SteadFin is a registered Savings and Credit Co-operative with over 600 active members who are largely staff, retirees, children, spouses and affiliates of the U.S. Mission agencies in Uganda.
We strive to transform members’ lives through innovative, quality and flexible services by providing affordable credit, financial literacy and sustainable investment opportunities
The SACCO derives its mandate from the Co-operative Societies Act 1991, Cap 112, and its By-laws. Its affairs are run by a competent management team, directed by the Board as provided for in the by-laws, and reporting to the Annual General Assembly (AGM). This status enables it to provide more products and services to its members, beyond savings and credit.
SteadFin Uganda SACCO Ltd was started on 1st October 2017 as a merged entity between two US Mission based SACCOs. The FSN Cooperative Society Ltd (FSN SACCO) and US Embassy Uganda FSN Cooperative Society Ltd (USESA) started in 1992 and 1999 respectively as employee Associations and were later incorporated as Cooperative Societies.
Their combined membership had grown to over 550 active members with a total asset base of over UGX 32.5Bn as of December 31, 2017. Both SACCOs had lean management teams and acquired various assets over the years. Both entities had their core business as providing affordable credit to their membership, which SteadFin took on.
“To be the leading Cooperative in Africa with financially liberated members.”
“Transforming members' lives through innovative, quality and flexible services.”