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Rotary is a community of friends who are committed to creating positive change in the world. Find out how joining your local club can enrich your life and improve the lives of people living in your neighborhood and across the globe.

“I joined to have a stronger connection to the community. I love that I’m sitting next to the former police chief, the owner of the cutest shop in town, and my neighbor’s dentist, and we’re all listening to a presentation from the mayor.”

What is Rotary?

Rotary brings together community leaders from all continents, cultures, and occupations to share their ideas for making the world a better place. By combining their distinct skills and expertise, Rotary members are tackling some of the world’s most pressing problems – from local initiatives like feeding the hungry to global efforts like eradicating polio. It all begins at the weekly club meeting, where members catch up with friends, hear what’s happening in their community, and organize club activities and service projects. It’s a fun way to connect with the people in your community who share your passion for doing good.

Why should I join a Rotary club?

“My favorite thing about Rotary is that it’s an efficient use of my time. All at once, I’m creating new friendships, making new business contacts, learning how my community works, and participating in the world.”

You’ll make valuable connections with community leaders who care about the issues facing your hometown and hometowns around the world. And you’ll have the chance to apply your personal experience and professional skills to solve these challenges and create positive change. As a member, you’ll find opportunities to network and develop your professional skills.

You can take the lead in developing projects, organizing events, and running your club. Through these activities, you’ll hone your project planning skills, improve your public speaking, and even learn new skills, like public relations, social media, and fundraising.

You’ll spend time with friends and make new ones every week! Make it a family affair. Members are encouraged to invite their spouse or partner, children, and parents to help with service projects and attend club events. Rotary offers opportunities for all ages, from service clubs for youth and young adults (Interact and Rotaract) to exchanges that give young and old alike the chance to explore new cultures.

How do I join?

Members are invited to join clubs in their communities. Each club is unique with its own personality and focus. Let Rotary introduce you to a club that matches your interests. Follow these steps:

•Use Club Finder to locate a club in your area or find an e-club

•Click on the name of the club that interests you to ask about joining

•Click the Contact Club button to share your professional experience and reasons for wanting to join Rotary

Rotary will contact clubs on your behalf to ask about membership. Still have questions? Write to Rotary International at, if you’re in Uganda and would like to join the Rotary Club of Kampala North please write to

GG26367 Capacity Building for UHI worth $34,100

Project Partners (Districts) D9211, D5890; (Clubs) UHI_photos (2) 1w, 658w" sizes="(max-width: 300px) 100vw, 300px" style="box-sizing: inherit; border: 0px none; vertical-align: middle; height: auto; max-width: 100%; display: inline; float: right; margin-left: 1.5em;" />Kampala North; West U (Houston).

This is a multifaceted community development project addressing: Disease Prevention & Treatment and Maternal & Child health. Two teams each comprising of 11 medical professionals from the Uganda Heart Institute (UHI) – Mulago Hospital, traveled to Houston, Texas. The main objective was to acquaint the trainees with best practices in running an efficient heart surgery and care programme, looking at quality, timeliness, and appropriate patient management.

The outcome is earlier detection of congenital heart disease in children; reduced mortality during or post-surgery; and better guidance to parents and guardians responsible for post-operative care.

GG25920 NKONDO Expanded Irrigation $42,400.

IMG_0038 1024w, 2w" sizes="(max-width: 300px) 100vw, 300px" style="box-sizing: inherit; border: 0px none; vertical-align: middle; height: auto; max-width: 100%; display: inline; float: left; margin-right: 1.5em;" />Project Partners (Districts) D9211, D5340; (Clubs) Kampala North, Escondido East, La Jolla Golden Triangle, Oceanside

The project objective is to enable the community to harvest rainwater & store it for domestic and irrigation purposes. This also empowers Nkondo community to grow high-value crops during dry season.

The Immeri community (and the formed Water User Committee) who helped in identifying the locations of the valley water tanks, are taking the lead and supported the hired contractor in the excavation of the valley tanks in the natural storm water paths. The excavated valley tanks will be lined so as to prevent water leakage.

The landowners have written formally granting land. Contract awarded, one dam completed and three more to be done.

GG1410507 Maternal and Child Healthcare Education and Support worth $81,000

Project Partners (Districts) D9211, D7430, D7450, D7500; (Clubs); Kampala North, Blue Bell3 1024w, 2w" sizes="(max-width: 300px) 100vw, 300px" style="box-sizing: inherit; border: 0px none; vertical-align: middle; height: auto; max-width: 100%; display: inline; float: right; margin-left: 1.5em;" />

Other partners Makerere University in Kampala and Drexel University in Philadelphia

The objective is to increase capacity and quality of Maternal & Child Health care in community health care centers in Uganda by improving related health care education and infrastructure.

A central component of the initiative is Vocational Training Teams (VTT) exchange centered on an exchange of OB/GYN health care professionals from Makerere University in Kampala and Drexel University in Philadelphia, USA. The second component (approved as a separate global grant in December 2014) is the integration of distance learning programs between the partner universities that will eventually connect distance education program to a larger part of Uganda and use it as a model in other remote parts of Africa. As part of, and to support in parallel to the education components, critical equipment and supplies interventions are being carried out, as a humanitarian component of this project, at 4 selected sites (Health Centers) in Uganda: Kasangati; Komamboga; Namungalwe (Kaliro)

The dental camp has become a semiannual event for the Rotary Club of Kampala North. The goal of the project is to expand availability of oral health care to the d i s adva n t a ged p e r i – u r b a n communities of Kampala. The Camps register over 1,000 patients who receive various types of dental treatment in five days of activity. All patients are examined by dentists who then administer treatment as required. The dental camp offer all the basic dental services including dental examinations/checkups, oral health education, both surgical and simple extractions, temporary and permanent fillings and tooth cleaning/scaling and polishing, not forgetting dental drugs for oral infections.

This project has also brought on board corporate sponsorship. National Social Security Fund (NSSF) has funded approximately 50% of one camp budget and has now committed to double their sponsorship starting this rotary year.

2. Polio Immunisation

On a weekly basis we do carry out Immunisation against polio for children at one health centres and planning to involve another centre in replacement of one that was closed due to renovations, so we can get back to our usual two locations. On average 150 children are immunised every week. Focus areas addressed are Maternal and Child Health, and Disease Prevention and Treatment.

3. Vijana Poa

Creating Economic Opportunities for UNEMPLOYABLE And UNEMPLOYED Youth

Africa has a high concentration of young people between the ages 15-35, representing 35% of the population and 60% of these youths are unemployed.

The project aims to see young people employed in jobs or running enterprises that allow them to progress along a continuum, advancing from a position of social and economic disadvantage to a more secure future. The project will forcus on Recruting employers, Recruiting youth participants, Development of professional development program, Matching youth to employers, Intern orientation, engaging Youth on internship among others.

4. God’s Grace Child Care Center (G2C3)

The Home is located in the Kalerwe area, a suburb of Kampala City in Uganda, currently houses about 120 orphans ranging from a few months to teenagers. It is about 8km from Kampala City Center, the last km being deep into the slum area. The catchment area for this home if literally the slum condition Kalerwe area with a population upward of 40,000 approx.

The home is overcrowded, has children of different ages staying together, and has no reliable source of food. They live in a large old house and out sheds, all overcrowded. A comprehensive approach would have to be used to address the needs of the Kalerwe community in terms of dealing with the root cause. Based on Identified Needs from Project Visits and meetings held together with representatives of the home, Committees have been set up. The needs to be addressed range from acquisition of a permanent home with all the relevant infrastructure, consistent supply of food – a farm, education both formal and vocational among others.

Current focus is on raising a contribution towards the estimated cost of UGX 180 million (USD 60,000) for land.

5. Girl Child Sanitary Pads

In conjunction with other organisations the project will be able to provide sanitary pads to girls in local schools all over the country who would otherwise not be able to afford them which would lead to absenteeism from school and therefore affecting their academic performance and self-image within the communities.

6. Mobile Dental clinic Units

There is need to have mobile vans and equipment to take the dental services to the rural poor and elderly who cannot afford transportation costs to the Mulago Dental Hospital.

In 2006, the Rotary club of Kampala North with support of the Rotary Foundation, installed dental equipment worth USD 1M at Mulago Dental School (pictured left) under a 3H grant. However there is still need to address dental health to the rural poor who may not access the facility through mobile dental clinics.

7. OPIT KIC Widows Group in Kiryandongo

Siriba village is located on the main Gulu-highway, Western Region, Bunyoro sub-region, Kiryandongo District. It’s approximately 3hrs and half-drive by road from Kampala. According to the 2014 national population census, Kiryandongo, which is also at times known as Bweyale was put at 31,610 (Uganda Bureau of Statistics November 2014).

Opportunities identified for the project;

1. Lack of quality seeds that would guarantee quality produce.

2. A communally owned grinding mill.

3. Absence of competitive markets for most of the agricultural products grown within the community, especially maize (popcorn type). During the meeting members pointed out that most people have bags of popcorns stuck in their houses with nowhere to take them for sale.

4. The need to have an Ox-plough to be able to till bigger pieces of land. Majority of women are of old age with no physical energy to spend longer hours preparing the land for tilling.

5. The need to have a community revolving fund scheme where community members are able to borrow and acquire money for individual businesses.

6. Low yields from agriculture

7. Lack of funding for economic activities

8. Absence of Youth Vocational Training Centers in carpentry, brick laying, wood work etc

Key Challenges

1. Access to competitive markets

2. Pests and diseases

3. Unpredictable weather conditions

Key Intervention Identified

Agriculture was selected as a priority project. Agriculture is the main economic activity in the area and the community is already engaged in several agricultural activities. There is also an opportunity for up-scaling since there available land. The majority view of the community is that agriculture has high chances of generating higher incomes to feed families, pay school fees for children especially orphans and generally improve the standards of livingwithin the community

What is being done in the community

1. The youth are already involved in brick laying though access to capital still remains a challenge.

2. The OPTI-KIC Women’s Group already have a revolving fund but operates on a very small scale.

3. The group is already producing honey and popcorn maize. The biggest challenge is that they don’t have access to markets..

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