all revenues into the UCF and accounts at B.O.U.     vi.            Process Government Payments on IFMS and any other systems.  viii.            Undertake financial management systems design, implementation and support       x.            Coordinate systems audits and special audits    xii.            Manage Service level agreements for system applications.  xiv.            Maintenance Service level agreements for system applications
  •   xiii.            Coordinate systems audits, special.
  •       xi.            Maintenance and management of IMFS master data
  •       ix.            Undertake systems setups and upgrades.
  •     vii.            Manage Payroll, Pension, and Gratuity payments.
  •        v.            Manage receipts into and transfers from Treasury managed Bank accounts such as NTR Collection, TSA and Holding accounts.
  •      iii.            Process transfers to Local Governments/Town 'Councils/Health Centers and Schools.
  •          i.            Initiate and manage withdrawals from the UCF.
  • Ag. Director Financial Management Services 
  • Ag. Director Debt and Cash ManagementAs part of the public financial management reforms geared towards improving on debt and cash management, the Ministry of Finance, Planning and Economic Development was restructured and the Directorate of Debt and Cash Policy (DDCP) was created with the mandate of providing an advisory role on the issuance and management of all government debt and cash in accordance with the Ministry’s economic policies. The need for an efficient debt and cash management frame work is obligated by PFM Act 2015 which requires maintenance of prudent and sustainable levels of public debt. Since the Directorate became operational, it is contribution has been significant accounting approximately 40% of the National Budget in its five years of operation.1.      Development Assistance and Regional Corporation (DARC): This is the front office and is primarily responsible for the mobilization of external resources to finance government programmes. The key functions include coordinating Development Partners, providing advice on external debt, coordinating bilateral and multilateral negotiations and signature of subsequent agreements and protocols, preparation of financing documentation and reports as well as ensuring effective and efficient utilization of external resources.3.      Cash Policy Department (CPD): The Department is primarily responsible for ensuring that there are sufficient cash resources available to meet Government expenditure requirements in a timely manner. The Treasury Single Account (TSA) was introduced as part of the Public Finance Management (PFM) reforms to improve Cash Management in line with (PFMA 2015).i.Oversee the government cash flow planning, coordination and investment of government funds, which includes developing policies and guidelines for cash management.iii.Formulating and supervising policies and procedures for all debt issuance and management.v.Formulate policy initiatives to foster the development of the primary and secondary government markets.vii. Coordinate with other directorates to carry out the goal of developing cash management and issuance of domestic debt so as to endure effective and  efficient management of government assets.ix.Recordation, monitoring and payment for all government debt.Partners  
  • viii.Lead the issuance and management of all debt, which includes external and domestic debt.
  • vi. Prepare risk analyses regarding all contingent liabilities, which includes guarantees and all other types of obligations, which may arise in financing arrangements, such as in PPPs.
  • iv.Create prudent investment policies and guidelines for the management of all government funds in consultation with the BOU.
  • ii. Developing regular and timely cash flow reports and other information reporting on cash and debt positions for the top management.
  • Main Functions:
  • 2.      Debt Policy and Issuance Department (DPID): The Department is responsible for development of policies for management of public debt (both external and domestic) as well as contingent liabilities. The key functions include production of the Public Debt Management Framework (PDMF), Medium Term Debt Strategy (MTDS), Public Debt Statistical Bulletin, Domestic Debt Issuance Calendar, providing advice on securities market and debt instruments, as well as managing debt limits.
  • The Directorate of Debt and Cash Policy (DDCP) consist of three departments:
  • Background                                                              
  • Mrs Maris Wanyera
  • Policy, Planning and Support Services
  • Programme Responsible Officer: Under-Secretary/Accounting OfficerDuring the period the Ministry prepared the Budget Framework Paper for FY 2019/20 and periodic performance reports including Government Annual Performance Reports (GAPR) and Quarterly reports for FY 2018/19. Operationalized the Electronic Content Management System (ECMS) for online archiving of documents. Conducted health week where all staff were sensitized on various health issues including communicable and non-communicable diseases.In conclusion, during the FY 2019/20, the Ministry will execute its mandate through the above eight programs which is expected to significantly contribute towards achievement of the NDP II objectives, the vision 2040, Accountability Sector Strategic Investment Plan as well as the Ministry Strategic Plani. Provide strategic leadership and management of the Ministry.iii.Manage the physical, financial and human resources
  • ii. Formulate Ministerial policies, plans and monitor their implementation.
  • Programme Objective :
  • In the FY 2019/20, the Program has been allocated UShs 56.977bn. This is in comparison to FY 2018/19 allocation of UShs 55.902bn. The allocation will further facilitate construction of a new office block, maintenance of the Ministry structure, facilitation of regional and international delegations as well as review of the five-year strategic plan.
  • The Program is responsible for provision of strategic policy guidance and leadership to the Ministry; formulation of Ministerial policies, work plans and monitoring their implementation and managing the physical, financial and human resources of the Ministry. In the FY 2018/19, this Program received UShs 29.25bn by end of December 2018 against an appropriation of UShs 43.95bn. Out of this, Ushs 26.79bn was spent which is 91.6% absorption.
  • Public Financial Management
  • Under this program, the Ministry ensures effective financial management, accountability for public resources and assets, management and reporting on accounts of Government among other objectives. In the FY 2018/19, this Program received UShs 57.24bn by end of December 2018 against an appropriation of UShs 110.97bn. Out of this, Ushs 37.28bn was spent representing 65.1% absorption. For the half year ending December 2018, the Ministry successfully supported over 4,505 IFMS users across 273 IFMS sites, over 504 E-cash users in 119 sites, over 1300 E-registration users in 310 sites, and over 2,300 Treasury Single Account tool users in 230 sites.Programme Objective :
    i.  Compilation and management of the accounts of votes;
    ii. Custody and safety of public money;
    iii.Manage resources of Government;
    iv. Custody of all government certificates of all titles for investments;
    v.  Maintenance of a register of government investments
    vi. Develop the internal audit strategy and supervise its implementation;
    vii.Develop internal audit policies, rules, standards, manuals, circulars and guidelines;
    viii.Review and consolidate audit reports from the votes and externally financed projects;
    ix.  Liaise with the Auditor General, Accountant General, Accounting Officers and Internal Auditors on audit matters 
  • All external debt payments due were paid in time and domestic debt claims were also paid. The Accountability Sector Annual Review 2017/18 was held. In the FY 2019/20, the Program has been allocated UShs 94.97bn. This is in comparison to an allocation of Ushs 110.97bn in the FY 2018/19. The allocation is to cater for strengthening Governance and Accountability initiatives among Accountability Sector Institutions, enable continued operationalization of the PFMA, IFMS strengthening  and roll out to 63 Sites including 30 DFPs and 33 LGs, integration of systems (IFMS, Human Capital Management, PBS), data center enhancement, implementation of the National Public Sector Procurement Policy, full decentralization of management of payroll to 175 LGs and 109 CG Votes as well as reconciliation of domestic and external debt. 
  • Deficit Financing and Cash Management
  • Programme Responsible Officer: Director Debt and Cash ManagementUnder this Program, the Ministry provides policy guidance on the issuance and management of all Government debt and cash as well as development and implementation of debt policies in accordance with the Ministry‟s economic policies. In the FY 2018/19, this Program received UShs 3.09bn by December 2018 against an appropriation of UShs 6.19bn. Out of this, Ushs 2.79bn was spent representing 90.5% absorption.With this allocation, the Ministry mobilized 20% of the required external resources to finance the budget deficit, rolled out the Aid Management System, collected 30% of contingent liability data of the State-Owned Enterprises and Extra Budgetary Units. The Ministry further initiated reform and obtained Cabinet approval for trading government securities using mobile money. Consolidated 70% of MDA cash plans and trained 80% of MDA‟s in cash-flow forecasting. 
  • In the FY 2019/20, the Program has been allocated UShs 9.874bn compared to Ushs 6.193bn in FY 2018/19. This will enable the Ministry to mobilize external financing amounting to 18% of the National Budget (Grant and Loan), Undertake sovereign debt risk analysis and produce the Medium-Term Debt Strategy, develop policy on mobile money bonds, develop a framework for management of contingent liabilities of Government, draft Primary Dealership Reform Phase II regulations and develop a strategy for managing short term cash surpluses.

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