Uganda Veterinary Board ( UVB )
Uganda Veterinary Board ( UVB )
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About UVB
The Uganda Veterinary Board is the profession regulatory body established by an Act of Parliament (The Veterinary Surgeons Act 1958, Cap 277). It is composed of a team of seven veterinarians in good standing in the profession and of high repute in the country. They are appointed by the Minister of Agriculture, Animal Industry and Fisheries with approval of Cabinet. Its major mandate is to ensure that animal health services are offered by qualified, registered and licensed veterinary professionals under their regulatory supervision. To do this, the Board runs several activities including, but not limited to, registration of professionals and their premises of practice; establishment of standards for training, practice and professional conduct of veterinary professionals; provision of guidance and support for continuing professional development programmes and community education.

Current activities
The Uganda Veterinary Board is currently engaged in conducting the following activities, among others:

  1. Registration of professionals (veterinarians and paraveterinarians) and their premises of practice.
  2. Maintenance of the National Veterinary Register.
  3. Monitoring and enforcement of standards of:
    1. Veterinary training institutions.
    2. Practice and professional conduct of veterinary professionals.
    3. Continuing professional education programmes.
  4. Building partnerships for enhancing continuing professional development programmes.
  5. Conducting community education (for veterinary professionals and the public) on veterinary professional standards, code of conduct of veterinary professionals and consequences of impersonation of veterinary professionals by non-veterinarians.
  6. Review of veterinary-related research and development protocols through membership on the School of Veterinary Medicine and Animal Resources’ IACUC (Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee).
  7. Participation in agricultural, animal and veterinary-related policy development and review processes.
  8. Participation in regional and national meetings, seminars, workshops and conferences related to the veterinary profession.
  9. Building capacity for coordination of countrywide inspection of veterinary professionals and veterinary practices.
  10. Delivering guest lectures to veterinary students on regulation of the veterinary profession and the specific responsibilities of a veterinary professional.

Personal Development
Peer Assistance and Wellness Resources
Get valuable information about stress management and other wellness issues. We have resources for individual veterinarians, as well as state and allied veterinary medical associations.

A Working Diagnosis
Get advice to optimize your job search from Dr. ..........., director of the Veterinary Career Center and assistant director of Membership & Field Services for the Uganda Veterinary Board. From outlining best practices for résumé writing, to highlighting common mistakes job-seekers make during interviews, Dr............ has the advice you need to ratchet your job search up a notch.

Early Career Online Community
This Facebook group, open only toUVB members who have graduated in the past five years, lets recent grads connect with each other to provide advice and support.

UVB Veterinary Leadership Conference
Let us help you develop your skills as a leader and organizer within the veterinary profession.
UVB Future Leaders Program
This one-year program helps develop leadership and problem-solving skills related to organized veterinary medicine. Open exclusively to UVB members who have graduated from veterinary school within the last 15 years.
Leadership Toolkit for Veterinarians
Looking to build your leadership skills? Our toolkit can help you build the skills needed to be a leader in your workplace, in society, and in organized veterinary medicine.

Veterinary Achievement Awards
The veterinary profession abounds with people who deserve recognition for their contributions to both animal and human health. These esteemed members of our community have dedicated themselves and their careers to a diverse range of disciplines – everything from agriculture, public health, humane education, animal welfare, clinical practice and research, to government activities and professional education. We will recognize some colleagues and the valuable work they do. That's why the American Veterinary Medical Association (AVMA) and the Uganda Veterinary Board (UVB) will be pleased to offer the awards to individuals who would have advanced the science and art of veterinary medicine, and who would have shown exemplary concern for, and commitment to, the welfare and humane treatment of animals in Uganda.

Your clients’ first impression of your practice comes from the facility itself, and how you maintain your building, grounds and equipment could impact their perception of your practice before they meet you or your staff.

Some clients use specific qualities, such as earth-friendly/green practices, as primary criteria for selecting a veterinary practice. What impression is your facility creating?

Green Veterinary Practices
Disposal of Unwanted Medications
AVMA Environmentally Related Policy Statements
Ergonomics Guidelines in Veterinary Practice
State Regulation of Veterinary Facilities
Company Information
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Contact Phone: +256 776482170
Contact Fax: +256753202968
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Address1: P.O Box 16540, Kampala, Plot 76, Buganda road;